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Noa drove you to the first customer of the day, it was a woman in her early 30s, you didn’t know her name, she placed you on the floor and placed her feet in front of you, they were clean, she washed them like Noa asked her to.

“Ok so here, you can eat this spot”, she pointed at a dead skin cluster at the side of her foot, beneath the pinky, “afterwards you can move on to the heel”, she instructed you in a cold tone, then just sat back and watched you.

You nodded in approval as you started grinding your teeth against her dead skin, powder of it got in your mouth and you swallowed it, a disgusting and humiliating job but at least she pays well.

At some point she got her phone out and started browsing it, yawning and sighing, like she’s bored, you didn’t care.

Finally the door knocked, she examined her sole and made a disappointed face, she picked you up and opened the door, Noa was there smiling.

“Hi, I hope you enjoyed it”

“To be honest? I feel like it was a total waste of my money”, she said and handed you over.

“Oh I’m very sorry to hear it, what happened?”

“Nothing, look”, she raised her foot and showed her sole to Noa, “this is all he could clean in one hour, perhaps one cm of dead skin, it’s pathetic, I thought he would at least clean one sole today”.

Noa blushed, gave you a disappointed look, “I’m very sorry, how about a free treatment next time? Or maybe you want a partial refund?” Every customer mattered to her.

“Forget it, I need to go to work. I have no time for this, please leave”, and she closed the door.

Noa quickly went to her car, “what happened??? You embarrass me!” She said with anger.

“It didn't get ripped off! I grinded my teeth so long my jaw is numb, and I still have all the day ahead, I have no idea how I’ll be able to do it”, you complained.

“You have to do it with passion!”

“I can’t be at strangers feet when I’m bug size with passion, be realistic”

“Fake it until you make it, and did you lick it before grinding your teeth?”

“Umm, no”

“So how did you expect it to get ripped off?” She made a facepalm and sighed, “you have to give everything you have to the next customer, we can’t have another disappointment today!”

“Ok, sorry, I’m really doing my best”

You both got in the car and started driving to the next location.


Noa dropped you at some young woman's apartment, she welcomed you in, placing you on her desk, “if you don’t mind, I’ll work while you treat my feet”, she said.

“Sure, it’s not a problem”, you replied, trying to be polite, she propped her feet at the desk and laid back, working on her laptop and making some calls, you stared at her soles, they weren’t properly clean but you weren’t sure you want to make a scene out of it, you’ve found a dead skin cluster and started licking it.

The taste was awful, dirt mixed with foot sweat, but sadly you were already used to it, so you continued licking and after a few minutes started grinding your teeth, this time it came off pretty easily, Noa was right.

The treatment went well and you removed a lot of dead skin, you placed it all next to you, and it was quite the pile, you were actually proud of your work this time.

The door knocked, you figured it’s Noa and the hour was probably over, but she continued talking on her phone. You continued for maybe a minute but then you just stopped, hoping she would notice the hour was over.

She pushed your face with her sole, placed a hand on her phone, “why did you stop? It was pleasant, continue”, then immediately went back talking on her phone, pushing your face again, you felt so humiliated and pathetic, you continued licking her foot and you heard the door knocks go louder and she just kept ignoring it.

She finally finished her phone call, she sighed, “who is this stubborn salesman”, she mumbled, then got up and opened. You heard Noa’s voice.

“It’s not ok, your hour was finished 10 minutes ago, now we are late for the next customer”

“Oops, sorry”, they walked together to the room and Noa quickly picked you up, “I haven’t noticed the time”, the woman said while Noa walked out quickly.

“What a stupid bitch”, she said as she made a light run to the car, dropped you on the chair and drove off.

And the day went on, more and more women, some polite, some annoyingly humiliating, you were exhausted in the middle of the day but there was no time for breaks.

“Noa, I’m hungry and thirsty, I’m on the verge of passing out”, you told Noa after she picked you up from the 6th customer today.

“Aren’t you eating their dead skin?” She asked while hurrying to the car, “some of it, but seriously it’s not real food” you answered.

As you entered the car she grabbed a piece of an energy bar and crumbled it next to you, then poured some water on it in a hurry, “sorry we have to get to the next one”.

