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All good teams are alike; each bad team is bad in its own way. (to paraphrase Tolstoy)

Software is an incredible thing. Combined with the internet, a small team of friends can change the world  overnight. Every company, no matter what their industry, must now run a tech team,  even if only to maintain their website.  

So why are they all so bad at it?


Here's the public version of this video, thanks to all the lovely patrons who gave me feedback last week! I've trimmed the fat, read up on the difference between Odysseus and Ulysses (THANKS ROMAN EMPIRE) and downplayed the emphasis on GitHub, and focussed a little more on git.

I've shaved so much off the video, that I have enough to revisit this in the future, if I want!

(if you do nothing else, listen to 3:00!)

Hope you like it! I'm already researching the next one <3



Thanks for the minimal practical approach. Sometimes you see very minimal power user approaches that go to extremes (eg. don't use GH because it's owned by MS) and those don't scale well. I think you propose a nice balance, can't wait to try this the next time I have to build a team from scratch. PS: This is the video that I discovered on YT that drove me to become a humble supporter, thank you for your work ;)


Oh wonderful, thank k you so much for your support! Yes, github is a sticking point for many, but we live in a world where over 80% of all version control is on github. (based on What limit information I can find out)


Hey just for anyone reading this after I began migrating to this one app I found that's been very useful is gitjournal, it creates a note quickly using YYYY-MM-DD, the file itself contains metadata like exact create time, last modified etc and it auto syncs to a git repo so i can on my desktop quite easily do 'grep -H "keyword" *.md' and get not only the line I'm looking for but the date it occurred I also keep a quick and easy checklist in the repos readme that I also interact with via gitjournal


I really like gitjournal! I tried to use it for a mobile editor for my obsidian second brain, but I couldn't get the richness I was hoping for, same problem with orgzly for org mode - fine for editing markdown files one at a time, but to build a system on it, customisation is needed. (my obsidian video is here btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbsAQSIKQXk)


Hey, do you think this is a good system for personal productivity? Or is there a better approach?