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Maya placed you on the floor and sat down as well. You thought it’s weird, the whole situation was weird, you didn’t know what you are supposed to do and what’s expected of you.

Maya smirked, and placed both her feet in front of you. They were dirty, sweaty, then you realized how disgusting the smell is, you thought you should say something, it’s disrespectful.

“Go on, do your thing”, she said, “lick them”, she said and took a sip from her alcoholic drink.

“I’m sorry Maya, but can you please wash them first”, you tried to be polite.

She started laughing, “no, I can’t, what have I paid you for?”, she shoved her right foot in your face, smearing you with the dirt and sweat she had stuck there.

“Start licking or I’ll demand a refund”, she was rude, you thought about Noa and the kids, you are doing it for them, you got your tongue out and gave her sole a lick, the taste was even more horrible than the smell, you started coughing.

“Seriously? That’s so unprofessional”, Maya said.

“Come on, I’m trying, it’s the first time I do that”, you tried to defend yourself while struggling to swallow what you licked.

Maya gasped in surprise, “wait, so my feet are the first feet you ever licked?”

“Well, yes”, you replied confused, hope you are not ruining something Noa wrote on the page she created, faking a resume or experience.

Maya placed a hand on her mouth, hiding a very big smile, “wow”, she placed her alcoholic drink on the floor next to her, then she bent closer and held your head with her fingers, “what are you doing? Stop” you tried to release yourself.

“Oh I’m just teaching you how it’s done”, she used her fingers to shove your head in her sole, then started dragging you across the arch of her foot, “tongue out! You should lick…” she giggled.

You barely managed to get your tongue out, it was painful and you were scared your neck would break, she was reckless.

It continued like that for long minutes, your whole mouth was filled with sweat and dirt, you gagged and swallowed what you could but it was extremely hard breathing from your nose, letting her putrid stench inside, this was pure torture.

She finally released her grip, you fell to your knees and coughed, her foot sweat got out of your mouth, “see? This is how it’s done”, she started laughing, “if you want to make it a career you need to learn”.

It was humiliating, you couldn’t believe this is happening to you, it’s not worth 80$, not even 200$, you will finish this “treatment” and then explain to Noa that there’s no way you can continue with this.

You kept quiet, and approached her sole again, you started licking the area beneath her toes, trying to get her satisfied.

“Good boy”, she purred, humiliating you further, “and don’t forget between the toes honey, it’s filthy”, she grabbed her alcoholic drink again, sipping gently from it.

You only now realized the point of this “treatment”, she can wash her feet in 2 minutes but she prefers to enslave someone for 1 hour, it wasn’t a foot treatment, it was some kind of a fetish for her to enslave and torture someone for her own sick pleasure, that’s what she’s paying for… you felt so unlucky having a sick woman like that as a first costumer.

You obliged to her command, went to the toes and shoved your face between them, your face immediately got covered in sweat, grime and toe jam. It was the most disgusting thing you ever had to do, it was simply terrible.

She laid back using her left hand for support and kept watching you working while sipping from her drink, she moaned from time to time, ordering you to focus on various points, telling you to lick harder, you just wanted it to end already.

It was the longest hour in your life, but finally it ended, Maya sighed in satisfaction, “I hope you had as much fun as I did”, she concluded, then picked you up and went to the entrance, you wondered if she’s seriously asking that, she doesn’t understand it was a horrible nightmare to you?

Someone knocked the door and Maya opened up, Noa stood there smiling, “Hi, did you enjoy it?” She asked.

“Wow, he is simply amazing, here is a tip”, she handed Noa 20$, then handed you over, “be sure that I’ll book more treatments in the future”.

“Wow, thank you so much”, she was excited, Maya said goodbye and closed the door, you were so relieved it’s over, Noa started walking to the car.

“So how was it?? Could you imagine we will make 100$ just like that?”

“Noa it was terrible, look how dirty I am, it’s all dirt from her foot, she didn’t agree to wash them first”

Noa opened her eyes in surprise, “oh, wow”, then after a short pause she started laughing, she tried to stop her laughter but couldn’t.

