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In order to loosen up during our first recording session, Nisha and I shot for over an hour. We've taken some of that unused footage to make an extra video just for Patreon. Enjoy!



USC Patreon | Editors' Fact Fiend Recording Session - Bonus Clips

Brad: https://www.youtube.com/user/bradrawlinsonvfx https://www.youtube.com/c/OvahDawg https://www.twitch.tv/ovahdawg https://twitter.com/BradJRawlinson Nisha: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHY9c2Tm4Ufu56hxYUklPbw https://twitter.com/midnight_neesh https://www.instagram.com/midnightneesh/



Love from Leeds, please don't give up.


I gave up my HBO subscription for Karl. Love seeing all you behind the camera people in front of the camera. I think this is the beginning of something new and bigger