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What should the next video topic be?

  • How to be Offline on the Internet 41
  • Hacking your brain with Martial Arts 13
  • Obsidian 2: D&D 18
  • The HOME Method of self-organisation: Humanize, Organize, Mechanize, Execute (the high-level systems I run my life on) 51
  • Opt Out (of stupid, expensive, societal defaults) 45
  • No One Is Coming (a video about how we must all work together, we can't make it alone) 16
  • The Hacker's Diet (A dive into the book by the same name) 11
  • My Autism Superpowers (and challenges) 15
  • Speed is EVERYTHING (coding, art, building anything) 21
  • Obsidian 2: The Brain Operating System (a deep-dive into my system and plugins) 31
  • Incident Reviews for Your Mental Health 17
  • Specialisation Is For Insects (Recommendations on how and why to be a generalist) 43
  • 2023-12-13
  • —2023-12-31
  • 322 votes
{'title': 'What should the next video topic be?', 'choices': [{'text': 'How to be Offline on the Internet', 'votes': 41}, {'text': 'Hacking your brain with Martial Arts', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Obsidian 2: D&D', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'The HOME Method of self-organisation: Humanize, Organize, Mechanize, Execute (the high-level systems I run my life on)', 'votes': 51}, {'text': 'Opt Out (of stupid, expensive, societal defaults)', 'votes': 45}, {'text': "No One Is Coming (a video about how we must all work together, we can't make it alone)", 'votes': 16}, {'text': "The Hacker's Diet (A dive into the book by the same name)", 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'My Autism Superpowers (and challenges)', 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'Speed is EVERYTHING (coding, art, building anything)', 'votes': 21}, {'text': 'Obsidian 2: The Brain Operating System (a deep-dive into my system and plugins)', 'votes': 31}, {'text': 'Incident Reviews for Your Mental Health', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'Specialisation Is For Insects (Recommendations on how and why to be a generalist)', 'votes': 43}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 31, 10, 19, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 13, 10, 19, 33, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 322}


(TLDR: Vote for all interesting-sounding topics for January's non-programming video)

Hi friends! First, a scheduling update: 

This week's video's draft title is "The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Linux Workstations" - the topic hinted at in my Plain Text Team video with the phrase, "storage is cheap if you're smart". LOTS of people picked up on this and have asked what I meant -  this week's video answers that question!

The next video after the Workstations video this week's drops in the second week of January, and will be a 'non programming' video - it is this video that I'm wondering which of these topics to write on, I like them all!

As you may have noticed, over the last 6 months I've started alternating producing programming videos and non-programming videos. (In my system, they're called 'lifehack' videos, but that's not a great name really, maybe 'life advice' or something would be better?).
This has allowed me to flex my creative muscles and discover many new folks to introduce to the channel (hi new friends!), while keeping my main technical focus. I wonder how many new Rust developers there are who started off by watching my Obsidian video...

I know it's been a long time since I published a Rust video (August!), but that's because the introductory topics are mostly done: I'm not the right person to teach long, complex topics (head over to https://fasterthanli.me for those, that's how I'm learning!),
For Rust, I believe I am best placed at the start of the cargo cult production line: Bringing as many new people to the language as possible with my fast, friendly videos, and helping them not be turned-off by how unfamiliar it is.
Don't worry, I'm still all-in on Rust, building all the projects for my Channel and Podcasts in it, as well as countless personal projects, and I code Rust every day while doing research for the people I teach on my Mentoring tiers. More videos are coming, certainly, I have a lot in my backlog, but not every time.

Now, what is this poll?

Please vote for all the 'lifehack' topics that sound good for you for January's video - vote for multiple.

I have a huge list of topics in my obsidian notes for both the 'programming' and 'lifehack' track, so I'm not necessarily seeking new ideas (but I'm always happy to hear them, comment away!) but finding out which of the following sound most exciting.

Vote for as many options as you like, it's a multiple-choice poll. Remember that voting for all is the same as voting for none, so pick your favs :-)

Some of the options are video titles, others are just ideas that I've not got a snappy title yet. These are my top topics that are researched and ready to go.

Thank you for your support, it means so much to me <3


AArexx AAron Ruscetta

I just joined and missed the topic poll, but everything on the list looks interesting! Looking forward to whatever makes it to Done. 😉


Welcome! Thank you so much for your support, that's very kind of you! Here's some good news, the poll closes at the end of this year, vote away! (but don't use the patreon app to vote, it'll only let you vote for one thing)


New subscriber here, hello! Enjoyed your last video and was wondering if you could elaborate on your Linux workflow/pipeline for content creation and general productivity. Thank you for the great content!


Thank you for your support, welcome! I think the votes are in (do vote if you've not already) and it looks like everyone wants to know that too! Look for the video soon, but in the meantime, the tldr would be Obsidian + GTD + STRICT routines (when I had a day job, I'd wake up at 7 and do all my writing before 9am, now I do the same, but timebox myself to lunchtime.) Also, in the meantime, check out the CORTEX podcast, where I learned SO many of the tech tips that I've built into my system! https://www.relay.fm/cortex


Hello, Just started supporting you Tris! I am a huge fan of your channel. You're the first person I'm supporting on patron. Trying to transition away from YouTube/internet addiction at large. Struggling with ADHD and trying to get through a cognitive science degree (emphasis in computation) as a student slightly later in life (just turned 25 and have 2 more years left). Hope all of these videos come out eventually,


Nice to meet you, and thank you so much for your support and kind words :-) Hope you found some of the details the adhd video useful!