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She looked at you, waiting for an answer, then she started shaking you in her hand and threw you on the table. She looked down at you from above, “are you going to help me or not?”

You slowly looked up, seeing her angry face with her demeaning look, “come on man, do what she says, that bitch is crazy”, her vacation’s souvenir started talking to you from the plastic cage.

“I…I..” you started stammering, talking for the first time after so long, “I.. bugs don’t talk”, you finally said, frozen in fear.

Tabitha’s foot landed with force on the table, causing you to fly up and fall back down.

“Are you mocking me???”, she asked in shock, offended, you thought she was about to crush you.

“N..no goddess, I don’t know, I’m sorry”, you were so confused, words just started flowing out, it felt weird acting like a human again.

“Stand the fuck up and look at me, or I’m smearing you over the table”, she was pissed, adding force pressing on the table with her foot.

You started standing up, your knees hurt, you felt immense back pain, you trembled as you did it but eventually you were standing up, still with a bent back, and slowly you raised your chin up, trying to look at her, her gaze and face gave you shivers, she was furious.

“Please no, I will help”, you immediately shouted, and finally you saw a small smirk on her face.

“Good boy”, she said with a smile, placing her foot back on the ground, “now this pathetic asshole here is Jack and he is rich”, she sat down on the floor facing the table, placing her laptop on it and opening it, “I want his money in my account, make it happen”.

“OK.. Jack I… I need your account details…”, you mumbled, still shocked.

He gave you all you needed, and you started guiding Tabitha, she patiently followed your orders, writing notes for herself while doing it, she even asked questions which are unlike her.

It took a lot of time, and she was drinking water from a glass every now and then, you drooled watching her picking it up every time.

“Ugh, so pathetic, you want some? here”, she dropped some of it next to you and you started drinking quickly, “Now how do I get his stocks”.

And you continued, carefully transferring everything to various accounts, explaining to her the concepts, she gasped and cheered from time to time, when big chunks of payouts could be seen in her new PayPal account and in her bank, she was thrilled, like she just won the lottery. She didn’t thank you during the process, it felt like she thinks it’s her achievement alone, and you are just a tool to get it done, the same way she’s not thanking her laptop she doesn’t think of thanking you either.

After a few hours you were finally done, all of poor Jack’s life savings, were either resting at Tabitha’s personal accounts or on their way there, she started laughing “Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m rich so easily, all of those useless years of working and being married, what a total waste of time”, she said loudly to herself, checking the numbers over and over again.

“You got what you want, please let me go”, Jack said from his cage, and made Tabitha laugh even louder.

“Letting you go? Did you actually say that?” her mouth stayed open with a smile.

“I swear, I won’t say anything, you can have everything I’m totally fine with it”.

She made a confused face, wondering if he’s serious, “It’s not everything, isn’t it?”, she finally asked.

“Wh..what?? of course it is, I.. I do have my house you know, my physical assets, I can’t transfer them from here, let me go and I will give you everything”, he begged, terrified for his life.

She looked pissed, she opened the cage with her hand, he ran to the edge of it, hugging the bars, she plucked him out easily and held them in front of her face, “do you think I’m stupid?”, she asked in a mean voice.

“No, please, I mean it”, he squirmed and begged, but she didn’t flinch, she placed him on the floor, then stood up, you saw she was hovering her foot above him.

“Start talking, what else can you give me?” she asked in such greed, licking her lips with appetite for more.

You heard him squeaking from below, and she slowly lowered her foot, “stop begging, do you have more accounts? talk or die!”

She kept looking down with an indifferent face, you heard squeaks and it sounds like she’s not convinced.


the squeaks stopped, Tabitha gasped, “he popped”, she said in awe, then raised her foot.

“He actually popped”, she said again and then started giggling, “I didn’t even mean to crush him, just tried to scare him, did you hear that? How he popped?” She started laughing, you were horrified, happy you can’t see his remains from where you stand.

“I guess he said the truth and he had no more money he could give me”, she said casually and grabbed a towel from the table, cleaning her foot from his bloody remains. You stared at her in shock, she just killed someone and she acts like she broke a glass in the kitchen.

“To be honest it felt good”, she said and watched you while cleaning, “feeling him squirming beneath me, then pops like a bug, you do realize this is how you will end your life too, right?”, an evil smirk started forming on her face.

“B..but goddess, I helped you with transferring the money, I love you, I’ll do anything for you”, you quickly said, trying to soothe her.

She scoffed, “of course you love me”, she said and walked away with the towel.

“That’s my new hobby now, I’m going to seduce and bring rich men here, it was just too easy”.

You wondered why she needed to do it, she just got a few millions of dollars from this poor guy, why can’t she just enjoy it.

She came back after a short while, she changed to her pajamas, then she bent down and looked at you, “I don’t need you anymore, and you will never return to your normal size”, she pointed at your cage, “I still haven’t decided what exactly to do with you”.

You started walking toward the cage with your head down.

She smiled, still in high from all the money she got, “now that I think about it I don’t even have to wake up to work tomorrow, I’m fucking rich!” She laughed, closed the cage behind you and went to her bed with glee.

You sat there thinking, as you got your senses back you realized how fucked up everything is, how you stayed here during all this time not talking and crawling around like a bug, you could have escaped to easily, you just need to wait for her next vacation.

Yes, that’s it, this time you will just escape and ask the neighbor for help.


End of part 6



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