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We're back folks! I could not do it without your wonderful support, thank you so much :)



The final version of the research paper can be downloaded here: https://bhi.co.uk/antikytheramechanism

Direct links to the video -  

Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/486677986/a86c90ad91

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkKgdq57uOo


The Antikythera Mechanism Episode 10 - Evidence Of A Lunar Calendar

We're back folks! I could not do it without your wonderful support, thank you so much :) Cheers, Chris. The final version of the research paper can be downloaded here: https://bhi.co.uk/antikytheramechanism/ Direct links to the video - Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/486677986/a86c90ad91 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkKgdq57uOo Cheers, Chris. ________________________________________________________ A very special thank you to Patrons: Sinking Valley Woodworks (http://www.sinkingvalleywoodworks.com) Glenn Trewitt Christopher Warnock Mike Manfrin Guy Loughridge Peter John Richardson Adam Slagle Bogdan Dan Niels Palmann Steven R. Crider Gary Levario Pete Askew Jeff Armstrong Rudolph Bescherer Jr Robert Petz Ralph McCoy Tim Bray Jim Popwell Bradley Pirtle Patrick Deuley Maris Vecmanis Thomas Veilleux Mike Armour Alan Carey Felix Green Rev. Steven Anderson Paul Alix John A McCormick Olof Haggren Larry Pardi Andre van Soest Lee Wiggins ________________________________________________________



We missed you!



Leo G.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! /me dances Super Happy Snoopy Dance! Glad to have more of your awesomeness.


Brilliant! :)




Congratulations on finishing the research for this! What a wonderful honor it must be :) I'm curious, have you and the authors of this paper been in contact with the previous scholars (Tony Freeth, Derek de Solla Price, etc.) at all? If not, do you know if they've commented about the new analysis? As always, thank you for your great effort.


Hell yeah! Missed ya Chris :)


Wait has it really been 4 years? I actually have a hard time believing this. Great to see its back regardless!


Good to see you man. Worth the wait. Will be sitting down later with a beer and cigar to read your paper.

Thomas Richards

Woohoo clickspring time. Great to see such detailed research


This made me really happy! Congratulations on completing the paper, that's no small feat.

sam littlefield

Incredible. Will dig into this paper tomorrow. I've been waiting! Hope all is well Chris. We sure missed you!


Thank you mate, thrilled to have it complete. Yes we've corresponded with all of the current prominent authors in the field at one time or another, its been a terrific experience - Cheers :)


It's quite amazing that a YouTube home machine shop clock making project could lead to this. Absolutely awesome, Chris.


You can be incredibly proud about this. You have contributed something that has been overlooked for one hundred years. You are a proper scientist now :D I am a scientist myself, albeit in a whole different field, and I do understand very well that going through the rigorous process of getting your findings actually approved and published is extremely time consuming and frustrating at times. Congrats for putting up with it and succeeding! I am now very happy to hear that the building will continue and I am looking forward to upcoming videos!


Incredible discovery, and you present it so clearly!


Very nice. Glad you are feeling better and congrats on the publication.


I've been looking forward to your videos.


Fantastic! I'm ecstatic to see the continuation of this series. Good on ya for sticking with it, and the amazing research that's gone into it!


Nice one Chris, I think I can speak for everyone when I say this is probably one of the best pieces of news to come from 2020. Look forward to watching this and the continuation of this amazing series!

Mark Roberts

Such a nice surprise to see this pop up on the notifications! 🙏


Thank you Chris for a new video... These really make my day!


It has been my absolute pleasure to watch this channel grow and evolve from "merely" clock making to this incredible deep dive into one of the most fascinating archaeological discoveries.


Thank you for your diligence in your work very inspiring 🙏


Well done Chris. Been looking forward to watching this for two years. A lot longer for you though 😁 a well deserved return of your AMAZING content. Congrats. ChrisG UK


Soooo glad to see you back. Your first series (Skeleton clock) was awesome. This one is even better. Good to hear the research continues as well. Good for you. Can't wait for the next one because I'm learning so much about close tolerance machining (I'm an aerospace welder) and I've been fascinated by it for a long time.


