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Hi friends, quite a personal video today! I have managed to become  highly productive with these coping mechanisms, and perhaps some of them will work for you!

Thanks so much for your support :-)



Love you and this! Also Thanks! It also makes perfect sense why I felt so deeply when I saw the first season of LostTerminal so many months ago. Sincerely thank you for making it. I am not even sure I can express how much it means/meant to me.


Just updated the video with a few minor corrections, mostly tiny visual errors, you certainly don't need to watch it again!


Thank you so much for saying so Sam, I am so fortunate to be able to focus on what I think is important (lost terminal and story podcasts) and not what is lucrative (youtube, twitch streaming, hot take reaction videos etc) - and it's all down to you and my wonderful patrons! <3