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It’s been a week, slowly Oria’s mood got better, and you were by her feet almost the entire day, she probably felt like she’s compensating you for suffering at Hila’s.

You licked her feet for maybe 10 hours a day, she did workouts and jogging to sweat more than usual just so you’ll always have what to eat.

Almost every day she laid on her back with her armpits exposed, letting you sip as much as you want.

You pushed yourself more than usual, just to please her, it’s funny but you actually worked much harder than you worked at Hila’s, and you even kept thanking her all day long, while kissing her feet, a weird relationship but you did what you could to satisfy her before asking her about growing back.

One day as you talked casually about new movies coming up on Netflix, you’ve decided that it’s time to try your luck.

“Oria, I’ve been thinking about something”, you suggested, tried to talk casually.

“Yes? What is it?” she asked, smiling, you felt good about this, that’s the perfect opportunity.

“I thought maybe we should try being a normal sized couple”, you stopped as you saw her expression tighten up.

“Hmm, I’ve tried it many times and it never works out for me, I don’t believe in such relationships anymore, why are you asking?”

“Oh”, you paused, “I.. I just thought it might be good, you know? To feel you in normal size”, you hesitated, it was clear that you are not convincing her, you couldn’t hide your true intentions as you were too anxious.

She wasn’t satisfied with your response, “are you not happy being mine? I thought you didn’t like your life in normal size, why talk about that now”, she was irritated.

“I’m sorry it was just a sugges-“

“You know what I’ve been through to get you back? Forget about the money that I spent to buy the special shrinking virus, which was almost half my fortune, I had to shrink and crush my best friend!”

“I know, I’m sorr-“

“I was willing to give up all of my slaves I worked so hard getting, I even lost 6 of them that day, just to try and satisfy her into giving you willingly!” she looked so mad right now.

“Ok Oria I’m sorry! Let’s forget about it please”, you panicked.

“No! maybe you forgot that even with our love, you are still mine, and I own you”, she said madly and grabbed a toe ring that was attached to tiny handcuffs again, it’s been a while since you saw those things.

“It’s not necessary, please-“

“Quiet”, she stated, handcuffing you and placing her toe ring, “kisses only, you are not allowed to eat anything off my foot”.

You were shocked with how bad her response is, it devastated you as you realized she doesn’t have even the slightest intention to grow you back.

You kissed the foot over and over again, she sighed in disappointment and laid back turning on the TV.

After a few hours she just hanged her toe ring on some dedicated stand, you were hung by your hands, “Oria I beg you, I’m really sorry, why are you doing this”

She gave you an angry look and went outside, it was awful, in your worst nightmares you would never expect her to respond like that for such a request.

It went on for a few more days, you kept begging her to stop this torment, until she finally removed the handcuffs, your wrists were bruised and you started caressing them miserably.

“Now tell me, do you love me?”, she asked bluntly.

“Yes, of course I d-“

“Do you want to grow back to normal?”

You hesitated, she examined you closely with a strict annoyed face.

She flattened her foot in front of you, then reached with her finger to the back of your head, “no, I don’t want to get back to normal size I want to be yours forever”, you said in panic as she touched you.

She shoved your face in between her toes, “you’ll eat only toe jam until I’ll like your answer, one way or another you’ll know your place”. Her tone terrified you, it was harsh and strict, like she’s not even mad anymore, it wasn’t torment - she is literally taming you right now, like you are a stray dog who did something wrong.

You licked and swallowed her toe jam, what she knew disgusted you the most, when you were on good terms she never enforced you to eat it.

At the end of every day she asked you 2 questions again, if you love her and if you want to grow back, and you always replied with yes and no, begging her to stop it, trying to explain to her that you want nothing more than being her slave, but nothing convinced her, she kept treating you like trash.

After maybe a week you were all desparate and broken, when she asked you the questions you just started crying, you told her that you love her more than anything, that you will happily live and die for her as a shrunken pathetic slave, “just please treat me like before”, you begged on your knees, you finally seen a smile on her face.

“Good”, she said happily, then raised her feet so her soles were in front of you, “you have my permission to lick my soles”.

You rushed at it, savoring every drop of foot sweat, finally something more edible, then you realized how sick it is that this is your “treat” for being a good boy.


As time passed, you forgot all about your plan to grow back, you were a pathetic, obedient little foot slave for Oria, she loved you like that.

In time she allowed you more privileges, one night she even squished you in her sweaty armpit, letting you come inside it and then lick you like good old times.

You didn’t care about anything else eventually, you loved her and you only wanted her to be happy, you cancelled and dismissed any desire you had, and honestly, at this point even if she were to crush you, you would be ok with it.

You gave yourself entirely to her, and she enjoyed it, saving you was the right call in her mind.


The end.

This story has been quite the ride, and I enjoyed a lot writing it, in the near future I’ll write some short stories for a while before I dive into such a long project again.

Hope you enjoyed it as well.



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