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During a euro trip, when staying over a small town around Milano, you asked your hostel owner about a good restaurant you can go to.

Without asking further questions, she immediately recommended “Rimpiccio”, a small local restaurant just 20 minutes walk away.

“Tell her Milana sent you”, she added with a smile before you left.

When you got there, it looked much smaller than you thought, you walked in and an amazing beauty welcomed you in, it looked like she was the entire staff.

She showed you to the only table in the room, gave you a menu, a small page with no prices or anything, then she walked back to the bar, washing dishes.

When she came back, you ordered pasta, a drink, and a small pastry, before she left with your order you told her Milana sent you, she smiled and said “she’s definitely awesome isn’t she?” And you nodded.

She came back with the food, and it was far from being good… the pastry was dry and the pasta was over cooked, it was clear that this woman doesn’t have much knowledge about cooking, oh well, you thought to yourself, and after a few bites ordered the bill.

When she brought it to you, you almost had an heart attack, the pasta was 100,000€ the drink 50,000€ and the pastry was 70,000€

You thought it’s a joke.

“I’m not paying that, you gotta be kidding me”

“What do you mean?” She asked with an obvious fake puzzled face.

“That’s a tourist scam, I’m calling the police”

She stayed indifferent and shrugged, “no problem”, she said with her Italian accent, and you called them, explaining you are being mugged and extremely overcharged in a restaurant, they tried to convince you to settle with the owner but you insisted and they sent an officer.

You waited for about an hour, during this time she cleaned around, even smiled at you from time to time, you were furiously mad.

When the officer finally arrived, you showed her the bill, she looked at it and nodded. She asked the owner “why is it so expensive?” In Italian, you could understand that sentence, but you didn’t understand her explanation, the officer nodded and placed the bill on your table.

“Sir, you need to pay that”

“What?! Can’t you see it’s a tourist scam! She asks for almost a quarter million euros for a meal!”

“And you chose to purchase, that’s the law here, if it was too expensive you shouldn’t have bought it”

Your jaw dropped, the owner came to sit at the table, “see? I told you it’s not a tourist scam, how would you like to pay?”

“I.. I.. I don’t have that kind of money”, you stammered, realized you’ve been fucked so hard.

“Sir, if you can’t pay the lady I’ll have to take you with me to the station”

You got scared, you know this country have shifted to the “shrunken imprisonment” program to save space and tax payer resources, it means that you’ll be shrunken and given to the fashion industry here as a slave, you knew that it’s actually a death sentence, because there’s always an “accident” as a model somehow crushes a tiny prisoner at some point.

You had no other choice, you took the details from the owner and started making phone calls, you transferred everything you had and it wasn’t enough, so you started calling family, friends, explained the situation and they also sent what they could.

During this time the owner told the officer that it’s ok and she can leave, that you will find a solution together.

Finally, you transferred the whole 220,000€ you owed her, you were devastated, she just earned everything you earned in your lifetime just for a simple meal, she was extremely satisfied and happy.

“So are we good? Can I leave now?” You desperately asked.

“What about service?” She asked with a smile.

You chuckled angrily, “as you can see I have nothing left”

“I’m sorry but the minimum is 1% so you have to give me 2,200€”

You couldn’t believe it’s happening, what a greedy pig, you just shrugged helplessly.

“You can work for me and give it back, I’ll pay you minimum wage, it’s 1,500€ so it will take about 2 months, taxes and accommodation included”, she handed over a contract, this time you read it carefully.

Everything seems legit, but then you read the description of what you’ll be required to do and in general it said you’ll be her personal servant, and you’ll be shrunk.

You pointed it out, “what is that? What are you going to do to me?”

“It’s a regular job here, almost everyone have a personal shrunken servant, especially beautiful women like me”

“Don’t you need help with the restaurant or something? I can do anything”

She smiled, “you’re cute, don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you”, she definitely looked innocent but you knew it’s far from the truth.

You held your forehead, spending another few minutes reading it, then you just signed, you wanted to get it over with.

She got the contract back, and placed a pill and a glass of water in front of you, “Saluti”, she said, smiling ear to ear.

You sighed and drank it, praying to god it will be ok, she got up and continued cleaning around, satisfyingly smiling. You had a bad feeling about it but you were desperate.

You slowly saw how everything around you was getting bigger until you ended up 5 inch tall on the chair.

She came again and you hid your genitals with your hands, she placed tiny rags next to you and you wore them, then she placed a very small cage next to you, “your new home”, she said.

