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Today's video is a look at shuttle.rs's infra-from-code deployment system.

I first played with Shuttle last autumn, and was very impressed with what I saw, so when they reached out looking for an advert, I was delighted, I'm always happy to help Rust-focussed companies, and shuttle is doing some REALLY exciting things: Finally a big company using macros for what they are: Build tools.


Usually you, as my valued patrons, would get an ad-free video, but the WHOLE video is kindof an advertorial, so please excuse this hitting your feed. At least you are getting the video tracking-free and youtube-banner-ad-free.

I don't partner with companies that have products that don't genuinely excite me, and it's you wonderful people who allow me to be so discerning - thank you so much for your support.

And thank you for you patience! Covid hit me so hard, and even now I don't like how I sound in the video, but I'm on the mend!

Talk soon <3



Absolutely love what shuttle are doing. I have a couple projects actively using it. I will be deploying larger databases to it soon as well.


One of the biggest sources of friction in our enterprise is using tools that don't have any similarity to the base language. I love systems that build on top of something you're already using.