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Jenny and Tina worked together, 2 married wives, but as they got closer their affection for each other grew, and before long they actually fell in love.

Without their husbands knowing, they met in secret, made love with each other, imagining being together, starting a family, throwing their husbands away, but Jenny had a better idea.

Jenny shared Tina with her secret thoughts, and after laughing for a while, she agreed to take part in it.

They both suggested their husbands to come to a double date in nature, far from suspecting human eyes.


“Nice to finally meet you”, you told Tina, “I’m happy Jenny has such a good friend at work”, you shook her hand and then shook her husband’s hand.

“Name’s Jeff”, he told you, “I’m Steve”, you replied.

Jenny and Tina giggled nervously as they started unpacking the picnic basket, you all ate and you noticed Jenny and Tina kept looking at each other and giggling, you assumed it’s just weird colleagues' private nonsense.

Then Tina got a bottle of wine, “guys let’s raise a glass”, and she started pouring wine, handing it to you and her husband.

“What are we celebrating?” You asked.

“New beginnings!” She replied and started sipping, you all sipped your glasses.

Jenny and Tina started laughing, you looked at Tina’s husband in a puzzled face and you both chuckled a “what’s wrong with those” kind of chuckles.

“So what begins today?” Jeff asked, looking at his wife.

She got up and went to Jenny, hugging her from behind. Jenny closed her eyes for a second and smiled, “me and Jenny”.

You raised an eyebrow, “you are starting a firm together or something?” The situation got too weird.

“No silly, me and your beautiful wife are getting married today”

You started laughing, “what kind of nonsense is that?”.

Then Jenny grabbed Tina’s head and gave her a passionate kiss, both you and Jeff’s smile was gone and you were shocked.

“Tina, what the fuck is going on”, Jeff asked her, he raised his tone a little, he didn’t like it.

You actually had an erection, as sick as it is - they were beautiful together, and you liked it, you actually hoped Jeff would leave and it might evolve to a three way.

But then you felt dizzy, you held your head and looked at Jeff, it looked like he’s feeling the same, you looked at the wine bottle and realized they drugged you, they kept making out in front of you both and it seemed like they are growing bigger and bigger, in a few moments you realized you were shrunk together with Jeff.

The girls were giggling, they stopped making out, Tina picked you up and Jenny picked up Jeff.

“Here, this rock looks like a good spot”, Jenny said gesturing towards a rock that wasn’t far from the picnic mat, they both went there and placed you on it, you saw Jeff is squirming and shouting at Jenny, trying to release himself.

Jenny gave you a look with a smile, and raised up, “ok, ready?” Tina nodded and they both kissed above you, you and Jeff looked up.

“You fucking bitch grow me b-“


Jeff shouts were cut short by Jenny’s foot squashing him like a bug, you were frozen in terror, a shadow started forming around you


Tina’s foot crushed you on the rock, they both twisted their feet smashing any remains left from your tiny bodies. Each of them crushing the husband of their lover, while kissing and making out.

“To new beginnings”, Tina said and giggled.

Jenny laughed too, “I fucking love you”, she told her and they kept making out above your bloody remains.


Trying some *very short* stories, they will be Tagged here on Patreon differently from the usual “shortStories” tag.

Would like to hear your thoughts if you feel such stories are good or maybe too short compared to what you are used to.




This week I’ll release a “very short story” daily (in parallel to normal releases), it’s 600-800 words stories. Would really appreciate your feedback on this


If it’s not stealing schedule and quality from the normal releases i think you should do it! ❤️