Humiliated, you walked inside and she picked you up, going up the stairs to her apartment, she lived just above the “restaurant”.

She placed the cage on the floor and sat down, she started removing her shoes and socks, you gulped as the putrid smell reached your nose.

“You said you’ll go easy on me”, you shouted.

She opened the cage, laughing like you just said a joke, “come out, don’t worry, my foot sweat is far tastier than my cooking”.

You bowed your head down and walked outside, getting closer to her foot, it was shiny with sweat after a long working day. The smell was horrible, you couldn’t believe that this will be your life for the next 2 months, it’s the most terrible job you could imagine.

You closed your eyes and got your tongue out, giving her sweaty sole a quick lick, your mouth got filled with her foot sweat, after a few seconds of straining you managed to swallow it, then you gagged, coughed, and fell to your knees, you started desperately crying.

She laughed, “oh come on, it’s just sweat”.

“I can’t do it, this is awful”, you begged.

Her finger came behind your head, “let me help you”, she pushed your face into her sole again, smearing your face all over the ball of her foot, your mouth, nose and eyes were filled with her foot sweat, you swallowed again, “please stop!!”, you screamed but she continued smearing your face, laughing and enjoying every second of it.

After a tormenting few minutes she released her grip and you fell on your back, coughing and crying. She stood up, “get a hold of yourself honey, it’s just your first day”, she laughed and walked to the shower.

You got on all fours, coughing, puking her sweat out, then you walked back into the cage as you didn’t want to be left exposed on the floor, you sat down inside realizing that in addition to losing everything you earned, you are also being enslaved here for her own personal pleasure.

She got out of the shower and then placed her foot over your cage, grinding it a little, causing her dead skin to rain inside.

“A small bonus for you, I’m leaving your cage open but be careful, if you get out I can’t promise I won’t crush you by accident”, she giggled and went to sleep.


You did your best to count the days but it was very hard, every evening when she finished working you had to lick her feet, sometimes she ordered you to kiss them, time went by very slowly.

You started to lose your sanity, living like a bug on the floor inside a cage, waiting all day just to be fed with her foot sweat, callous and toe jam.

After what felt like forever, your count finally showed that 60 days have passed, so the next evening when she removed her shoes and socks in front of you, you started shouting so she could hear you.

“Miss, 2 months are over, I’m done, please free me”, you pleaded.

“Oh really?” She got up and checked her calendar, “oh you’re right, 2 months passed a week ago”

You couldn’t believe you suffered for another week for nothing.

“So that’s it”, she smiled, “I guess you fulfilled your duty and paid back your debt”, she got you out of the cage, your heart pounded fast, she walked down to the restaurant and eventually placed you on the floor near the entrance, “ok, you’re free to go”.

You looked outside, you were terrified, the size of a bug, you looked up and waved, “wait! Grow me back!”.

“Grow you back? Your contract said nothing about that”, she couldn’t hide her wide smile, as expected she tricked you again.

“Please, I already gave you everything, I was literally your slave for 2 months, just let me go”

“Well I do have growing pills here, but it will cost you”

Tears started forming in your eyes, you’ll have to stay here longer living in this nightmare, “how much?” You defeatedly asked.

“Hmm… one million euros”, she said and laughed loudly.

You quickly started calculating, “you.. you can’t be serious, I’ll have to work for more than 50 years to pay you for that”, you fell to your knees, shocked.

“Sounds right”, she said and giggled, “so let’s go back up? My feet got dirty from walking down here”, she bent down to pick you up again and went back to the second floor.

With joy she placed her feet in front of you, they were sweaty, filled with black stains from walking around, you started licking them while crying, she kept giggling, like your life and freedom are a funny game for her.


Few months later, you couldn’t take it anymore, you started to lose your humanity, you went insane, one afternoon you left your cage and started walking around the house, thinking of a way to escape this hell.

You heard her steps booming as she went up, you started running back to your cage.

“Oh what do we have here, a bug?” She asked as she removed her heels. She started walking playfully behind you as you kept running.

“I hate bugs”, she said and laughed, raising her foot and hovering it above you, you noticed the shadow forming all around you.

You tried to run faster, seeing your cage in the distance, but then her sole landed on top of you, you squirmed and tried to somehow break free, but *CRACK*, she crushed you like the bug you were.

She laughed loudly as she felt your bones crushing beneath her, slowly twisting her foot, extinguishing any life you had in you, what a pathetic ending to your miserable last months here.



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