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Ever since she got 16, your cousin keeps bugging her parents about having a shrunken man as a pet. She saved money and told them she wants to buy one on the black market, “all my friends have one”, she kept saying.

She insisted that it’s best for them, that she will take good care of it (yes, she kept referring to them as “it”), and it will actually be saving them.

Her parents kept telling her that it’s immoral and tried to make her stop talking about it, you hated hearing about it as well in family gatherings, she was the kind of brat who thought she deserves everything, even a human being to be hers.

One time you argued about it, telling her that these are human beings she is talking about, not animal pets, but she laughed at you calling you naive.

“You are so cute talking like that, but once someone shrinks he’s no longer a human being, I’m sorry to break it to you little cousin”

“You are only talking like that because women can’t catch the shrinking virus”

“Haha, maybe, are you scared you might get it?” She teased you.

“When there are girls like you, of course I’m scared”, you replied, “I’m sure that whoever ends up being yours will suffer so much he will prefer to die”.

It made her laugh and then your parents told you to stop fighting.


It’s been a few years and you kept hearing about her obsession every now and then, you were happy to hear that her parents didn’t break and didnt let her have any shrunken slaves.

One day as you walked in the street back home, you didn’t feel good, you saw how everything around you was getting bigger and bigger until you ended up a bug size on the pavement, a neighbor that saw that happen quickly picked you up and went home.

Even with all your pleadings and begging to take you home, she cruelly enslaved you, you had to lick her feet day in and day out, she tortured you, humiliated you, your life was hell.

After few months of slavery, your family finally found you, entering her home with a police officer and freeing you.

It was thanks to a street camera, and they eventually found her.

They took you home, but you weren’t the same anymore, you were traumatised.

After months of surviving only on foot sweat and dead skin, it was hard for you to eat proper food and drink water, your family didn’t know what to do anymore, they were scared you will starve to death.

The neighbor was released with no charges, “irrelevance to public interest”, was how the police explained it.


Few days later, when your cousin and her family visited, she quickly rushed to you, as she saw you, she hid a smile with her hand, “oh my god cousin so happy to see you are ok, we were sure this bitch killed you or something”.

“Yes… thank you”, you indifferently said, looking at her with desperate eyes.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, “you are kinda cute in that size don’t feel so bad”

“He isn’t the same”, your mom told her, “it’s been a few days and he couldn’t eat anything, barely drank, we don’t know what to do”

She seemed worried, “why is that?”, she asked you.

“My stomach rejects it”, you said with tears, “that bitch ruined my life, I think I can eat only foot sweat now”.

She gasped, she couldn’t hide her smile anymore, “well! We can easily fix it! My feet are soaked with sweat right now, we walked here-”

“Cait stop it right there”, her mom said from the sofa, “you are not having Liam as your foot slave”

“But mom, it’s to help him”, she defended herself.

You were so hungry, so thirsty, you just imagined her feet and wanted to lick them so much, “it’s ok”, you shouted, “let’s try it please”.

As humiliated as it will be, you had to eat something.

Cait gasped in joy, clapping her hands, your mom and her mom were looking at each other with confused faces, like they aren’t sure what they should do.

Cait laid back and placed both her feet in front of you, “here little Liam, you can lick the sweat as much as you want”, then she bent back again and pointed at the side of her foot, near her pinky toe, “and here I have a very annoying dead skin cluster, I’m sure it will be very tasty for you”.

You looked at it and gulped, it actually looked very tasty, you quickly approached it and started licking, sipping in her foot sweat, finally drinking something you can swallow.

Cait started laughing with her hand covering her mouth, “oh my god it feels so good”, her mom made a horrifying face, “good job Liam keep going”, she mocked you from behind her soles.

You didn’t care, you were just so happy to sooth your thirst, then you started grinding your teeth against the dead skin cluster, proficiently ripping off skin layers, chewing and swallowing them, it was amazing.

Your mom started sobbing, Cait’s mom got up to comfort her.

“Why are you crying?” Cait asked her, “that’s what it is now, it’s good for it”, she referred to you as “it”, they ignored her, “and good for my feet too”, she added and laughed.

“Hey Liam can’t you go any faster?” She asked and you obeyed, it was an instinct from when you were enslaved, you licked faster, went between the toes, Cait was about to burst from joy.

“So can I keep it? I promise to treat it well”, she said to your mom, who looked at you with a sad face, then she nodded with closed eyes, realizing it’s either that or you’ll die.

“Yay! Can’t believe I’m finally having a foot slave, did you hear it little Liam?” She asked you but you were too focused on eating anything you can off her feet, “oh, fantastic, it is so obedient”, she said and laughed again.

The moms couldn’t watch it anymore, they left to the kitchen leaving you alone with her.

As they left she let herself moan quietly in pleasure as you continued licking.

“This is just perfect, not only that I’m having an obedient shrunken foot slave, I’m also getting it for free, and it’s also the annoying cousin who kept lecturing me about enslaving tinies”, she placed her hands behind her head, “lick harder, get the sweat out from between the crevices”, she ordered with a smile, you stopped what you were doing and quickly ran to her foot crevices, sticking your tongue and started swallowing dirt that was probably stuck there for years.

“Now my life is perfect”, she said with joy.

When you were finally filled, you couldn’t believe you actually did it, you were disgusted with yourself, “it was only a one time thing Cait”, you said with anger.

“Like hell it is”, she quickly scooped you up and threw you in her purse, “hey mom so I’m going home with Liam it looks like he need some armpit sweat as well”, you could hear your mom sobbing, then her mom said “wait, let his mother say goodbye”, but Cait quickly left and started walking home happily.


As she got home she dropped you on her desk, smiling ear to ear.

“You damn bitch! Are you seriously kidnapping me?!”, you were furious.

She started laughing, “I wouldn’t call it kidnap, you are property now so it’s practically stealing”

“Who cares about semantics!! Return me home! You are crazy!”

“I want a foot slave for half of my life and you think you’re getting out of here? Funny”, she said with an evil smirk and you started getting scared, you took a few steps back.

“Besides, you need it too, where else will you eat precious dead skin and foot sweat? You need me more than I need you”, you defeatedly bowed your head down, her foot was shoved in your face, smearing her foot sweat all over you.

“Ok cutie, welcome to your new life, don’t stop licking until I say so”

You weren’t hungry anymore, but you had to comply, you got your tongue out and started licking again.

Cait was even crueler than your neighbor, she brutally tamed you further, prohibiting you from standing up, putting a collar with a string attached to her toe ring, in a matter of few months you forgot who you were, Cait was your goddess and you lived only to treat her feet.

Your family didn’t visit you since they didn’t want to see you like this, so no one ever saved you, you were Cait’s little shrunken foot slave like she always wanted.




Usually not doing family related slavery, and when I wrote it I thought of it a step-cousin (let’s say the mothers are step sisters). Still I feel like this came out good, would like to hear some thoughts about this kind of stories.


I don’t like family related stories too so i am going to thing about it like that! Still pretty cool story