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All good teams are alike; each bad team is bad in its own way. (to paraphrase Tolstoy)

Software is an incredible thing.
Combined with the internet, a small team of friends can change the world overnight.

Every company, no matter what their industry, must now run a tech team, even if only to maintain their website.

So why are they all so bad at it?


Hi friends, here's this month's video, I hope you think it worth the wait because it's my LONGEST yet! I decided that I really I hadn't made enough enemies with my Agile video, and so I need to make some extremely wild takes with my recommendations for running a team. 

You won't agree with everything in this video, and that is by design. To do everything set out here would be rather extreme (I'd love it, but perhaps no-one else would) - but I'm hoping that pieces here and there will fit with your, or other viewers' projects and teams.


NEWS: GUESS WHO HAS COVID AGAIN! I have been desperately putting this video together before I completely zone out for a week like last time. I'm hoping it will be easier the second time round, but WOW what timing. Lost Terminal's release on Monday will be a photo finish, but at least I recorded it today, while my voice still works!


Thank you all for your support, I'll talk to you on Discord!
Tris <3



Nice video! You are correct, that leaving GitHub with the files in the git repo is easy, replacing GitHub Actions is harder but still possible. But when you start using GitHub's other features (discussions, projects, ...) you will face a lock-in like in other (commonly used) tools.


Extremely reasonable point, Eugen (and btw thank you so much for your support!). I maintain my position, however: It's difficult to separate my desire for purity in doing as much in plain-text as possible, with the practicality that GitHub (and other web hosts) have some features you're not going to want to miss, but can't yet get in plain text. So, in this video, I propose a compromise. Yes, Issues, Projects and even PRs are outside of git, but because they are tied so closely to your repo, I still recommend them, as a concession to practicality. I still prefer GitHub projects to JIRA because it's the same tool, bound up closely to the repository, where the work is actually happening. My assumption is that you'll never change your git host, so these add-on tools (that are broadly similar in all GitHub competitors) are ALSO never going away. The Pact remains! I'd love to learn more about git-native issues and projects, though my first thought is that if they're stored in markdown, you can build them in whatever editors you would like (as in the obsidian kanban screenshot).


Awesome video! This one motivated me to join the patreon, just found out about obsidian so eager to learn!


Thank you so much! Oh, you're in for a TREAT with Obsidian. I've not done a deep-dive video yet, but so many others have, I really love Nicolevdh, here's a good video of hers to start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUrOfIqvGS4