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To say that you fell in love would be an understatement, it was your neighbor.

You tried starting a conversation many times, but she always rejected or ignored you, it drove you crazy.

She should be married, but you haven’t seen her husband for months now. You really hoped they were divorced, it sure looked like that, from time to time you saw her taking a taxi with a big suitcase, going on vacation somewhere.

You stalked her, what she’s doing was your sole interest in life, every time she went outside, every time she smoked a cigarette on her porch, you couldn’t get your eyes off of her, you just didn’t know how you could get closer to her.

One day you were sitting outside, watching her home, she walked outside to the porch and then stepped on something, you thought she might have some kind of an infestation, maybe you could help her, you went and knocked on her door.

She opened it, you blushed, “oh, it’s you again”, she said with an annoyed face.

“Yeah I saw you also have a bug problem in your home, thought I can help”

“A bug problem?” She looked confused.

“Yeah I saw you take one out and step on it, I also had an infestation last week”

She started laughing, your heart almost exploded, she was so beautiful and cute you’ve never seen her like that.

“Ok come in”, she said with her hand still holding the door, gesturing you to come inside, as you walked in she locked the door behind you, “I’ll make you a drink and then we will see how you can help me ok?” Her smile stunned you, but her gaze was still demeaning, you felt like she’s seeing you as an inferior being.

You sat down, thrilled, “of.. of course, thank you”

“Oh no need to thank me”, she said as she poured a drink in front of you, “you are the one helping me right?” It sounded like she’s teasing you, even mocking you a little, but you liked it.

You started drinking and she kept watching you smiling, as you finished she giggled, “ok you want to see my infestation problem?” She got up, and you got up after her, “come I’ll show you”.

You walked with her to the bedroom, everything felt like slow motion, your heart boomed, as you entered, she opened a closet near her bed, you saw lot of cages piled one on top of each other, “here, look at all the bugs infesting my home”, she giggled.

You examined closer, and you saw that each cage had a shrunken man inside, you gasped and took a few steps back, hitting her bed and falling on top of it. She looked at you from above, still smiling.

“Oh, no, no wait, I’m sorry”, you pleaded, still laying on the bed, trying to get up but you felt heavy.

She started laughing her perfect laugh, “oh don’t be sorry cutie, weak obsessed idiots like you provide the best feeling when you squirm and burst under my foot”.

You panicked, “no, please”, you felt everything including her growing so big, you felt more and more insignificant, “so keep me” you squeaked, “keep me as a slave I’m ok with that”, you didn’t even lie, you were ok living here as her enslaved pet.

“These cages are only for paying slaves”, she said in her demeaning tone, “and you miserable insect can’t pay that much”, by now you were maybe 5 inches, laying on her bed helpless as her massive colossal body stood next to the bed.

“I can! I can pay! I have savings, I’ll give you everything”

“I’m not sure it’s worth the effort”, she said with a bored face.

“Please, I beg you, give me a chance”, you pleaded as tears started filling your eyes.

She rolled her eyes and sighed, sitting on the bed and turning on her phone, “ok little shrimp, start talking, what’s your bank account and code”, you replied and co-oped as she drained your whole savings accounts, once you finished transferring every penny you ever earned, she made some kind of a disappointed smirk.

“Well, I guess that buys you 10 minutes of kissing and licking my feet before you die”, she said as she stretched her feet in front of you.

“No, how can that be, that was my entire money, I worked my whole life to earn it”

She chuckled, “and yet, you are a pathetic poor stalker, that’s a shame”, you stared at her, scared and frozen, then she added “9 minutes”.

You stared at her beautiful feet, you’ve decided that since you paid everything you got just to kiss and lick them you better do it, you went towards her foot and started kissing it, hard to admit but it feels amazing, even her sweat tastes good, she is a real goddess.

You licked, kissed, meanwhile she browsed her phone, looked like she’s bored and not impressed with your work, you tried to lick faster and harder so maybe she will notice you are a good slave and decides to keep you.

“Ok, time is up”, she pulled her foot and raised it up, looking at you with bored eyes.

“No, please goddess please!!”, you fell to your knees begging, “maybe just another few minutes?”

“Oh don’t be greedy, you got far more than you deserve”, she said, “but stay on your knees, you will produce more cracks like that”, she smiled as she said that.

You were hopeless, you just bowed down and embraced your head, then her foot landed on top of you, pushing you hard into her mattress, the pressure was strong and painful, you miserably squirmed, trying to somehow escape her deadly sole.

“Ugh”, you heard her frustrated sound, like she’s wasting more time than she should, she started twisting her foot with force, you started feeling your limbs tear apart until *CRACK*.

Your body gave up under the pressure of her foot, you had no chance to survive, you were just a red pulp stuck to her foot and sheets.


That was another short story with the giantess from “easily seduced”, soon her origin story will be published.



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