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When you were just 12 years old you were shrunken and kidnapped by a high school teenager girl, step by step, she made you her foot slave. Cleaning her feet with your tongue, eating her soles dead skin, licking beneath her nails, and more degrading tasks.

You’ve been with her when she left for college and you’ve been with her when she found a job afterwards, you saw her living her life from a cage and beneath her feet.

Anything you ate was either produced by or stuck to her feet, your main source of nutrition was her foot sweat, and by instinct you did whatever you could to survive, so you followed her every order.

It’s been a long time, much longer than you could comprehend, and in time she kidnapped and enslaved more people but she kept you apart, the cages weren’t even close to each other.

From time to time, you could see her trying to force new slaves to become obedient, and if they continued to refuse, you’ve even seen her killing them in various horrible ways, crushing them with her feet, eating them, suffocating them inside her armpits, in this house she was a god, she decided everything, and if anyone refused to accept it - she easily kills him, you were all just little bugs. It made you so scared of her that you haven’t even thought of protesting and refusing her orders in any way, no matter how degrading her orders became - you kept doing as you’ve been told.

It’s actually been 20 years, it means that for most of your life you’ve been her shrunken slave, any other reality felt like a long gone dream, you knew her feet better than anything else, the shape of every crevice, the areas with the “tastiest” dead skin, the crevices between her toes that tended to accumulate edible densed grime, you were an expert, and it was your whole life, at this point you haven’t even thought of anything else except waiting for licking her feet again, you even dreamed about it, she was truly your goddess and unwillingly you accepted this life completely.


One day she left for work, right after you treated her feet carefully, you were filled with her foot sweat and dead skin.

Time has passed, it got dark and she hasn't returned.

The whole night has passed and you just waited patiently for your goddess to return, it didn’t happen.

The next day passed, it was the first time it’s been so long since you saw her, you started getting hungry but luckily you ate a lot of foot sweat and grime before she left, you thought about her other slaves, how are they doing, and how can they survive without food and water for so long.

It’s been another day, and you started starving, you sat and sobbed in your cage, trying to understand where your goddess is, and why has she forsaken you.

Then finally, after 5 long days, you heard the door being opened, you barely stood up and watched the entrance impatiently, it wasn’t your goddess, it was a young woman and a man dressed in white uniforms, they used flashlights and walked around the house.

You were scared, for almost your entire life you haven’t seen any other giants than your goddess, seeing other people suddenly terrified you.

“Oh my god, yes, she was an enslaver”, you heard the man says, while he lights over a cage at the other side of the salon, “I knew it, just watching her feet at the morgue, I’m sure she had many, poor things”, the woman says while opening the cage.

What are they talking about? Where is your goddess? What’s a morgue?

“He’s dead, this is awful, probably starved to death”, she said, taking him out and placing him in a bag.

“It’s been 5 days since her car crashed, I find it hard to believe we will save anyone here”, he replied.

You couldn’t believe what you just heard, your goddess has died?

They continued going over cages they’ve found, stating the death of other slaves, they all starved.

Then the flashlight turned to your cage, you used your hands to cover your eyes, you were blinded by the light.

“Hey, this one is alive!” She quickly opened the cage, you ran over to the bars but she took you out and placed you in a small aquarium, there were some crumbs and a tiny bottle of water inside.

“Don’t worry, everything is going to be ok”, she told you and placed you at a desk, you immediately turned to eat the crumbs, you drank the water but it felt wrong, a disgusting fluid that you strained real hard to swallow, you were used to drink only foot sweat for far too long, getting clear water like that is like breathing 100% oxygen after being used to 11%.

“Amazing, I can’t believe someone survived”, the man told her and they continued their search.

They’ve found more and more dead slaves.

“It’s so sad”, the woman said, “41 dead, and I can’t find any more cages”, she said disappointed, holding a bag filled with dead shrunken ones, “if only we arrived sooner”, she handed the bag to the man and held your aquarium.

“Don’t punish yourself, we saved one, it’s more than we hoped for”, he placed a hand over her shoulder, comforting her.

“Poor thing, look at him”, she said and pointed at the aquarium, “he’s probably been here for so long, enslaved by that cruel woman, it’s hard to imagine a life like that”, you ignored them and continued eating, trying to satisfy your starvation.

“You don’t need to tell me, you know I’ve started volunteering after being enslaved myself right?”, the man replied.

“Yeah, I know, I’m sorry”, she said with a sad face.

