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Milana went to the kitchen and you heard her preparing something, she came back with a plate of fruits and placed it next to you, then she sat down and placed her feet next to your cage.

You stayed quiet, looking at her, she smiled with so much pleasure, she seemed so happy, she took a grape and started playing with it above your cage, “you want some?”

You nodded, having something to eat sounded good, she opened the cage and got the grape near you, but then pulled it away and dropped it into her mouth, crunching it, grape fluids flew over, she swallowed it and started laughing.

You also joined her laughs, “very funny”.

“It’s so fun teasing you”, she said, “here, you can have this one”, she grabbed another grape and got it close to you, but then just ate it as well, laughing, this time you didn’t join her laughter, it’s a bit annoying and humiliating at this point.

“I’ll tell you what, give my foot a kiss and I’ll let you have one”, she said and brought her foot to the cage’s entrance.

“Seriously?”, you protested.

“Hey, I didn’t judge you for your fetish so don’t judge mine, just one kiss”

You looked at her foot, it was dirty, sweaty, she walked around in flip flops all day, but she was right… she helped you with your fetish so it’s only fair, you approached below her toes and gave the sweaty surface a kiss, it made you cough a few times.

“Come on, a real kiss”, she teased in a cute voice.

You took a deep breath, let all her feet stench inside, and then approached again, giving the surface a long kiss using your tongue.

She pulled her foot when you were done, “good boy”, she said with a smile like you would say to a pet, and then she dropped a grape into your cage and closed it, placing both her feet above your cage as she turned on the tv.

Her fetish sure is weird, but so is yours, you assumed it’s ok tolerating her behavior for a while and make her happy. It might be the start of an interesting relationship, you gave the grape a bite and enjoyed the flavor. It was weird eating something like that when you are this size, you used to eat grapes in one bite now it takes a lot of time.

Few minutes after you finished the grape, she opened the cage again, and playfully turned it upside down, making you fall on the table. It made her giggle, “are you ok?” she asked while laughing.

You slowly got up, holding your back, “Don’t forget that I’m still a normal human ok?” you asked, trying not to get angry at her, she giggled some more, and then placed her feet in front of you.

“If you want another grape, start licking my soles”, she said and played with her toes, still smiling.

Licking? you felt like it’s actually going a little too far, but she seems very happy, you didn’t want to let her down, she tolerated your fetish, you wanted to do the same for her, so you took a decision that no matter how degrading it’s going to be - today is her day, and you are going to keep her happy.

You approached a foot and slowly gave her arch a long lick, scooping all kinds of dirt, sweat, and parts of her dead skin, then you strained to swallow it, coughed and gagged in the process, but you managed to do it.

“Good boy!” she exclaimed, then dropped another grape next to you, “I’ve never had a pet so easily tamed!” she said and started laughing again, you blushed, you’ve never been so humiliated in your life, you started walking towards the grape, but then she squished it, twisting her foot on top of it, causing more squishing sounds and splatters of the grape near you, she started laughing so hard she got her head back and closed her eyes.

Using your hands you cleared some of the grape juices from your body, then she placed her foot vertically again in front of you, “here, you can eat it now”, she teased, you lowered your head in shame and defeat and started licking the grape remains off her foot, she played another dumb show on Netflix while you did it, and placed the fruits plate on her lap and continued eating.

You cleaned the grape remains completely, and then moved on to just lick her feet, eating grime and sweat in the process, she continued watching her show and after around one hour she pulled her feet away, “You’ve been a very good boy, you deserve a special treat”, she said with a big smile, then grabbed you, she laid back and opened her arm, exposing her armpit, you looked down and got so thrilled you already had a boner, it made her giggle feeling you like that.

“Ready for it?” she asked and before you could answer she released her grip and dropped you inside, then immediately closing her armpit on top of you, you had no time to take a breath before, so you started squirming in panic, kicking her flesh, desperately swallowing her sweat, eventually she opened her armpit, you coughed out sweat from your throat and then started breathing heavily, she just giggled, like she didn’t even understand what happened.

She slowly started closing it again, “wait”, you gasped, “wait, let me catch my breath first”, you said but she completely ignored it and closed her armpit on top of you again, then she started twisting her shoulder slowly, making her flesh to gently smash you into the soft walls, you couldn’t control yourself and just came, bursting cum inside her armpit, she opened it again and you laid there helplessly, this time you didn’t get to enjoy it, it’s like she didn’t care how you felt about it, then her huge tongue started going over her armpit, she slowly licked you entirely, you squirmed as her tongue got over you, eventually she placed in her mouth everything she scooped up, she closed her eyes while playing with it and eventually swallowing it, “delicious” she said and giggled, then picked you up and placed you in that cage again.

She smiled at you and closed the cage, then got up and went to one of the rooms in her apartment.

You were exhausted, soaked in her saliva and sweat, you just laid down and fell asleep.


“Good morning little pet”, you heard Milana’s teasing voice, you opened your eyes and saw her removing her clothes, then exposing her armpits, it was a beautiful sight.

“I’m leaving for work, and you will wait here patiently in your little cage”.

“W..wait, hold on, what about some food and water”

“Oops, almost forgot about that”, she reached her hand, opened the cage and held you, then got your face in front of her armpit, “here, some few licks of sweat will be enough until evening”, you wanted to protest but you just got your tongue out and started licking her armpit, drinking her sweat, then she dropped you in the cage and closed it, “good boy”, she winked at you, continued dressing up and left.

You love the taste of her armpit’s sweat, and it’s kind of a dream coming true, but being in a cage like that and being treated as a pet, you didn’t like any of it, you’ve decided to talk with her about it when she’s back.


