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Ok so I’m finally publishing “Toxic Relationship” which is the origin story of the giantess from the “Easily Seduced / Obsessed / Denying the Inevitable” stories, I just love how it’s forming and I’m sure you’ll love it as well.


Since you started dating Tabitha, everyone kept telling you that you are in a toxic relationship, but you kept defending her, no matter what they said.

She was the most beautiful woman you knew, and you were madly in love with her, but without a doubt your relationship had serious issues.

At first, she pushed all your friends away, any kind of a platonic relationship you had with a friend was cut short, Tabitha kept telling you to sever connections with any friend you had, with poor excuses:

“I don’t like the way she looks at you”, she said about a childhood female friend, “he’s trying to push you away from me”, she said about another, and the list went on and on, in a matter of few years you didn’t have any friends in your life except for Tabitha, who had many friends but she didn’t let you get close to any of them.

Afterwards, it was your family’s turn. She kept complaining about your parents, saying that your family didn't like her and they would never let her into the family.

She wasn’t entirely wrong, your family tried to help you, at the limited time you met them alone, they were telling you she’s not a good person and you should’ve broken up with her years ago. You didn’t listen to them and eventually decided to propose to her - she said that she will only marry you if you finally cut ties with your family, and as hard as the decision was, you couldn’t handle losing Tabitha after all those years, you bowed your head down and you stopped talking with your family altogether, not answering phone calls and avoiding them until they just gave up on you.

At the wedding, 100% of the guests came from her side. Her family and her friends were the only guests.


You were married for quite some time now, and although you always wanted kids more than anything, Tabitha preferred to focus on her career, rejecting you and claiming she won’t expand the family. It broke your heart but you thought that maybe she will change her mind someday.

Everything in your life revolves around Tabitha, you work, come home, massaging her feet after her long working day, she didn’t even had to ask, she just sat down and stretched her leg, coughing her throat and you immediately left anything you are doing and came to massage them, you put a lot of effort into these massages, and you continued until she pulled her feet away, sometimes it even took 2-3 hours, she never thanked you afterwards, she took it for granted.

You didn’t really like it, her feet were always very sweaty at the end of the day, the smell was bad but you never complained about it, you knew she liked it, so you never said anything to ruin it for her.

After that you were also making her dinner, you watch together the TV shows she chooses, and she goes to sleep while you clean the house and do laundry, she was definitely happy with this arrangement, you knew she did even though she never told you anything positive about that. And this is how almost every day looked like.

On Holidays, When it was time to go on a vacation, you were to stay home, “we can’t spend so much on every vacation, I better go alone, besides, someone must watch the house, I’m sure you are ok with that”, then you always checked the bills and figured she spent much more than she should have, but you never said anything, as long as she’s happy, you kept telling yourself.

Many times it felt like she’s taking you for granted, not only the foot massages, she takes your whole existence for granted, like she’s doing you a favour for even being with you. One day on her birthday you filled the house with flowers and balloons, candles everywhere, and when she came home she just made a smirk, saying “how cute” and few minutes afterwards she said “clean it up, it’s cute but annoying”, she didn’t even thank you for spending so much time arranging it.

And when you were finally finished cleaning it up, she stretched her leg in front of your face and her look made it very clear that she want the best foot massage you can give, you got on your knees and she didn’t pull her feet away for maybe 3 hours, the next day your hands were numb, but you were at least happy she enjoyed it.


One evening when she came back from work and you were in the middle of cleaning the salon, she sat down on the single couch

“Ben, sit down, I want to talk with you”, she said and gestured to the sofa, you hung the broom and sat down, “yes?”, you asked, she never started a conversation like that, it was always an order or complaint.

“I want our marriage to be open”, she stated.

“Open? You want us to see other people?”, she surprised you, you didn’t want anyone else, she was everything you cared about.

“Not quite, I will see other men, but I can’t allow you to do the same with others, let’s say it’s a one sided open marriage, ok?”, she smiled, like it was a normal thing to suggest, she was always so direct and tried to make conversations as short as possible but this time it was just too hard to swallow and accept.

“Oh”, you said and paused, “but why? Did I do anything wrong?”.

“No silly, it’s not you, you are ok”, it was maybe the first time she said anything remotely positive to you in years, “it’s me, I’m a bit bored, you know me - I need some thrills, I’m not like you”, you quietly nodded.

“I mean - you could just massage my feet all day, clean the house, and you cook delicious meals, no doubt about that, and I’m sure you love doing all that, but I need more interest”.

“Ok, I.. I guess I understand”, you defeatedly agreed, as long as she’s happy, you thought to yourself again.

She smiled and placed her foot on your lap, “great, happy we agree on this”, she said, and you started massaging her foot while she turned on TV.


The next days, Tabitha kept bringing guys to the apartment and having sex with them while you cleaned the house and took care of various chores, you heard her moaning, having fun, it slowly devestated you from within.

You had to clean and make the bed afterwards, and after a while Tabitha suggested that you move to sleep in the salon, “it doesn’t feel right, I’ve just had sex here”, so you took a pillow and blanket and went to sleep there.

You sunk into depression and it didn’t seem she noticed or cared, you had nightmares about her leaving you for someone else, you had dreams of people you used to know and warned you about her, you couldn’t stop thinking about it.

She might be happy but it’s just too much for you to handle and comprehend.

So you lost focus, you kept thinking about it, hearing her moans echo inside your head, you couldn’t make progress at work.

In fact, your numbers were bad, so bad that eventually they had no other choice but to fire you, you lost your job.

Once you were home, you shared the news with Tabitha, and she got mad:

“How could you lose your job??? Are you kidding me?!”

“I’m sorry”

“I married a good for nothing idiot, what a mistake, I should have listened to my mom, you are useless!”

You bowed your head down, “I’ll find another job soon, don’t be mad”

“We needed the money, I planned on the Caribbean cruise in the holidays, you ruined it, you ruin everything”

“I know, I’m sorry, we will reduce the outcomes and you will be able to go on your vacation”, you suggested, trying to calm her down.

“Oh really genius? How exactly? Now that you are home you are going to use more food, more electricity, more water, you are going to spend all of my money on nothing”

“I’ll do what I can to reduce my usage, it will be ok”, you said in a sore voice, on the verge of crying.

Tabitha opened her eyes, like she suddenly thought of something, “Hmm reduce you say, it actually gives me an idea”, she said, then finally had a smile, she paused.

“What’s the idea?”, you asked after a long silence.

“Come, we are going to the shrinking center, I got a 90% off coupon recently, didn’t know what to do with it, looks like it’s the perfect solution”

You stood up, “what do you mean? They will shrink me?”

“Think about it, when you’re 3 inch tall you will actually be able to reduce your usage to almost nothing, I’m a genius”, she explained proudly.

“Yeah, that sounds right, and after the holidays I’ll be able to look for a job again once they grow me back”.

“So go and get the car keys, we are going now”

“Shouldn’t I prepare or something first?”, you said and she gave you her signature impatient demeaning look, a look that immediately made you feel like a complete useless failure, you grabbed the car keys and went to the car.


End of part 1



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