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You woke up hearing Tabitha leaving for work, you immediately got up and started hitting the bars and shouting for her to wait, she didn’t leave you any food, you were thirsty and starving, your throat was still sore and sticky from her foot sweat, you really wanted to wash it off.

But she just left, and you’ll have to stay like that for at least 10 hours. You laid down and tried not to waste any more energy.

After what felt like forever the door finally opened and she got in, calmly arranging her stuff, you hit the bars again and started calling her.

“Yeah I’m coming just give me a sec”, she said as she casually got her laptop out of the bag and started charging it, she continued to arrange stuff for a few more agonizing minutes until she went to the salon and sat down, placing her feet next to your cage again.

“Phew, what a busy day”, she said and sighed, “I guess your day was a bit boring right?”

“I’m.. I’m starving.. you haven’t left anything for me, please, I’ll die”, you begged on your knees with tears in your eyes.

She rolled her eyes, “Ugh, you are such a burden”, she said as she used her toes to open your cage, you felt like you were at the pit bottom of humiliation.

“Here, I’m sure you can find something to eat between my toes, I wore flip flops today”, she placed both her feet in front of you with her toes spreaded.

“No… please, don’t do this, just one drop of water I beg you, then I’ll do whatever you want”

“Oh you want water?” she asked with a fake surprised tone, then she reached her hand and grabbed a cold bottle of water from the mini fridge in the sofa, it had an iced water around it, you watched it hypnotized.

She slowly licked the outside of the bottle, “wow, it’s so cold”, she giggled, you stretched your hand desperately in her direction, “please Tabitha, I’m sorry I lost my job I’ll make it up to you, just one sip”

She opened the bottle with a smile, getting it closer to you, but then she laughed and pulled it back, drinking it in front of you.

Water slipped from the side of her mouth as she drank, you kept begging, shouting to her, but she just closed her eyes and enjoyed her drink.

“Ahhh…”, she released with pleasure, “wow”, she teased you, “such cold, thirst-quenching water”, she laughed and placed the bottle back in the fridge.

Your eyes were filled with tears, this is going too far, she enjoys tormenting you too much.

She bent closer, looking at you from above, a look that made it clear that she owns you, that you are simply nothing, you felt like nothing, it was the same look you would give to a piece of shit you incidentally stepped on in the street.

She pointed at her feet, “on your knees, useless little shrimp, be quiet and start eating whatever I have between my toes, I don’t want to hear a word”, her tone was so strict and firm the thought of disobeying her didn’t even come up to your head, you immediately got on your knees and pushed your face between her toes.

There was grime there, you didn’t even know what it’s made of, a dense mix of dirt, debris, and whatever got stuck there during the day, it wasn’t something anyone should eat, but you grabbed it with your teeth and started chewing, you strained so hard in order to swallow each bite, meanwhile Thabitha opened her iPhone and started swiping left over and over again, probably trying to find her daily hookup on Tinder.

Few minutes later when you licked between her big and second toe, she squeezed it on you, closing your head with sweaty flesh.

“It’s amazing how no matter when I swipe right it’s always an immediate match, this city is filled with desperate losers”, she said loudly to herself, “did you finish? I’m in a hurry”

You squirmed and managed to pull your head out, coughing and adjusting your breaths, “please, I’m still thirsty, I must drink or I’ll die”, you miserably begged again.

As you raised your head you saw her sweaty sole being shoved in your face, pushing you back and eventually pinning you down on the table, “lick, this is your water”, she ordered indifferently.

You started licking, sipping on her foot sweat, it had an after taste of rubber probably from her flip flops, it was disgusting, sticky and hard to swallow, it wasn’t water, not even close.

She kept smearing your face while texting on her phone, after a few minutes she released you, “cool, he’s coming over”, she said and laid back further.

You stood up, wiping her sweat off your face with your hands, you still had a feeling of thirst but you figured that begging Tabitha is useless, you started walking towards your cage.

