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Trying something different here, a gallery of the images sent in their chat.

This part turned up very long so make sure you have the time to read it 🙂


You were following the “Anonymous Fetish Confessions” Facebook group for a while, you wanted to share your fetish but even anonymously you were a very shy and introverted person.

So you were just reading what others posted, shrinking fetishes, foot fetishes, and even some sadistic fetishes.

“My fetish is crushing shrunken men with a sweaty foot, preferably after a gym session.

Did it only twice, it’s my secret guilty pleasure 🦶

#dontJudgeMe”, and she added a photo of her foot hovering above a terrified shrunken man.

It got you a bit scared knowing there are such women out there, and she actually got a lot of likes and ❤️ reactions.

Even some men responded, confessing they would love to be crushed by her, it actually gave you an idea, maybe if you share your fetish there will be a woman who has the reversed fetish so you both can experience it, so you found the courage to post a confession anonymously:

“My fetish is being shrunken inside a beautiful woman’s shaved armpit, surrounded by her sweat”, and you quickly hit publish, before you regret, a very short confession, and then you watched for comments or likes.

Some 😂 reactions were given, then a woman commented “wtf? That’s hilarious”, it got you to blush, you were embarrassed, you wanted to delete the post but it was too late, once it’s published anonymously you can’t edit or delete.

More and more laughing reactions started piling on top of your post, then another woman posted a comment:

“Just pm me, after a jog my armpits are literally drenched in sweat, but there’s no way you walk out alive 😉”, you checked her profile, she was beautiful but you weren’t ready to die for this… her comment got many likes though.

“I don’t know why people are laughing”, someone commented, “personally I would love to have him squirming in my armpit, sounds like fun”, you checked her profile but she wasn’t your type, you thought that if she looked better you might have sent her a message, but then again, you realized you would have never done it, you are just too shy to do such a thing, so you closed the app and tried to ignore the notifications.


Few hours later, you got a PM request, you wondered who it might be, her name was Milana.

“Hey, just wanted you to know I think your fetish is kinda cute”

You blushed red, how come she can pm you? you opened the app and went directly to the post, but it was still anonymous.

“Sorry for sending you directly, I’m the group admin so I’m the only one who knows it’s you, don’t worry - your secret's safe with me 🙂”

You were relieved, “ah, thanks, you got me a little worried”, you sent her.

“Don’t be, here - this is a personal treat from me”, she wrote, and then sent a photo.

She stood in front of a mirror, exposing her armpit, you examined it closely, zoomed in, you immediately had a tremendous boner and you went to knock it off without even replying to her.

It was perfect, the crevices, the sweat marks, she looked amazing, you started checking out her profile and realized just how hot she actually is, you couldn’t believe you are texting with such a beautiful girl.

You finally replied, “thanks, you are beautiful btw”

“Aw ty, I started thinking you didn’t like it 😅”

“No, it’s perfect, sorry I was just a little shocked”

“Haha you are cute, if you ever want to experience your fetish I’m here, just please be discreet 😘”

You blushed again, started having cold sweat, it’s too good to be true and it’s too suspicious, you tried typing a few times and deleted over and over again, eventually you sent

“I’ll think about it, thanks”, and she reacted with ❤️ on it.

You started doing research, you wanted to know if you can trust her, and the more you dig the more you learn how sweet and innocent she is.

She volunteered a lot, she helped in orphanages, every comment she made was in order to defend the weak, she kept sharing “Shrunken Lives Matters” posts, but what if it’s all a show? You can never know, you’ve decided to just forget about it and move on.


It’s been a week, and you got another message from her, a photo of her sitting in her balcony wearing a swimsuit, armpit exposed again, you examined her body and gulped.

“Hey, I was just tanning on my balcony. It’s so hot today, my armpit started getting all sweaty and it made me think of you 🤭”

You couldn’t control your erection, she is just too perfect, what if you miss a chance of a lifetime to actually experience your fetish, and with such an amazingly beautiful girl.

“You are beautiful”, you wrote again, with no idea what else you can reply, she just left you speechless.

“Hahaha, wouldn’t you want to be inside? 🙃”

You gulped again, “more than anything”, you texted her back.

“So what’s stopping you?” She replied right after.

You didn’t know what to say, you wrote “I’m a bit scared”, then you edited to “worried”, then deleted and wrote “what if I die”, but you just kept deleting it until you just closed it, anxious and nervous you’ve decided to ignore it until it goes away.

She sent another message after a while, “sorry, that’s ok if not, never mind, I would not disturb you anymore 😔”

Then you started thinking that you are being paranoid, what if that’s really an amazing opportunity you throw away? You can’t let yourself miss it.

“It’s not that, I am just a bit worried, sorry”, you wrote back.

“Yeah I get it, totally fine.” She wrote and you got nervous.

“Wait, I want to do it, please”

“Really? 😝”

You blushed all red, nervously sweating, are you really going to do it?

“But Milana, promise me I’ll stay alive, please”, you wrote back, hoping she is sincere, you are taking a serious risk here.

“Oh wow, you have my word, the thought didn’t even come to my mind 😳”

You’ve decided to believe her, maybe the risk is worth it, you’ve scheduled a time to meet at the shrinking center, she lives not far from you.


As you got off the bus, you saw her sitting there, with sunglasses and wearing short jeans, a tank top and flip flops. She was simply beautiful, even more than she was in her photos.

“H..hi”, you stammered nervously as you approached her.

“Oh hi!” She raised her sunglasses, you could catch a look at her armpit, you couldn’t believe you were going to be inside it.

