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Hi folks, this video is about ADHD, and is my follow-up from my "Coping Mechanisms" video.

Despite not being left-handed, I do have a great deal of empathy for our left-handed cousins because of my ADHD: Some tools, like scissors, you can get a left-handed version of, of course. You can fill your house with physical coping mechanisms that help you function.

But when you walk out into the world, you will find that nearly everything isn't designed for you.


Thank you so much for your patience with this one. I hoped to get it to you last week, but it's SO LONG OMG  I tried to cut it down but everything I want to say on the topic takes 19 minutes! 

Thank you so much for your support, I was able literally to afford ADHD medicine because of it! I'd love to know what you think of the video, and do talk in #mental-health on my discord if you want to chat about ADHD with me or the nice folks there.

Talk soon <3



I've been watching your videos for something on the order of a year or two. As someone with ASD and mood disorder I face a lot of the same challenges as someone with ADHD, in fact I thought I would be diagnosed with it when I was diagnosed with ASD. Anyway, thanks for sharing this. It's motivated me to donate. :)


Thank you SO much for supporting me, I'm delighted you like it. I felt that as a YouTuber with a huge platform, I should tell my story, to add to the conversation about our conditions. I may write a short video on my experience with ASD, again talking about the astonishingly early help and support my parents were able to provide for me, I've got nearly everything handled by coping mechanisms now, though there's certainly some internal stuff to talk about. Thank you again for your support and nice comment :-)

AArexx AAron Ruscetta

Just joined your patreon and this video instantly caught my attention. If the condition was better recognized when I was a child, I might have been diagnosed with ADHD myself. My daughter was both self aware and medically informed enough to seek diagnosis in her mid 20's and start medicating, She's now 37 and getting her MD from a prestigious U.S. medical school while raising my 2 toddler grandchildren (I wonder sometimes if fighting her ADHD is what motivated her to develop her incredible learning and study strategies). I found this video was also available on YouTube and will share it with her -- I think she'll appreciate the fresh perspectives and analysis of the condition. [ A quick aside connected to the title: I'm naturally right handed, but when GUI computing and mice hit the mainstream, I learned to use my Amiga mouse and create digital art with my left hand -- because accepted science is that the left hand has stronger connection to the visual processing found in the right half of the brain. ]