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With so many people coming forward to support us over this weekend, we have smashed our original goal of 1000 Patrons. With the channel going in a slightly different direction at the moment and with Karl taking a break, we're unlikely to be able to fulfil the 950 Patron reward in its current form. We can, however, fulfil the 1000 Patron reward - Green Morph Suit Karl! 

A Fact Fiend video with Karl wearing a full body green morph suit will be published within the week. We hope it lives up to everyone's expectations...

As for the other rewards, the Tabletop RPG Stream continues to be pushed back but, rest assured, it is coming. Cooking with Karl and Fact Fiend with Brad are both available on the Untitled Side Channel.

A huge thank you to everyone who pledged following our recent video and also to everyone else. We hope we can continue to provide you with enjoyable content for as long as we are all able and willing.

-Brad and the team

PS: In case anyone is concerned, the Green Morph Suit video was recorded prior to Karl's break so we didn't disrupt his time off to get it recorded.




Oh! More random facts. I had to stop this morning (my morning) to run an errand. (I'm a programmer so sorry if I supply a lot of tech facts) I also apologize in advance of any of this is common knowledge. I have NO IDEA what's common knowledge and what isn't. I kind of live in my own little world. - As AI improves, it comes closer and closer to being just as faulty as humans. A lot of what we call "AI" these days uses "machine learning". The machine learning algorithm (super-super simplified), especially for visual analysis is basically looking for things that certain visual features. And the appearance of said visual features will determine the likelihood of the imagine being something. But this presents a problem as how do you, without context distinguish between a freight truck and a bus? How do you visually distinguish a casserole and a lasagna? If a human can't define it, how can we train a computer to identify it? For less a esoteric example, someone once layered slices of cheese into a giant egg-shape. The computer promptly identified it as a pineapple. - (might have to verify this one.) Although we think of mangoes as yellow and red, mangoes were originally from India and were completely yellow. The red and yellow mangoes are actually apple mangoes which are the results of splicing an apple tree together with a mango tree. - Most of modern webdesign and web app is still based off of/dependent on a bug/glitch in a function that was made to retrieve XML files. - All Shiba inu's can be traced back to a single dog in Japan. (Inu is dog in Japanese) - Korean, Hiragana and Katakana exist simply because ancient people thought Chinese was too hard to learn. -The Taiwanese phonetic system for Chinese "Zhuyin fuhao" or "bopomofo" was only invented in 1912. But due to its similar creation method to Japanese Katakana, a lot of people in Communist China were taught it was derived by the Japanese language. - There's no formal technical or specification as to what "cloud computing" or "the cloud" is. The term "the cloud" originated as a sales/marketing term that had no real meaning and just came about as a way to sell more hosting to companies/people. - Disney had (can't confirm they still have this policy) a policy where if you were caught saying that you liked or thought any animation was better than Disney's, you were fired on the spot. -For more than a decade, it was illegal to own or have any copy any Studio Ghibli film in the US. Long story short. Miyazaki, due this his admiration of Disney, gave them the publishing rights to all Studio Ghibli flims. Disney looked and them and immediately said "this is better than our stuff. We can't have the public see this." And shelved it for at least the entire 1990's. This meant that there was no legal way to have a copy of Studio Ghibli films in the US and any copy in the US was an illegal pirate copy. Of course, this didn't stop people in or around the animation industry... - Saban Animation, famous for Power Rangers in the US, in the 90's made most of their money off of the opening theme songs rather than the shows themselves. - Bonus fact for the above, when Disney bought Saban Animation around 2001, they thought they bought the rights to the shows AND the music catalog Haim Saban accrued over the years. They didn't do their homework. Because of how Haim Saban dealt with the rights, the music catalog wasn't registered with Saban Animation but under Haim Saban himself or a separate entity that Haim Saban controls (I never got clarification on that. Also, it's been 21 years since I worked there). As a result, Disney never got what they really wanted to buy from Haim Saban. - For the episode "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dog" of "Courage The Cowardly Dog". Since a lot of the production staff were Taiwanese or spoke Chinese, they wanted to do the episode in Chinese and have subtitles. This was rejected by the BS&P because they felt it wasn't right to force kids to read subtitles. - This one is hard to confirm. This was a rumor I heard from a VERY reliable source. With that said, it is still a rumor. The 90's cartoon "Gargoyles". Disney didn't want to make the cartoon at all (due to style and tone and not meshing well with the Disney brand, among other things.). But due to the agreement/debt they had with one of the creators of the show, the studio (I think Buena Vista. Disney's freelance arm) reluctantly gave the go ahead. It wasn't until it's popularity, especially following Batman the Animation that showed kids were more than okay with a more mature tone, that it was picked up for more episodes.