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Hi folks, I have a few Mentoring updates as I'm getting used to doing this more and more: All changes are positive!

  • I'm testing out 30 slots on the Mentoring Tier in October. If you wanted a 1:1 session, now is your chance!
    This is strictly timeboxed to October, as I have a quiet month and can give everyone the time and research they deserve. October is quiet because Lost Terminal season 13.0 wraps in a few days, on Monday the 9th. After then I will have a month of no recording. I'll still be writing, but I can fit that around Mentoring much easier than recording. Also, this month's video drops for patrons tomorrow, so I'll be done there too. (I'm so excited about this one, I hope you love it!)
  • A reminder: You can book 28 days in advance.
    I'm astonished how free my October is - only 3 bookings? Whenever you started your subscription, you get one session per calendar month. If you don't use it, that's OK, you can use your 'credit' in another month and have two sessions then, but please no more than one a week. If you don't use your credits for multiple months, they never expire. But you could downgrade for a bit, too! I don't mind!
  • Email me!
    The Mentoring tier provides you with access to my inbox, as much as you like. From my side, my SLA is typically 24h, I answer emails in batch in the mornings. I LOVE helping you out and doing a bit of research on your behalf. If I can do it in 15 minutes, I don't mind at all. And if you want to chat about anything, email's the way to do it.
    I'm REALLY good at email! (hey.com is my provider, btw, and they're worth every penny because they rebuilt what email means from the ground up)

Thank you all so much, past present and future patrons, I'm so lucky to be able to do the work I'm passionate about, and it's all thanks to you :-)

Talk soon,


Blue days are available for booking, most of the grey days are actually days I've taken off for IRL stuff, not booked days!


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