You started eating, crawling on the chair, it made you feel like a bug.


Hours have passed, and you were passed more treatments.

It was a late hour, and you were on your way to the last customer, you slept in the car, exhausted, you whole body aches, you couldn’t even feel your jaw and tongue, you never worked so hard in your life.

Noa yawned, “ok it’s the last one”, she woke you up, “but don’t let her feel like she’s the last one, work as hard as you worked for the first one”, she lectured and you nodded helplessly, all you want is for this day to end.

It was a college girl, studying for an exam, “it helps me concentrate, honestly I don’t need my dead skin removed, if it’s ok with you”

You were confused, “Hmm ok”, you said and scratched your head, she was rather beautiful and this situation embarrassed you.

“Just kiss them, worship me, no need for anything else”, she said as she placed you on her desk and placed her feet in front of you, she opened a book.

“W..worship?” You asked, trying to understand what she means.

“Yeah, just get on your knees and kiss my feet while I study, you can lick them too if you want”, she said casually and started reading, you didn’t want to disturb her again, you got on your knees and started kissing her sole like she instructed, it felt weird, but at least it’s far easier and you were exhausted, she also washed her feet so it wasn’t that bad.

You continued kissing her feet over and over again, then started licking as well, she moaned quietly while studying, you were actually happy she was enjoying it.

As the door knocked you finally sighed in relief, this day is finally over, the college girl thanked you, Noa was at the door and picked you up, at the car she sighed.

“It’s harder than I thought, I’m exhausted”, she said.

You didn’t even reply to that, you just laid back and tried to get some rest.

“We need to stop driving around, maybe it’s better to make a Clinique room in the house”, she wondered to herself out loud, “perhaps making home visits only at evening for extra price, anyway it’s too late tomorrow is already over booked”

You sighed, thinking that in just a few hours you’ll have to get up and go through this nightmare all over again.

“Anyway, tomorrow I’ll get back to work so Dana will escort you to the customers”

“Dana?” You weren’t sure who she was talking about.

“My little cousin, she will do that and I’ll pay her minimum wage”

“Oh”, her cousin was a teenager, just finished high school.

“We made 1,500$ today, so I think it was worth it”, she said proudly.

“Yeah, I guess”

“It’s almost what you used to make in a month, in one day, and all you had to do is to lick some feet”, she said irritated, mad that you aren’t excited about it.

“It’s much harder than you think, but yes, you are right it’s an amazing achievement”

“Thank you, I think I deserve something for arranging all that”, she smirked as she parked her car, then started removing her shoes and socks.

“What are you doing?” You asked, hope you don’t read the situation properly.

She held you with a smile and placed you at the car’s floor next to her feet, “come on, I’m envious of all those customers”, she mischievously said in a cute voice.

“Ugh, please, let’s do it another time I’m so tired”, you begged, her feet were stinky, the awful stench reached your nose.

“Come on, just a few licks, I want to know how it feels”, she raised her feet in front of you, exposing her soles.

You approached and gave her sole a long lick, then swallowed the dirt and sweat from your tongue, Noa giggled, “it feels so weird”, she said, and you went closer to give it another lick, she was quiet, you continued with a few more licks, “mmm, wow, it’s kinda amazing, now I understand those women”.

“Let’s not make it a thing please”, you said, annoyed, swallowing another ounce of vile foot sweat.

“Of course, I was just curious”, she said as she bent down and grabbed you, getting out of the car and walking home.

You were so exhausted from that awful day that you fell asleep in her hand even before she opened your home’s door.


End of part 4




Hey all, I’m taking a small break from this story, I’m not satisfied with the way it evolved further and I need to rethink it. Meanwhile I’ll write other ideas I had, short stories and will publish them, some are pretty amazing in my opinion, and I hope you loved the last 2 parts story. Meanwhile I would like to hear your thoughts about “New Job” and the last exclusive short story.


I think its a good idea. But like you said i think its a bit repeatative and you can not connect with the multiple women at once. So maybe he had to be focused on the wife or something? I dont know


I had a vision, I think moving on I’ll summarize the days to a few lines and move forward with the bigger picture faster than planned.