“Hi”, you said again, “sorry I’m really nervous”, you placed your hands in your pockets.

She giggled and gave you her hand, “of course you are, you are going to shrink, I’m sure it scares everyone”, you grabbed her hand and smiled, her eyes calms you down, you went with her inside.

There was a line of people and you waited patiently for your turn, you were surprised by the demand to shrink, you saw couples, families, women with shrunken men inside aquariums probably who came to grow them back after some experiences, it was cool seeing it.

It was finally your turn, you walked inside an office, signed many documents, Milana giggled from time to time, “this contract is so absurd”, she said as she signed, “did you know that you will be counted as my property once we leave?” She said smiling.

“Um, yeah.. I read about it many times, that’s how it works”, you mumbled, realizing how crazy what you are doing actually is, you signed your copy and gave it to the receptionist, then you walked into some room and Milana waited outside, they shrunk you down and put you inside an aquarium, giving it to Milana, she examined you with a smile.

“Wow, this is so cool, how do you feel?” Her voice boomed inside the aquarium.

“A bit dizzy, it’s strange”, you said and she smiled, “don’t worry, I’m sure it’s normal”, she calmed you down and went to her car to drive home.

You couldn’t wait to arrive, you were thrilled, you glimpsed a look at her every now and then, it excited you, also the sense of danger excited you, it was the first time in a long time you felt alive.


As you got to her home she placed the aquarium on her salon’s table, it was a small and humble apartment, a bit messy as her clothes were thrown all over.

“Phew, it’s definitely a hot day”, she said and raised her arm, smelling her armpit, then made a disgusted face, you looked up and got an erection just from the view, “yeah, it sure is sweaty”, she giggled, slowly opening your cage.

She picked you up, laid over her bed with a smile, playing with you above her armpit, you had a huge boner, you blushed all red couldn’t get a word out, she giggled and kept playing with you above it, then she lowered you enough so your feet touched the sweaty surface and then raised you up again, you looked at her face and saw a big smile, she is just teasing you.

“Please”, you mumbled, looking down at her armpit, the smell was so strong, a sweaty feminine stench, you wanted inside, you wanted it to engulf you.

“I have a proposal then”, she said playfully.

“What is it? I’ll do anything, please drop me”, you mumbled quickly, drooling.

“Stay mine”, she said with a smile, “be my little pet and I’ll let you inside my armpit for as long as you like”.

“Ok”, you said without thinking, you would say yes to anything right now.

She smiled and released her grip, you fell inside her armpit, you immediately started licking the sweat, shoving your face inside her armpit’s crevices, it was heaven, even better than you imagined, you shoved your body inside, sipping and swallowing more and more of the gravy stinky fluid passionately, you didn’t want to be anywhere else, this is where you belong.

“Want me to close it on top of you?” She suggested, you looked up and saw her huge beautiful face smiling and peeking inside her own armpit.

“Y..yes, yes please, but be gentle”, you stammered, about to burst from happiness.

2 walls of wet, stinky soft flesh closed you in, smearing you inside each other, you couldn’t breath and her sweat engulfed you completely, you enjoyed it so much that you actually came, your cum mixed with her sweat.

She opened her armpit, the sweat dripped all over you and you were laying at the center of her armpit, smiling ear to ear, breathing heavily, you never felt so good in your entire life, it’s a dream coming true.

She started laughing, “oh you got dirty”, she said, you nodded, “let me clean it”, you opened your eyes and saw a colossal tongue sticking out her mouth, she slowly started licking her armpit, you panicked a little but then just laid down and let her tongue lick you together with all the sweat and cum, she eventually swallowed it with a smile, “it’s actually tasty, must be heaven for you”.

“It is”, you said while breathing heavily, “it is heaven, thank you so much”.

She smiled with satisfaction, then picked you up, you were hanging like a rag doll from her hand, still in euphoria, she opened a small cage and placed you inside.

You quickly got back to your senses as the adrenaline started rising, “wait, what is it?”

“What do you mean? You agreed to become my tiny pet in exchange”

“Oh”, you froze for a moment, “but what does it mean? I’m going to stay inside this cage?”

“Look, we fulfilled your fetish right?” She asked calmly.

“Without a doubt, yes”, you quickly replied.

“So now let’s fulfill mine, I think it’s fair”, she said and kept smiling at you.

“Of course, I will do whatever you want, but what is it?”

“My fetish is to have a willing shrunken man as a pet”, she explained.

“But for how long?” You asked naively.

“It depends”, she said and her smile grew bigger.

“Depends on what??” You insisted on getting a clear answer.

“How long will you live, because I want you as my pet for the rest of your life”, she said and then let out a small giggle.

“Oh, wait, it’s not what I thought you mean, listen, I have a job, a life, parents, I can’t just leave it all behind”, you panicked, hope she can be convinced, “maybe let’s do it for a few weeks, I’ll happily do that for you”.

She raised her arm, exposing her other armpit, then caressing it with a finger, “but will you really be able to walk away from that? Isn’t it worth giving your life for it?”

You blushed, “I.. I didn’t expect that, please let’s just start with a few days ok?”

She giggled and closed her armpit, “ok, I’m just teasing you, and I don’t want to force you or anything but you did say yes right before entering my armpit”

You scratched the back of your head, “I know, but.. giving up my freedom is not an easy decision”

“Ok then, let’s start with a few weeks and see, ok?”

You slowly nodded, feeling like you’ve found yourself in a problematic situation, but Milana is probably the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen, so you will be her pet for a while and also enjoy being inside her armpits. Sounds like some kind of a very interesting vacation.


End of part 1



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