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You were dating Shelly for a while now, she was a bit crazy, perhaps mischievously cruel, but you loved it about her, she always teased you with “how much do you love me” questions.

“Would you die for me?” She asked once when you were laying on bed next to each other, and you casually replied “yes”, it made her giggle, “if you caught the shrinking virus, would you let me keep you as a foot slave?”

“What, why?”

“I don’t know, why not?” She laughed and shoved her foot in your face, “wouldn’t you want to spend your life licking them?”

You smiled and moved her foot from your face, “well not really”, her feet were kinda sweaty and she smeared some of it on your face, you wiped it off with your hands.

“Don’t be like that, you love me enough to die for me but not to become my little plaything?”

“It’s not the same, I meant that I’ll die for you to save your life or something, not for no reason”, you explained patiently.

“Oh”, she started laughing, “I thought you meant you’ll die for my fun”

You made a confused face, “Huh? Of course not, why would my death be fun, I’m not sure I get the joke”.

“Ok so imagine you caught the shrinking virus, you are the size of a bug, yes?”

You slowly nodded, trying to understand what her point was.

“Then I find you somewhere on the floor, and I step on you with my foot, you burst like a tiny bug beneath me, isn’t it funny?” She started laughing again.

Her description sent chills down your spine, “no, it’s not funny at all, it sounds horrible Shelly”, you were horrified something like that might happen.

She started laughing, teasing you with her foot, “I think it’s funny”, she said playfully, “knowing you lived your whole life just to pop and be crushed with this foot”, she shoved it in your face again. This time you pushed it away immediately, you started getting mad.

“Ok I don’t like it”, you said, “people actually died like that, it’s not a joke”.

She giggled, “I wish I was the one who crushed them”, she pressed the sheets with her foot, twisting it, you imagined being underneath it and gulped nervously, you started getting up from the bed.

“Where are you going?” She asked with a disappointed face.

“I’m sorry, you are starting to scare me with this talk”

“I’m just joking, come back”, she patted the empty pillow next to her, giggling.

“Ok so please stop talking about crushing me or anyone else with your foot”, you said while turning back.

“Oh relax already, here, have a glass of water”, she giggled, handing you over a glass she had next to her bed, you sat back, grabbed the glass and started drinking.

“Why are you so scared of it?”

You sipped and gulped, “why am I so scared being crushed like a bug by a huge foot? Gee, I don’t know”, you sarcastically replied, she smiled and laughed.

“But you have to admit it’s funny”, she teased you again.

You took another sip from the water, “I’m sorry, but it’s far from being funny, imagine it was the other way around, would you find it funny?”

She paused for a second, thinking, “yeah, I wouldn’t, but it’s not the same”

“How is it not the same?” You took another sip and finished the glass, handing it back to her.

“Well I’m beautiful, successful, everyone says I have amazing potential, being squashed like that just doesn’t fit, and it’s not funny”, she explained.

It irritated you, “I’m not sure I get the point, you are being narcissistic”

“I’m just being realistic, you on the other hand are a cashier in a mini market, didn’t get accepted to any college, I would say you fulfilled your potential entirely-“

“Ok stop, why are you being so mean”

“-being squashed by my foot is like the funniest epic ending for your life”

Ok that’s enough, you got up again, giving her an angry and hurt look, and started going to the entrance, you heard her laughing from behind you.

Then her laughs boomed differently in your head, everything got blurry, you started getting dizzy, you tried to hold the door knob but somehow it was getting farther, everything around you got bigger and bigger.

You are vaccinated, you can’t just normally get infected with the shrinking virus, it must be a deliberate infection.

The water, she drugged you, oh no.

You were standing on her bedroom carpet, 3 or 4 inch tall, you slowly turned around.

She sat at the edge of her bed, smiling mischievously, giggling, her foot hovered in your direction, you panicked and started running away.

“Oh come on, don’t be like that, it's such a cliche”, she started getting up, also standing on her carpet and looking down at you.

You got off the carpet, started running on the floor, her bedroom’s door was just a meter away, but in your size it felt more than 50.

She took a step forward, you heard her yawning playfully, acting like it’s too easy, she took another step and blocked you, you tried to run around it but she just easily moved it and blocked you again.

You looked up and saw her mischievous smile again, “but why??? What have I done??? I only loved you”, you cried in her direction.

“I just want to have some fun, and you said you would die for me, so just get on your knees and let me do it”, she licked her lower lip, staring at you.

“No, come on, don’t do this”, you begged, watching her colossal foot, you figured she could easily just step on you now, but she takes her time.

She playfully dragged her toes on the floor next to you, “nah, I already decided, I met someone in college, we are breaking up”, she said with a smile.

“So let’s break up, ok, why kill me”, you pleaded, and started crying from realizing how unnecessary cruel she is.

“For fun”, she said and started raising her foot up, still smiling and looking at you with pleasure.

You desperately raised your hands covering your face.


She forcefully stomped her foot down beside you, causing you to fly back and fall over your back.

Shelly laughed maniacally, pointing at you and laughing, “you actually thought I was about to do that right?”

You raised up a bit to a sitting position, looking at her with widened, terrified eyes, then you looked down at her foot, pressing the wooden floor, you were a few millimeters from being completely pulverised to nothing.

“Oh my god you should’ve seen your face”, she said and continued laughing, you were shocked by the situation, she saw it as a mischievous funny prank, you couldn’t even talk or shout to her, you were just frozen and trembling.

“Ok, ok that’s enough, come”, she bent down and placed her hand in front of you, smiling to you, “don’t worry, climb up, I was just messing with you”.

You were scared, you couldn’t trust her anymore, you felt like she might squish you in her hand just for the lols.

She started laughing again, “oh stop it already it was just a joke, climb up or do you prefer staying on the floor? Then I might actually step on you by mistake”.

Shaken, you slowly climbed up to her hand, she raised you up and examined you closely.

“You are so cute like that, I’m so tempted to keep you shrunken”

“P..please Shelly, I’m not having fun right now, I’m.. I’m terrified”, you stammered, still shaking, afraid she might actually do that.

She giggled, “stop being so worried, let’s go to the shrinking center to grow you back to normal, this game got me a little horny”, she smiled and went out with you.





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