They went out and walked to a van, it was a white van with “Shrunken Lives Matters” written at the side of it, the man placed the bag with the dead slaves in some black box that had other bags like that inside, the woman placed you on a shelf at the rear of the van, you could see other aquariums like yours with shrunken people inside.

“Can you understand me?” She asked, you slowly looked at her and nodded.

“We are going to drive to our HQ, and we are going to take good care of you, what’s your name?”

You opened your mouth, trying to answer, but then you closed it and shook your head, the woman made a saddened face.

“Ok, don’t worry, everything is going to be ok”, she closed the rear door of the van and went to sit beside the driver and they drove off.


As they arrived they started unloading the track, few other volunteers helped them, and at some point a young woman picked you up with a smile and got you inside the building, placed you next to many other aquariums, they continued to do that until there were plenty of shrunken people in the hall.

Then a formal woman came with a notebook, “hi all, welcome to shrunken lives matters HQ, you have all been saved”, she then cheered and clapped her hands casually with her notebook.

A young woman came by and started dropping a small page in each aquarium and the formal woman continued talking.

“This short questionnaire will help us assess your situation and help you in the most effective way, if you can’t read - please raise your hands and an assistant will approach”

You watched your questionnaire, the big letters, and there was a small ink drop at the bottom, you didn’t know what to do, you forgot what the letters meant and how to read them, you slowly got to the front of the cage and raised your hand, after a few minutes a volunteer approached and picked you up, “Hi, I’m Monica, I’ll help you fill your questionnaire”.

She walked with you to the side and then started reading:

“Ok, first question, what is your name?”

“Uh.. I..” you stammered, “I don’t know”, you were shocked from the situation, someone is talking to you, a giantess, and she’s smiling, she doesn’t order you to lick her feet, it felt strange - but it felt good.

“That’s ok, you can’t remember or you never had one?” She asked calmly.

“I.. I had one, I think, I can’t remember, I’m sorry goddess”, you bowed your head down.

“Please don’t call me that, you don’t have any goddess anymore, ok? It’s over”, she stated firmly.

“Yes goddess”, you replied by instinct, it’s a habit that’s just too hard to forget.

“Next question, what is your age? If you can’t remember, what was your age or what was the year when you’ve shrunk, any information can help”

You were confused, you tried hard to remember, “I.. It was the last day of school, I think”

“High school?”

“No.. it was.. it was 6th grade, e.. elem something, school”, you were nervous, confused, you really wanted to make her happy but her questions were too hard for you.

“Oh.. oh wow..” she exclaimed with a sad expression, “that’s ok, so you shrinked when you were 12 or 13”, she filled the note, “and you don’t know how long it’s been, right?”

“No, I’m sorry godde.. miss”, you felt like you’re letting her down.

“Please, no need to be sorry, you are doing great, is there anything you remember that can help me assess your age? Anything that happened, you heard over the news maybe, a show you liked, anything at all”

You tried hard to remember anything, then something came up, “the president was shrunken”, you said, “I remember that”

“The president was shrunken? Are you talking about J.R? Oh my god
”, she covered her mouth with her hand as she gasped.

You didn’t know his name, and you didn’t understand why she’s so surprised.

“It means it’s the early days of the pandemic.. I was a toddler back then, you’ve been shrunken for over 20 years, you are at least 32 years old by now, I’m so sorry”, she explained, you nodded, it didn’t mean much to you, but it made her even more sad.

“I’m sorry but I have just one last question, do you know where you lived before? A city, street, landmark?”, she asked in a sore voice, it looked like she’s about to cry.

You tried to remember but nothing came to mind, you shook your head in disappointment.

The formal woman came by, “is everything here ok?” She asked the assistant.

“He’s been enslaved for more than 20 years”, she told her, “he can’t remember his name
 where he lived, I’m not sure we will be able to find his family, we must help him somehow”

“I see, put him for psychological assessment then, we will need to see if he’s capable mentally to grow back, we don’t want to damage his mind further”, she ordered and the assistant nodded, picked you up and placed your aquarium on a plate and the left side of the room, she smiled at you, “I’m sure everything is going to be ok, I know it’s hard for you, but they will help you”, you nodded and barely put a smile on your face, it made her happy and she walked back to help other tinies.

You watched from afar how they collect and check the questionnaires, then the aquariums go on different plates, eventually only 2 aquariums joined your plate. You saw the shrunken man next to you sitting in a fetal position and mumbling to himself.

“Ok, you all are going to the shrinking center, where you will meet your families and be grown back to normal, good luck to you”, the formal woman said in front of a big pile of aquariums in the middle of the room, shortly after that a volunteer came and picked up your plate, she walked for a few minutes and placed it outside of some office. Then she added crumbs and bottles of water in each aquarium.

“It might take some time, but the psychologist will see you soon”, she said with a smile and left.


You waited for a few hours, then a beautiful blonde woman wearing orange attire arrived. She looked a bit irritated, she picked up your aquarium and walked inside the office, she grabbed you and placed you on the desk, then sat down.

“Ok so I’m going to ask some questions and you will do your best to reply”, she stated and you nodded, her attitude got you nervous.

She grabbed a notebook and a pen, “what did your owner make you do?”

“Uh.. you mean my goddess?” You asked, confused, scared.

“Yes, her, whatever, what did she make you do?”

“I.. I used to lick her feet, used my teeth to grind her dead skin, clean between the to-“

“Ok, I get it, you were a foot slave”, she cut you in the middle of a sentence, writing something down her notebook.

“For 20 years?” She looked at your questionnaire.

 that’s what I’ve been told”

“Hm”, she replied and wrote some notes.

Then she grabbed you and placed you on the floor, she sat down and kicked her flip flops, she placed her foot in front of you, “ok, show me”.

You didn’t understand what’s going on, “what do you mean?”

“You said you used to lick your goddess feet right? Show me, I need to see it”

Hesitated, you approached her foot and did what you know best. You licked and swallowed her sweat, it tasted different, but it was still far better than water. You licked over and over again and meanwhile she wrote in her notebook, she didn’t seem satisfied.

“What about water? Can you drink it?” She suddenly asked, you stopped licking.

“It tastes wrong, but-“

“Ok, I get it, you suffer from shrunken slavery PTSD”

You had no idea what she just said.

“We don’t know your name nor where you’re from, you’ve been a slave for far too long, I’m sorry but you are not going to be grown back to normal, you won’t be able to handle it”, she examined you, looks like she waited to hear you say something, but you just helplessly looked at her.

“I’m going to write a summary, you can kiss my feet while I do it if you want to”, she got her foot closer again, you got on your knees and started kissing her toes while she wrote it down.

Someone knocked at the door, the psychologist quickly picked you up and went back to her desk, placing you on it, “yes, come In” she said.

The formal woman from earlier entered the room, “Hi Jess, just checking up on you, this one had a rough life huh?” She glimpsed a look at you and turned back to her.

“Yeah, I’m afraid he’s a lost cause, deep PTSD, can’t drink water, only foot sweat, 20 years is far too long to heal”, she answered.

“Poor thing, that’s a shame”, she said and nodded, “humanitarian slavery then?” She asked her back.

“Looks like it, foot slavery, I would like to have him if it’s possible, I think it’s my turn”, she said with a mischievous smile.

“Are you sure?” The formal woman asked, “I wanted him for myself”, she said and giggled.

“If I recall correctly, you had the last one”, the psychologist argued with a smile.

“Yeah, but I crushed him by mistake a week ago”, she said casually.

“Not my fault, you should be more careful”

“Yeah ok, you can have this poor thing, you still have 2 waiting outside I hope they are also lost causes”, she said and went out.

You were shocked from their conversation, you were confused, “what.. I’m sorry but what’s happening?” You asked her, trying to understand.

“You are going to be my foot slave, for humanitarian reasons, that’s our way to help you”

You nodded.

“It will be just like with your goddess ok? In fact, you can call me goddess from now on, and since you don’t have a name I’m going to call you slave, understand?”

Tears started filling your eyes, for a moment you believed your life was going to get better, you slowly nodded in approval.

“Good slave, now I’m going to place you by my feet while I interview the next ones, be thankful for our help by licking between my toes, if not for us you would have been dead, so I want to feel those licks”, she laughed, then grabbed you and placed you on the floor, she went out to bring another aquarium, as she sat back you shoved your face between her toes and started licking, thanking your new goddess, which you will serve for the rest of what’s left of your life.


This story was mainly to introduce the “Shrunken Lives Matters” non profit organisation and how they work, although they are saving tinies and having many good hearted volunteers, there is still corruption at the top, just like in reality. The volunteers are sure they are changing the world, they feel good with themselves, but in this case they unawarely got you to another enslaver who unlike them is getting paid handsomely, the psychologist and the formal woman aren’t volunteers, they work for this organisation and aren’t driven by ideology.

That’s another layer of a post shrinking virus world, hope you liked it.



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