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Kim made a disappointed face, “just do it! For once do something for me!”, she yelled like a spoiled brat, at your size it was a painful torment, you felt like your ears were almost bleeding, “Ok! Ok I'll do it, just stop! But just a picture no more!” You shouted at her and she finally stopped, “ok whatever, just do it”, she said in angry tone.

You watched her sole, it was dirty, sweaty, the smell was just awful, you approached near it, you couldn’t believe you were actually going to do it, a kiss was humiliating enough, but licking it?

“Don’t forget to take the selfie when you do it, otherwise you’ll have to lick again haha”, she giggled as your face got closer to it.

You held the phone in a selfie position, made sure the angle was right and then gave her sole a long lick while closing your eyes, the taste was terrible, and a lot of her sweat got stuck on your tongue, you used your hands to clean it off and spit whatever was left, then you started coughing.

“Why can’t you just swallow it, it’s disgusting”, she said with a disgusted face as you spit her foot sweat out your mouth, “anyway, we need to do it again I don’t like this photo”.

You coughed some more, and then you shouted “WHAT!! You gotta be kidding me, just post the damn picture”

“No, your angle was wrong and it’s almost impossible to understand it’s my foot, it looks like a wall or something, ridiculous”, she said in an unsatisfied tone.

“But what can I do, I stretched my hand as far as I could, wasn’t it obvious it would look like that?”, you really hoped she would just leave it at that.

“Ok just place it on the ground with a timer and let’s try again, and please just swallow it, the way you spit disgusts me”

You rolled your eyes, she crossed so many lines today, you were mad but helpless, you walked and placed the camera and made sure the angle was right and her whole foot is in the picture, then you clicked and ran towards her sole, you gave a long lick to the ball of her foot, and waited until you heard the click sound from the camera.

Your tongue was soaked in her foot sweat, every muscle in your body told you to spit this vile stench but you struggled and strain hard to swallow it, right afterwards you coughed and felt like you are about to puke but you managed to hold it inside.

“No, something ain’t right the photo just isn’t good, I can’t use it”

“Ugh, what’s wrong now! Kim you are torturing me!”

“Ok let’s try something else, last chance, if it doesn’t work we will post the last one”, she said with an examining face, still looking at the screen and moving her phone in different angles, ignoring your shouts.

She grabbed you and placed you on the floor, then she turned around and approached you with her foot.

“Lick my feet and take a selfie upwards so my body can be seen too”

Her foot was even dirtier now after taking those steps in her room, you just did what she asked, you placed the camera on a timer and approached her foot, licking it and swallowing whatever dirt and sweat your tongue captured.

“Oh! I think we finally got it!” She took a step back to her desk and her foot landed a few centimeters from you, a gust of wind sent you laying on the floor, she didn’t even notice and sat down, started uploading the photo.

You got up, you were frozen in terror, you looked at where her foot landed and saw the smashed dirt, realizing it could be you down there, crushed like a bug and she wouldn’t even notice.

“Kim! Kim! LISTEN TO ME!!!” You screamed up at her, she finally noticed.

“What?” She looked at you surprised.

“Pick me up! Never leave me on the floor again! You almost crushed me right now!” You were so mad you just wanted to get the hell out of here.

She picked you up, “ok, relax, what is wrong with you??”

“No! Get me to the shrinking center right now! I don’t want to stay this size any longer! That’s enough!” You were in a panic attack, screaming and squirming in her hand.

“Ok I seriously think you need a timeout”, she placed you on her desk, then got out a small box from her drawer, she dropped you in, “I’ll check on you soon”, she placed it back in the drawer and closed you in complete darkness.

You were furious, she is treating you like an object, it’s gone too far, you felt like such an idiot for agreeing to help her, you sat down and held your head, trying to adjust your breathings and relax.


Finally, after what felt like hours, Kim opened the drawer and pulled you out.

“Have you calmed down?” She asked.

“Yes. But Kim, I’m serious, I need to grow back I can’t stay like that”

“We can’t, you don’t understand, this is crazy”, she looked excited.

“What do you mean we can’t?”

“I’m not even sure where to begin, the photo went viral as hell, I have almost half a million followers now, and you wouldn’t believe it…” she blushed

“What, just tell me”

“Someone sent me 100K Euro on PayPal, he requested me to crush him with my foot”, she said and then giggled.

“What? You aren’t going to do that right?” You got nervous, this is sick, she can’t be serious.

“Once he’s here I’ll ask him again if he’s sure, but if he really wants that so much and paid so much for it, so why not?” She shrugged.

“What do you mean ‘why not’?… because it’s murder maybe?” You were so shocked with her behaviour you weren’t even sure how to respond anymore.

She made an irritated face, “how is this murder if he asks and pays for it? Stop talk nonsense you annoy me”

You gulped, realizing she might actually kill someone for money and fame.

“Anyway, he also said he wants it to be recorded and posted, in order to help me grow my fan base”, she giggled, “could you imagine? A stranger is ready to literally die for me and you cry over being shrunken”, she laughed and held her forehead while laughing. You just looked at her with nothing to say.

“The thing is, crushing tinies is against Instagram laws and their algorithm might block me, so I opened an OnlyFans profile, it will be the first video there and we will see where it’s going”, she explained with a smile, wiping off a tear from her laughs with her finger.

“Um.. ok…” it was too much to digest, “so let me get this straight, someone shrunk himself and sent himself here from Europe or something, you are going to step.. crush him with your foot, and you want me to film it?”

“Yes, pretty much”

“Kim, look”, you paused, considering your words carefully, “I think it’s best you find one of those… fans.. and ask him to do it instead, I’m sure he will do a better job, this shrunken filming thing is not for me, I’m truly sorry”.

“If I do that it will ruin the surprise silly, I understand that you are an egoist and you aren’t thrilled for me - but just do it and then I’ll take you to the shrinking center, one last favor, then I’ll post that it’s an open position and I’m sure hundreds would want that”.

You gulped again, your mouth went dry, just imagining filming something like that sent chills down your spin, any love or affection you felt for Kim was gone, she disgusted you now.

You were blind, all she cares about is fame, money and followers and only now you realized that.


End of part 3



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