“It’s not funny, she took pleasure from torturing me, you don’t understand how terrible it was”

“Come on, I’m sure it wasn’t that bad, you are just not used to it yet”, she said as you both entered the car.

“She held and dragged my face across her sole, come on! Stop belittling that!”

“Ok, relax”, she giggled, “here, wash yourself”, she filled half a portable glass you had in the dashboard with her bottle of water, then helped you get inside, you quickly washed yourself.

She started driving, you slowly calmed down as you saw all of Maya’s disgusting foot sweat and grime being washed over you and mixed with the water.

At a red traffic light she looked at you, “ok? Can I take you out?”, Noa asked gently.

“Yes please”, and she reached her hand pulling you out of the glass, placing you beside it, then poured the glass out of the window and placed it back in the dashboard drawer.

“So listen, your page got amazing comments, and the demand is unbelievable, I think in a few weeks we could raise the price, maybe even ask for-“

“Noa stop”, you said, but she continued.

“120$ a treatment, I’m sure women would still pay-“

“STOP!” You screamed, “I don’t want to do it, even if I’ll earn less I need a job that I’m capable of doing, I just can’t! I’m sorry!”, tears started filling your eyes.

She finally stopped talking, she stared at the road and continued driving. After around 20 minutes she stopped somewhere, she opened the door and you could see it’s not your neighborhood.

“Listen, I’m sorry but there is one more customer that booked for today”, she said in an apologizing tone.

“No, you can’t be serious, I’m exhausted, how could you do this to me”, you were on the verge of crying.

“She booked while I waited at Maya’s parking spot, I told her it’s late but she said she will pay 100$, I thought it’s worth it”

“It’s not your call! It’s me busting my ass off licking foot sweat like a pathetic slave, not you! Fuck, I can’t believe you did this”

“It’s just a teenager”, she tried to calm you down, but it actually got you furious.

“A TEENAGER?! You want me to lick feet of some stranger teenager?! You've gone totally mad!”, you screamed, panicked.

She picked you up and stepped out of the car, “I’m sorry, but you know we need the money, just do what she says and tomorrow we will discuss regarding your new job, I won’t approve any more bookings, I promise, ok?”

“Ugh”, you were so mad at her right now, “I hope you appreciate I’m doing it for you and the kids, but that’s the fucking last time”

“Of course I am, you are the best husband I could ask for”, she said with a smile, then knocked the door.

A teenager opened it, she was soaked in sweat, like she just came back from a workout or a jog, who does that so late? It must be on purpose.

“Hi there”, Noa said and handed you over, you looked at her with anger, the teenager quickly grabbed you, smiling with excitement, then started closing the door.

Noa coughed her throat, “ahem, the payment”.

“Oh sure”, she quickly gave Noa a 100$ bill and closed the door.

She turned and checked you out, “oh my god I can’t believe I’m holding a tiny man in my hand!!!” She shrieked.

“Yes I can hear you, and I’m a human being”, you stated, trying to sound strict with self confidence, she was a damn rude brat.

“Lol, give me a break, you are a tiny bug”, she giggled, “my little teenee tiny slave”, her smile widened.

She placed you on a wooden stool, then she bent down and started removing her running shoes.

“I.. I’m not a slave, it’s a proper job, I’m taking care of feet”, you stanmered, mumbled, you didn’t sound as convincing as before.

“Yeah sure”, she said smiling, then you looked down and noticed that instead of socks she had 2 nylon bags beneath her running shoes, you gulped, tears started forming in your eyes as the horrible smell started reaching your nose.

“I hope you are thirsty”, she said as she removed one nylon bag from her right foot, then raised it to be in front of you.

It was like she pulled her feet out of a pond, it was wet with sticky putrid sweat, it was dripping all over her sole, the smell was so bad you couldn’t even breath, it made her laugh.

“P..please wait, hold on a second”, you trembled, “call my wife please, it’s not that kind of treatment”.

She giggled, “tongue out, slave”, and started bringing her foot closer to your face.


End of part 2



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