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You couldn’t tell how long it’s been, you were living off scraps at her feet, usually when she stepped on your cage and playfully dragging it around, and on the rare occasions she opened it and let you lick her feet, you always thanked her by kissing her feet before crawling back to your cage.

And it wasn’t acting, it was genuine gratitude for her kindness of letting you eat and drink something, you truly saw her as your goddess, your life before shrinking felt like a distant memory or dream, you couldn’t even remember Tabitha’s face, all that came to mind are her feet and toes, and you knew them very well.

The birthmark at the side of her third toe, every small crack at the ball of her foot, you knew her feet better than you knew yourself, it was your whole life.

One day she opened your cage, you started crawling out, but her foot wasn’t in front of you, it hovered above you, you could tell by the shadow around you.

“Can you still understand me?” She asked from above, it was the first time she talked to you in what felt like ages.

You were confused at first, but then quickly nodded with your head down.

“Oh, well I’m going to leave for my vacation, it’s the holidays, I thought of just stepping on you and putting you out of your misery”, she explained casually, like it’s not a big deal.

You panicked, started crawling to her other foot, quickly kissing it, sobbing quietly, a muted beg for your life.

“You are so pathetic”, her voice boomed from above, “it’s just sad, are you sure you don’t prefer that I just crush you? It will be quick”

You raised up your pace, kissing quickly, even though your humanity is lost, you still had the will to live, a primitive instinct your brain clings to.

“Ugh, oh well”, she placed her foot back on the ground, you were relieved, you kissed her foot over and over again, thanking her for keeping you alive.

She kicked you away, you fell near your cage, desperately getting back on all fours, “anyway, I’m leaving, it’s up to you if you survive or not”, then she spilled a glass of water on the floor, and crushed a cookie with her hand, making crumbs falling all around, it’s like you were in heaven, in a few seconds you were surrounded with more food you could ever handle.

You quickly crawled to the water and sipped it, you had tears, you forgot how it feels to have actual water in your mouth, you felt pure happiness.

“Try to ration it, I’m off for 3 weeks, if I’m back and I find you dead I’ll just throw you to the garbage, where you belong”, you nodded while sipping the water, then you saw her feet enter her flip flops, then she walked out of the house with a suitcase.

You couldn’t comprehend your situation, but you were still crawling, still looking only at the floor, even if she wasn’t there it was already so deeply rooted in you, you couldn’t even think about acting differently.

You could actually escape, find a neighbor and ask them to help you, but the thought of it didn’t even come up anymore, that plan was a long forgotten memory now, you had no desires except for staying alive.

Time went by, you were living off the pond of water in the kitchen and the crumbs she left, it was far more than enough. In your eyes you were lucky and your life was good, that’s how deep she broke your mentality and shaped you as a bug.

Day in and day out, you crawled around the house, eating crumbs for as much as you wanted, drinking water, sleeping in your cage.


3 weeks have passed and you heard the door being unlocked and opened, Tabitha walked in, sighing as she laid down her suitcase at the salon, she walked to the kitchen, you quickly ran near the wall, afraid of being crushed by mistake.

She sighed, got a broom and cleaned the few crumbs that were left, then used a tissue to dry the water. It saddened you, your sources of endless food and water were gone in an instant, you were angry at yourself for not hiding some of it.

She wasn’t looking for you, she didn’t even care whether you survived or not, she walked back to her suitcase, opening it, then you heard her talking and you wondered what’s going on, you started walking to the salon.

“Ok Jack, you are in my house”, she said and picked a tiny guy outside her suitcase.

“What will you do to me?!” The Guy panicked, squirming in her hand.

“Well that’s up to you.

I want your money, all of it”, she stated coldly with a smile.

“H..how? It doesn’t work like that, most of my money is invested, you can’t just transfer it to your account”

You were an accountant in your previous life, and what he just said gave you a flashback of who you were. It's true, if she just transfers the money to her the authorities will get her quickly.

She tightened her grip over the poor victim, “shut up, I don’t care how, I want your money, I know you are rich”

You figured it’s someone she kidnapped during her vacation, perhaps a rich business man, she is trying to squeeze him out of his money but she was too stupid to know how it’s actually done. Well, she is a graphic designer, and you took care of everything before she shrunk you down, of course she doesn’t know what to do.

“I’ll give you whatever you want, just let me live”, he begged, she smiled, “so explain to me how I can get your money”, she said with pleasure.

“You need an accountant, shell companies, I don’t know, it’s not that simple! You need to do it in chunks, I will cooperate I promise”, he said while squirming.

“BUG!!” She shouted, looking up, you realized she is calling you, you crawled towards her, “where the fuck is he”, she said all annoyed.

You reached her eyesight, “what are you doing? Ugh”, she was angry, “get up, enough with this shit, I have no time for this”.

You froze, your muscles didn’t move, what does she mean? Bugs can’t stand up.

“I SAID STAND UP, you pathetic little shit, I need you to take care of this”

You trembled, trying desperately to stand up but you fell, you couldn’t do it.

“Oh my god could you be any more pathetic? Whatever, stay like that, start talking, how do I transfer his money?”, she noticed your cage still beneath the salon’s table, she grabbed it and pushed the tiny victim inside, then placed it on the table.

You tried to talk, but words didn’t come out, she started getting really angry, she bent closer to you, then picked you up, looking at you, you didn’t recognize her at first, such a beautiful face, it was your one and only goddess. You opened your mouth and tried to talk again, but only weird stammerings came out.

“Is this an act? Are you being serious right now? It’s been only a few months, so fucking pathetic”, she said with an irritated face, tightening her grip.


End of part 5



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