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At the shrinking center, you kept asking the representatives questions, trying to understand how you’ll be able to grow back later. It sounds like a very simple process, the moment you wish to grow back Tabitha should bring you to the shrinking center again and they will reverse the process in a matter of minutes.

You and Tabitha had to sign a lot of documents, the process was explained to you and it was a very easy process:

You go into a shrinking room, you go out 3 inch tall, Tabitha should get a vessel to carry you home.

You did it, and a representative handed you over to Tabitha, she examined you and giggled, “that’s kinda cute”, she said with a smile, it made you feel good, she walked to the office again and the representative showed her various options for vessels:

From expensive aquariums with tiny furniture inside to empty small cages.

“What’s the cheapest option?” She asked her.

And she handed over a very small plastic cage, it was smaller than an iPhone and the height was just enough for you to stand in, she thanked her, shoved you in and went home with you.


At home she placed you on the salon’s table and started arranging the house, you never seen her doing it herself, she got your blanket and pillow from the salon and placed it back in the closet, then she went to make herself a dinner, “can’t believe I need to take care of all these chores alone”, she complained, as she came back, she placed her feet next to your cage and started eating, watching TV, you felt like she’s ignoring you, maybe even mad at you since she needed to make dinner and clean the house by herself.

You were hungry, thirsty, you watched her enjoying her dinner and drooled, a disgusting sweaty smell started filling your cage, the familiar smell of her feet at the end of the day just thousands of times stronger, you covered your nose but it didn’t help much, so you just suffered while trying to adjust your breathing, standing with your back to her feet, like it can help in anything.

“Tabitha?”, you called from your cage, you started calling out quietly but then shouted until she heard you, she was in the middle of chewing something.


“I’m sorry to interrupt, but I’m very hungry”

“Really?” she asked with an indifferent tone, while chewing and swallowing another piece.

“Yes, can you please let me have some, I think at that size even the crumbs will be enough”, you said looking at her empty plate, she just finished the meal.

She grabbed the plate and started licking all the crumbs away, cleaning the plate spotless. You kept staring at her doing it, trying to understand if it’s some kind of an unfunny joke.

“Sorry, it was just too tasty”, she said, then grabbed her glass of water and slowly drank it, “Ahh…” she released as she finished the glass. Then she just smiled to herself, a satisfied smile, it was probably funny for her.

“I haven’t eaten anything since morning, please”, you were helpless, completely at her mercy.

“And what about my foot massage?” She asked, you didn’t understand what it has to do with anything, so you didn’t know how to respond.

She opened the cage, letting you out, pointing at her feet.

“What can I do in this size? I’m not sure I can massage them, please Tabitha be reasonable, I must eat and drink even at that size”

“And you think I’ll waste food and water on a lazy useless little shrimp?”, her smile was gone, and she seemed irritated with your answer.

Defeatedly, you walked towards her now colossal foot, you pushed the arch of her sole with your hands as hard as you could, then started punching the area, slowly you got soaked in her vile foot sweat, the stench was unbearable, you didn’t like it in normal size but now? It’s simply hell.

Tabitha sighed, “I can barely feel it”, she complained in disappointment, playing with her hair.

You continued with all your power, but it was clear that you were not making any impact, then you found something beneath her toes, just above the ball of her foot, it was a crumb of bread or something, you quickly grabbed and ate it like a starved animal.

It was soaked in her foot sweat, it was the most disgusting thing you’ve ever eaten, but you just had to get something in already, you coughed a bit as it slid into your stomach.

“Ok it’s not working, you are useless even more than you were before shrinking and can’t massage my feet anymore”, she stated, her voice booming behind her soles, you felt like a complete failure.

Before walking away, you were looking for more food sources at her feet but found none, so you started walking to your cage with your head down.

“What are you doing?” She asked.

“I don’t know, you said I can’t massage your feet”, you were confused.

“It doesn’t mean you are free to go”, she said in a cold tone.


“You can’t massage my feet, so lick them, at your size I’m sure it will feel good”.

Your mouth was open, you wanted to protest, what she asks of you now is more humiliating than anything else she asked before, even when she asked for the one sided open marriage.

You turned back to her feet, giving her sole a quick lick, her vile foot sweat got on your tongue and found its way into your mouth, you coughed, gagged, it was disgusting.

Tabitha bent closer, “what’s wrong?”.

“Your feet are sweaty”, you said while gagging.

She laughed, covering her mouth with her hand, “well didn’t you say you are thirsty?”, she laughed so much she had tears forming in her eyes, then she laid back while laughing, and continued watching TV.

You couldn’t believe it’s happening to you, you stuck your tongue out again and gave her sole another lick, this time swallowing the sweat on purpose, you gagged again, trying to imagine it’s proper food, then you continued for a few more licks, trying to somehow get used to the putrid taste, but it was simply impossible, you couldn’t imagine it’s anything else but her horrible foot sweat.

Tabitha released a muffled “Mmm..”, then she said “yes, it feels good, I can get used to that”.

You didn’t like the sound of that at all, but you kept licking, looks like it pleases her.

Lick by lick, you swallowed more and more foot sweat, it was horrible, hard to swallow, sticks to your throat, it was a real torment and you tried doing it as slow as possible.

After who knows how long, she yawned and pulled her feet away, “ok that’s enough”, she said and turned off the tv, she gave you a demeaning humiliating look and pointed at your cage.

“Tabitha please, I need some nutrition, just bread or cookie crumbs, anything at all”.

“Crawl back to your cage little shrimp, I’m too tired to feed you, besides, I’m sure my foot sweat was enough nutrition for you”.

She was crueler than ever, this new situation is just perfect for the kind of woman she is.

Tears started forming in your eyes, you didn’t say anything as you feared to start crying and show her how pathetic you are, you walked back to your cage and she closed it behind you.

“Pathetic, I think you are finally the size you should be”, she said as she got up and went to sleep.

As she turned the lights out, you allowed yourself to break and cry, realizing that being shrunken at her mercy is not going to be easy, and Tabitha isn’t going to show you any compassion during this time, not that she showed any before the shrinking, it’s going to be like it was before, it’s just that now you are a helpless pathetic bug compared to her.


End of part 2



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