The door opened and Milana walked in, she bent to your cage, “hey there my little pet, did you miss me?”, she asked with a loving tone.

“Umm, yes, it’s been very lonely”

“No worries, I’m here now”, she sat down and kicked her shoes off, then got you out of the cage and placed them in front of you, the smell was hideous, “I haven’t worn socks today”, she said, and you watched how her feet were filled with sweat.

“Go on, you must be hungry and thirsty right?”

“Listen Milana..” you started, “I’m.. I’m grateful and all, but-”

She shoved her foot in your face, “I said lick, we can talk later”, she said in a firm and dominant voice, it was the first time she talked like that and you immediately obeyed and started licking, swallowing the putrid sweat with a struggle.

“Good boy, now don’t stop until I say so”, she held her phone and started browsing, her attitude scared you, you licked quickly and tried to raise your pace.

She sighed and moaned quietly, playing with her toes, she bent and checked you out, “faster”, she ordered, and you tried to lick even quicker, your tongue and jaw started hurting.

After a while she pulled her feet, “good boy, now how about a treat?”, she picked you up and laid back, exposing her armpit.

“Milana please wait a second, can we talk?”

She dropped you in her armpit, you quickly took a deep breath and it was closed on you, her soft flesh started smushing you, but you didn’t get a boner this time, you just wanted to go home, you were scared and horrified.

She opened it and checked you out, “what happened? Where is my food?”, she said irritatedly.

You coughed and tried to catch your breath, “listen.. it was fun and I would love to do it again in the future, but please, it’s been almost 2 days, I would really like to go home”

Her look almost gave you a heart attack, she was pissed hearing this, she got up and placed you on a desk, then lectured you with her finger.

“Bad boy”, she said loudly, like she is actually angry at a pet. “This is your home, you are mine, understand that?”

“Milana please, be reasonable”

“Ok, no more treats from now on, you will live off my foot sweat alone”

You were terrified hearing it, “ok I’m sorry, let’s just try maybe a few more days, ok? Please stop acting like that”

She opened a drawer and took a tiny collar from inside, then brutally snapped it over your neck, you squirmed and tried to remove it.

“No, I’m sorry but it’s time you know your place”

“What are you doing? Please stop”

“Get on all fours, now!”

You defeatedly obeyed, “now repeat after me: I am your pet”

You started crying “please no”

She banged the desk with her open hand.

“I am your pet”, you repeated after her, crying.

“And I will stay here for the rest of my life”, you heard her saying from above you.

“And.. and I will stay here…” you sobbed, couldn’t continue the sentence.

“Complete the sentence!”

“For.. for the rest of my life…” you said with tears.

“Good boy, see, that wasn’t so hard” She said with glee, suddenly happy and not mad.

She went to shower and left you on the desk with the collar, you stood up and started to look around, trying to find any opportunity to escape.

She came back after a while, “back on all fours”, she ordered from afar, “until you know your place”.

And your new life as her little pet began.


It’s been a few years, Milana completely tamed you by now, you were wearing a collar and doing everything she tells you to do.

You were to lick her feet clean after work, then she sometimes gave you a grape as a treat, usually to lick it off her feet, she stopped completely placing you in her armpit, you were 100% her pet or foot slave, you forgot about the life you had, you were just living to hear Milana says “good boy”, it’s the only thing that made you happy and gave you joy.

More and more years have passed, until one day Milana knocks on your cage, “hey little pet, today you have been mine for 10 years, could you believe it?”

She opened your cage, placed her foot in front of you while standing, you crawled out and kissed it, it was a morning routine for the last few years.

“As a gift, I’ve decided to give you a choice”

“Her words confused you, “a choice?”

“Yes, I think 10 years have been long enough, and if you want you are free to go”

“What?.. really?”

“Yes, we can go to the shrinking center and grow you back, you can go home to do whatever you’ve done before becoming my pet”

You were frozen, looking at her and trying to see if she’s being serious, and it looked sincere, you know her good enough by now.

Then you tried to remember anything from your old life, and you couldn’t even remember your address, your parents names, nothing came to mind, being hers is all you know by now.

“I.. I don’t know”, you mumbled.

She giggled, “what don’t you know? You prefer to stay as my little pet?” She asked playfully, teasing you.

“I think.. I think I don’t know how to live differently, can I please stay?” You begged.

Milana opened her mouth and moaned, “oh my god, it gets me so horny”, she exclaimed, “can you ask that again?”

“Can I please stay here as your pet?”, you repeated in an indifferent tone.

“Ahhh…” she moaned, sat down and started masturbating, you were shocked, “I can’t believe I did it”, she said as she pleased herself, “I actually did it”, a few minutes later she came and moaned loudly, you just stared at her the whole time, shocked.

“Oh god, I can’t believe I’m having a shrunken man as a willing pet, please beg me more to stay here, kiss my feet and beg me”, she placed both her feet in front of you, fixing her underwear.

Defeatedly you got on your knees and started kissing her feet, begging her to stay.

“Mmm… such a good, good boy, of course you can stay”, she said with great pleasure, “you can stay my little pet for as long as you want to”, she laid back and closed her eyes, letting you kiss and lick her feet like the little slave that you are, enjoying every single kiss and lick more than ever.

You fulfilled your armpit fetish, and in return gave your freedom and everything that you were, you both got to fulfill your fetish, but Milana’s was far more demanding than yours.


The end.

I hope you liked this story as much as I did, and I would love to hear what you think about the idea of uploading a gallery that illustrates different parts of the story and not just one image, it also enables be to write a longer parts that way.



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