“Stop walking”, she suddenly said and you stopped, looking at her confused.

“Crawl”, she said, using her big toe to push you down, she had a cruel satisfied smile, “pathetic worms can’t walk”.

Why is she doing this, what is she gaining from humiliating you further, you couldn’t understand what’s going on. She has always been dominant, everyone kept telling you she’s a bitch, but this cruelty is something you couldn’t even imagine.

You started crawling in pain, and she watched you with pleasure while you did it.

“Faster, I don’t have more time to waste on you”, and you tried to obey but your whole body ached already, she sighed, “even as a worm you are a disappointment”, it was amazing how she always found a way to enhance your humiliation.

When eventually you were inside your cage, she used her foot to close it behind you, “pathetic”, she concluded, then got up to take a shower.

You sat down, shivering, every “session” made you feel more miserable, more insignificant and less a human being, you felt your mentality is starting to break apart, slowly Tabitha felt more of a cruel owner than a wife to you, she had full control over everything you can or can’t do, whether you eat or starve, work or rest.


Moments after she showered someone knocked the door, she welcomed some random guy inside, he started a small talk but she quickly hinted he should shut up and they went to the bedroom.

Not long afterwards you started hearing her moans, at your size her moans just boomed around you, you tried to cover your ears and it didn’t help, it was so much worse than it was in normal size.

Once she finally came, she kicked the wooden rear of the bed a few times, and then you heard the guy asking her:

“Was it good?”, you guessed that he just finished going down on her.

“Shut up”, she said while breathing loudly.

“Hey don’t be like that, what about me?”

“Fuck off, I don’t care about you, leave”, she ordered, but he wasn’t as obedient as you are.

He argued for a while, but she just showed him the way out, she had her fun, then she came to relax at the salon, wearing underwear and a shirt.

She placed her feet next to your cage, they were soaked in sweat, she always got sweaty when having an orgasm, you were just sad it’s not you who caused it.

She browsed her phone and ignored you, scratching one foot with the other from time to time. You thought now might be a good time to ask for something to eat or drink.

“Tabitha?”, you asked in a shaking voice.

“Shut up”, she ordered firmly, still looking at her phone.

“I’m starving”, you pleaded again, you were so hungry even her foot sweat would suffice.

She locked her phone and looked at you, her face looked like she was looking at the most pathetic being in the whole world.

She reached with her toes to open your cage, you started walking out while looking at her.

“No more walking like that”, she ordered, “only crawling”.

You obeyed, getting on all fours, going out the cage, but you were still looking at her beautiful face.

“Eyes down”, she pointed at her sole that was in front of you, “that was the last time you were looking up to me”, her voice boomed from above, her tone was strict and cold, “you can eat the sweat, and I don’t want to hear any complaints from you anymore”.

“ok”, you replied miserably.

“And thank me, it’s time you show some gratitude, I’m too kind with you, you deserve much less”.

You wondered what could be counted as less, the way she treats you feels like the worst way possible.

“Thank you Tabitha”, you said with tears, still crawling in an attempt to reach her foot.

After a short pause, she talked again, “Stop saying my name, it’s so far above your worth”, she sincerely sounded annoyed.

You didn’t even know how to reply to that, you just kept crawling.

“You should call me owner, or master”, she paused thinking about it, “no, you will call me Goddess from now on, understand?”, she asked in a satisfied tone.

“Yes Goddess”, you replied, you couldn’t be more humiliated, and it looked like your only way to make your situation better is by following her orders.


End of part 3

Moving forward, the rest of the story is going to be Patreon Exclusive since I got some of the images by commision her personally.

Sadly the quality wouldn’t be as good since it will be cut from a video, and that cruel bitch didn’t agree to add photos as well.




Hi all, hope you like and enjoy the story so far. I’m working on refining the next part and since I want to publish only what I see as a perfect product it might not be published tomorrow and will take few days. I’m also working on a Patreon exclusive short story that will probably be finished this weekend.