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You took a few steps back, trying to avoid the touch of her sweat-soaked foot, it entertained her even more, “hey, don’t go anywhere, open a big mouth and get your tongue out”, she said while giggling.

“No, you can’t do this”, you were on the verge of begging her, “Let’s talk about it, I didn’t catch your name”, you tried to change the subject, to buy some time.

She paused for a moment, “oh, my name?”, you nodded, “to you, it’s goddess”, and right after she said it she landed her sweaty foot on top of you, sticking you into the wooden stool.

You screamed, squirmed, shoving her toes with your tiny weak hands, but she just giggled and continued pushing you into the table, covering you with her putrid foot sweat, her laughs boomed in your head, you couldn’t take it anymore, you couldn’t breath, and after a short struggle you stopped squirming, you passed out.


You woke up at home, in what looks like an improvised bed made of rags on your bedroom desk, you stood up, checking yourself, maybe it was just a dream?

You saw Noa on her iPhone on the bed, you stood up watching her, you thought about shouting to her but then you realized she wouldn’t be able to hear you anyway.

Then she looked back and saw you are awake, “oh hi, are you ok?”

“I’m not sure, what happened?”

“Well that stupid brat called me, complaining about you passing out in the middle of a treatment”

“That goddamn bitch”, you said, getting angry.

“Wait, it’s getting worse, she demanded a refund and started making a fuss, eventually I had to give her back 50$ because I was worried she might leave a bad review on your page”

“I can’t believe this shit, she tortured the hell out of me, I could die, I’m serious, we should sue her or something”

“I’ve read about it. It would be a waste of time, in Arizona a woman squashed a tiny with her toes because he tickled her, she killed him and they’ve done nothing to her, saying it was his job risk and an accident”.

You gulped, your mouth went dry thinking about it, “oh”, you didn’t know what to say.

“Anyway, we need to talk”, she said in a serious tone, you nodded.

“I understand it’s a terrible job, and I don’t want to force you into it, but you need to understand… the other jobs you can do can barely make 10$ a day, and it’s not like they are more dignified…”

“Like what? What are my other options?”

“I think the most terrible one is to be used as a jewellery, some rich women wants a tiny man to be on their necklace or earring in events, and they pay 10$ an hour”

“Oh my god, this.. this is sick…”

“Yeah, I almost had tears imagining you hung on a necklace of some rich snob”, she said and nodded, “and it’s not getting any better, shoe cleaning, teeth cleaning, degrading jobs with far less than minimum wage”

You bowed your head down, disappointed.

“The thing is there is no competition in the neighborhood with foot treatments, I know it’s terrible but I believe we have a golden opportunity here to dominate the market, making a lot of money, and then we can retire”

“Noa.. I.. I honestly don’t know”, you stammered, you didn’t want to let her down.

“Hear me out, from now on customers will have to wash their feet before the treatment, otherwise they pay a 70$ fine”

“Ah. That’s a good idea, I think”

“And not only that, I’m raising the price to 110$, and I thought of some Facebook groups we can advertise you, I did the math, I think we can make over 7,500$ a week”

“What? It sounds impossible”

“We will have to work hard, no doubt, but can you imagine earning 30,000$ a month??? It’s more than 4 times what we made together!”

“Y..yeah, it’s a tremendous sum”

“So what do you say? Let me take care of everything, all you need to do is lick feet and bite dead skin, this time they won’t be sweaty at least”

You paused, thinking about it, you saw how excited and thrilled Noa is, she really got herself into it, she invests a lot of effort around this new business, you felt like the least you could do is to do the best you can to make it work.

“Ok, let’s do it”, you said, trying to sound thrilled but you couldn’t hide your worries.

“Yay!” Noa cheered and raised her hands, “ok so first we need to make you a proper promo video, I’ve asked my sister to bring some stuff”

“When?” You asked, you started to get the feeling she took your ‘yes’ for granted.

“Oh, she was here earlier when you slept, it’s also a structure you can sleep in”, she said and started dressing up, then reached her hand, you climbed on it, she went with you to the salon and you saw some kind of a big cage with an hamster wheel inside, and some weird decorations of a fake office.

“What is this, I don’t understand”, you were really confused.

She placed you inside, “listen, you just walk inside the wheel, and I’ll stand here and read some lines, it’s just to make it funny and to draw the viewer's attention”

You didn’t even had the will to argue, you just climbed the wheel and started talking, Noa used her iPhone to start recording, then she stood beside the cage and started talking

“Hi girls, meet Jim, the tiny foot pedicurist.

His favourite food? You feets dead skin, yum..”

You stopped listening and dived into your thoughts while walking that wheel, it was beyond humiliating, the texts were horrible, the whole setup, it didn’t make any sense.

You didn’t understand what Noa was thinking to herself.

“Ok I think we got it”, she said as she turned off the recording, “you were awesome, you can rest for now, I’m going to edit and add it to your page, then start getting bookings, there’s actually a waiting list already”, she laughed and walked back to the bedroom, you looked around you and realized this cage doesn’t even have a bed in it, you laid inside the wheel and relaxed.


After around an hour Noa came back, smiling ear to ear, “listen, it’s viral, we got the whole week booked”

“What? Wow”, maybe she knows what she’s doing after all.

“We are going to work hard, you must do a good job so we get good reviews”

“Ok…” you said and nodded again, she said ‘we’ like she’s the one who’s going to lick strangers' feet.

“So the first one is in one hour, then it’s back to back until 9pm”, she explained, opening her calendar app.

“Ok, and what’s the time now?”

“Now? It’s almost 7am”, she replied casually.

“Wait, what? I’m supposed to work 13 hours a day?”

“You’ll have time to rest as we drive from one customer to another, although I made a day for each sector, so we won’t waste too much time driving”

“I honestly think it’s too much”,you said in a hesitant voice.

“I know, but think about it, 13 hours are at least 1,430$”

Again with her numbers, you thought to yourself.

“It’s going to be hard for the both of us, I’ll have to drive you around, I need to find someone to do it for minimum wage or something”, she started wondering out loud.

“Ok, whatever, so just let me rest while I can”, you laid back, trying to get some rest before the horrible day begins.

“Good idea”, she said and nodded, then left for the bedroom again.

You thought about Maya and that evil teenager, you hoped your next customers won’t be psychopaths like those… maybe the fact they had to wash their feet before the treatment will filter these kinds of sick customers.


End of part 3



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