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When you boarded a flight on a business trip, you saw a woman already sitting in your seat, she told you it’s hers and even showed you her ticket which had the same number.

You started arguing until the flight attendant noticed and approached, she was a beautiful young blond and her smile immediately calmed you down.

“Sir it looks like we have a double booking situation, I’m sorry”

“So what am I supposed to do? I can’t miss the flight”, you told her, trying not to sound aggressive.

“It’s ok, we have a solution, we can shrink you down for the flight and put you in an aquarium near the staff, once we arrive to our destination you will be grown back to normal”, she explained with a smile.

“Oh wow”, you didn’t know it’s even an option, “and it’s completely safe?”

“Oh believe me it’s so much more comfortable than a first class seat, I always envy our shrunken passengers, it’s still a pilot program so not many knows about it”.

The thought thrilled you, sounds like a very cool experience, “ok thank you”, you replied and she took you to the staff area, there she got a small sealed bottle and handed it over, you drank it and sat down.

You saw the aquarium and it indeed looked very comfortable, it’s like an actual room, with furniture including a bed, maybe you’ll make it an habit to buy a shrinky ticket in next flights once they make it a regular procedure.

Few minutes later you were already maybe 5 inch tall, the flight attendant held a small plate in front of you, “sir”, she gestured for you to go on top of it.

You did as she asked, a bit disappointed that she didn’t handheld you, and then placed you in the aquarium, she sat down as the airplane took off.

You turned on the media device, and it was like having a private cinema, it was amazing, a 12 hour flight you thought are going to be a nightmare perhaps will be the best flight you ever had, the flight attendant asked if you need anything every now and then, she brought you water and tiny food, everything went smoothly.

“So me and my colleague are going to serve food for the passengers, it will be maybe 15 minutes”, she explained and they both left with the beverages cart.

You kept relaxing and watching a movie.

After maybe 10 minutes, a young woman, maybe even just before entering her 20s, waited for the bathroom and peeked inside the staff area, as she noticed you she got closer, examining the interior of the aquarium, “so cool” she said.

You looked at her and smiled, quietly nodded, then continued watching your movie.

The teenager looked side to side, made sure no one is watching, and then quickly sent her hand inside and grabbed you, she surprised you and you didn’t have the chance to escape her firm grip.

You squirmed and kicked but she easily shoved you into her bra and went back to her seat, since she was nervous sweat started accumulating on her chest, engulfing you, you screamed and kicked, trying to release yourself but it was a futile attempt, you stopped fighting and just slowly got soaked in her sweat, you closed your eyes and hoped that the flight attendants will do something to find you.


As the flight attendants went back to the staff area, the one who shrunk you gasped and pointed at the aquarium, “oh god, I think the tiny passenger was kidnapped”.

“Oh no, again? What is wrong with people”, the other replied, irritated.

Then the one who shrunk you started laughing suddenly, she tried to hide it with her hand.

“What’s funny? We will never find him”

“Just think about it, being stolen like you are some kind of an object, it’s hilarious, he’s probably terrified right now”, she said and giggled.

Then the other one started giggling too, “poor thing, he’s probably going to end up as a shrunken slave to someone here, so pathetic, oh well, one less passenger to look after”, she casually concluded.

Then they arranged the aquarium like no one was there in the first place, and changed the data, writing that you’ve decided to get off the flight due to the double booking, it was too easy to cover up and not worth the effort of even trying to find you.


“Psst”, your kidnapper tried to get the attention of her friend, “you’re not going to believe it”, she whispered, “I’ve found myself a foot slave”, you squirmed again as you heard it, scared that it’s actually going to be your fate, it sounded terrifying.

“Really?”, her friend asked.

She stretched her shirt and bra so she could see you for a second, her friend gasped with a smile, then she closed you in sweaty darkness again.

“We are going to have so much fun”, she cheered and they both giggled.

For 10 hours you were shoved like that, drinking tit sweat involuntarily and barely breathing, you figured no one is coming to save you, that damn flight attendant lied to you when she said it’s totally safe, a dumb teenager could steal you with no effort at all.


As she finally arrived home she immediately pulled you out and placed you on her bed, you coughed and tried to adjust your breathing, you were soaked wet with her sweat.

She giggled, “welcome to your new home tiny slave”.

“No, I’m not your slave, release me”, you demanded.

She laughed it off, sitting on her bed, removing one boot, then placed you on the floor, her foot hovered above you, she started laughing.

“Look how helpless and pathetic you are, of course you are my slave”.

You stood up, “please, I have a family, I have kids, don’t do this”.

“Hmmm…” she placed a finger on her chin, acting like she’s thinking about it, then she lowered her foot until it touched your head, “maybe if you give my sole a kiss, I’ll consider it”

You looked upwards, her huge, soaked in sweat sole blocked your entire line of sight, you started shaking as you realized how easily she can just squish you, you were absolutely an insignificant piece of dirt compared to her.

You stood on your toes and gave the surface a kiss, disgusting foot sweat got smeared all over your face, it was so much worse than her chest sweat, in fact it was so repulsively disgusting that you couldn’t continue, you pulled away your face and started coughing loudly, you could hear her laugh booming from above.

“Ok I’ve decided, you will stay here for the rest of your life, and I wish your kids were here with you too, tiny little slaves that would grow up to worship me”

Desparately you turned back to her sole again, fighting the urge to pull away again, and gave it a long passionate kiss, a pathetic attempt to make her reconsider, salty foot sweat burned your eyes, you even had to swallow some of it in order to continue.

She pulled her feet up again, pointed at you and laughed, “really? oh you’re going to be perfect, my feet tend to sweat so much, I’ve been wanting a foot slave for such a long time”

Defeatedly you bowed your head down, accepting your new life as a pathetic tiny foot slave, lost in a foreign country, with an annoying young brat to decide how you live and die.



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