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It’s not always easy for her, some of the idiots she manages to shrink and kidnap try to resist, not giving her their accounts codes, she liked those the most.

It was the challenge, breaking a shrunken man spirit without killing him was an art she mastered. She enjoyed it, she didn’t even need the money anymore, she already had far more than she could spend in a lifetime.


You thought you found her on one of your business trips, but she actually found you, lured you to her room, and in no time you found yourself shrunken, a tiny helpless human being at the mercy of a beautiful gorgeous gold digger.

Once she got you to her home, she demanded your codes, and you dared to refuse. You thought it’s pointless, she will probably kill you anyway, and you can’t do it to your family, they need the money, you saved so much for your kids' colleges, and you worked really hard to get this money, why should this bitch get it all?

She laughed when you refused, getting her foot closer to you, “you do realize you are nothing compared to me, little shrimp?”

You gulped as her foot smell engulfed you, you nodded.

“And you say no to my demand?”

“I’m sorry, I can’t give you my money, you can just kill me”

She laughed again, “oh, you will beg me to kill you”, and she just got up and left, leaving you on her desk, the way she said it terrified you, her look was pure evil, she gave you the feeling that one way or another she always gets what she wants.

She came back holding a net stocking, she stretched it a little, then shoved you inside, you squirmed as you fell to the bottom of it, then her foot slowly followed, she dragged it towards you while humming something to herself.

You desperately crawled to the edge of it and then her foot reached you, you were squeezed between her toes. She lifted her foot up checking on you, “oh here you are”, she squeezed her toes a little, pushing you from both sides, it was humiliating.

“I hope you are a good swimmer, otherwise you will drown in my foot sweat”, she teased playfully.

You sent one hand to each toe around you, trying to hold yourself in place as she placed her foot in one of her running shoes, she squeezed you firmly, and went for a run.

It happened quicker than you thought, as her foot bounced up and down, her toes started emitting sweat rapidly, your hands slipped and you bounced inside the net, trying to hold on to something but everything was soaked in her slippery disgusting foot sweat.

In no time a stink layer started to form at the bottom of her sole, and you were pushed in and out, it was tormenting hell, it was terribly hot, humid, the stink was far too much, you thought you were going to die here between her toes.

As the bounces finally stopped, you were inside a pool of foot sweat, only your head was out, pushed desparately to the upper side of the net, you squirmed your head up, trying to somehow breath in the hot disgusting air that was in her shoe, you swallowed more and more disgusting sweat, holding the net with your hands, slowly drowning inside a gravy thick fluid that was her foot sweat.

At the last moment her foot was finally pulled out, releasing you from the hell that was inside her shoe, you coughed and gagged, hanging by the lower side of the net, she shakes her foot a little, causing you to squirm a bit more, you started crying while adjusting your breaths.

“Oh how cute, you survived this”, she said and laughed, you were barely able to look at her, her entire body was sweaty, she raised her foot again, squeezing her toes a few times, causing you to struggle helplessly, everything was blurry.

“Please… no more, please stop”, you begged as her toes squished your head again and again.

“Cute little shrimp, it means you’re ready to give me the codes?”

“No, please.. my kids need it”

“Ugh, really?”, she asked with an annoyed tone, she squeezed a bit harder, you cried and moaned in pain, then she pulled her stockings while holding you firmly between her toes.

After she finished she released her grip and you fell miserably into her hand, she grabbed your body leaving your head out, when you opened your eyes you’ve seen you are in front a flesh wall that was pouring sweat, you realized she is holding you in front of her armpit, you squirmed, trying to release yourself in vain.

She smashed your face into her armpit’s sweat, smearing you and dragging you brutally everywhere, you could do nothing to resist as her sweat burned your eyes, suffocating you and entering your nose and mouth, she did it for maybe a long minute while you couldn’t breath, then she pulled you back.

“Will you give it now?” Her voice boomed, you couldn’t even see anything you just desperately coughed and cried, “please”, you pleaded, “sto-“

And she quickly pushed your head back inside her armpit, you gave up, you stopped squirming and just let her drag you across it, suffocating you again, you were about to lose consciousness but she pulled you back again, “now?”

“Ok!… ok… please stop..” you continued crying, you didn’t care about anything anymore you just wanted the pain and suffering to stop.

She dropped you on her desk, “good boy”, she said satisfied while you were on all fours, coughing and crying.

“Let’s start with the first account”, she said smiling, her hands were already on a laptop’s keyboard.

You’ve seen that you aren’t far from the desk’s edge, you got up and started sprinting towards it, just before you reached it her hand slammed the table and blocked you.

“Wow, you are definitely a fighting one”, she said surprised, then pushed you back. She held her net stocking again, “perhaps a day inside will finally break you”, she started stretching it.

“NO, anything but that! I’ll do whatever you want!” And you started screaming your account credentials, she quickly entered it, then she opened her eyes in surprised, held her forehead, “ugh, are you fucking kidding me? Is that all?”, you raised your head and watched the screen with her, it was your life’s saving, 350k$

She was mad, “you made me strain so much for this pathetic sum?” she asked, looking at you.

“So please leave it there, this money is all my family’s have left”, you begged.

“Fuck your family”, she said as she made the order to deplete the account and send it all to her, you fell on your knees and started crying again, “I won’t even use it, it’s beneath me”, she stated with a cold tone, “I’ll let your pathetic money rot in my account while your family starve, they can always come here so I can put them out of their misery”.

“Why… why being so evil, I didn’t do anything to you”, you cried.

“You wasted my time”, she replied, then held her net stocking again, “and that makes me angry”, she then grabbed you again and threw you inside, you kicked and squirmed, screaming to her “NO!! But I did everything you asked! Just kill me!”

“Oh that’s what I’m doing, this time you are going to suffocate in my sweat, I’m not going to save you”, her foot followed inside, this time you were too weak to crawl to the toe section so her sole just smashed you into the fishnet, she pulled the stocking and the net held your body firmly, almost ripping you apart, as she placed her foot back to the ground again, *CRACK*, you broke underneath her.

She rolled her eyes in disappointment, “pathetic”, she said as she closed her laptop.


Another short background story about our new giantess character :)

This week her origin multi-part story will start being published here, named “Toxic Relationship”.



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