Very much looking forward to seeing build videos again! This research may not have been as immediately engaging to follow for us, but the potential impact of the findings more than make up for that.

Leonard Solomon

Awesome work; you will be in the history books, mate. On a minor note, I love the taper pin attachment that you use for those little brackets. I have been using taper reamers and pins in my own projects for a few years, since I first learned about them from your videos.


Thanks, I've been missing your beautiful videos.


As a fellow researcher looking back in time to understand the intentions of early mechanical engineers: That was worth the wait. Thank you!


Awesome! Can't wait!

Matt Waite

Nice to have you back Chris :-)

Ralph McCoy

Chris, will there be changes to some of the previous build videos because of your findings, or just additions the the build. In other words will there be some gears removed, holes filled. gears teeth changed? Stay safe thanks Ralph


Exceptionally good work (and most enjoyable video to document it). I agree that putting the discrepancy down to "builder error" in an otherwise remarkably well planned and executed to the highest standard machine is very unlikely. Thanks for defending the unknown creators and builders reputation of the device. One thing that hasn't changed is the makers of the world are quick to take heat and slow to be given proper credit, even after 2 millennia have passed. Cheers!

Clayton Firth

Amazing work Chris. Glad to see the build series back on. Hope that your in good health.


Incredibly exciting! Thanks so much for your hard work and dedication on this project, very inspiring to see what you've accomplished

Russell Reckman

Chris I really do admire you. Keep up the good work. I’m going to read your paper.


Congrats! It's interesting that it has taken a hobbyist clock maker who wants to build it from the original evidence to discover this discrepancy! Very excited to see the rest of the build. Are you going to try to recreate the missing gearing?


Really glad you're back at it


So glad to see you back at it Chris! I hope you and your family are well, and I'm looking forward to the rest of this journey. No matter how long it takes. Cheers mate! 👋👍


No changes to the existing built components, I took this into account from the beginning once I noticed the discrepency. However it will have significant effects on what happens from here - Cheers :)

Robert D

This is a fascinating series Chris and I am glad to see you back to it and hopefully feeling better. May you and your family enjoy the rest of the year and find yourself with an easy holiday season.


Great video as always and a wonderful paper. Great just great .


I loved reading the paper! College statistics was a struggle for me. But like many struggles the result was the retention of sufficient understanding to be able to follow the conversation without the ability to add to it. One question. Did Figure 4. Inter-hole residuals by hole number, not fully render in the frame? Section 6 is missing in the pdf I down loaded. Lastly, am very pleased to have what would be coffee money do far more good! And really hope the health issues are resolving!


Have you thought about putting all of the information about the build into a book when you're are finish. I think it would be very interesting


Congrats Chris. A very painful experience to have that paper to pass through... all it had to pass through :) Takes a strong perseverance. And I’m proud to be a small part of this great adventure. 👍🏻👍🏻


So pleased mate! Yes you've identified a typo on that chart. The last two data labels should read "S5" and "S7" instead of "S4" and "S5" - I will pass it on for correction, many thanks for spotting :)


Good things take time! Glad to see a new video from you, Chris, and your work is super-inspiring work as always!


Can’t say enough good things! I was thrilled to see this pop up. Was in line at the grocery when this popped up, couldn’t get home fast enough to watch!


Nice!!! Welcome back!

Grant McKinna

Glad alls good and your back enjoying your work

Andrew Webster

Yay! Made my day. Good job, and well done. That's a piece of work!


I literally whooped when I saw you had a shiny new video. This is amazing stuff. Just as amazing is that it’s been four years, already. Welcome back!

Bill Yester

I feel humbled and honored to be allowed to view your work Chris...thanks so much for sharing with us!


I'm super excited about this!

Francis Milsom

Brilliant presentation Chris. I've been enthrawld by all thge video in the series so far and this tops the lot. Really looking forward to further constructional materials in the future.


Whose face is that at 6:36?

Graeme Brumfitt

Welcome back Chris, hope your well. TFS, G :)


Good to hear your voice again. The first thing to do was watching the movie. Thanks for the high quality video and explanation. And now I have to go back and watch all older parts again. Maurice

Justus Dehegovit

"And there were in the same interwebs patreons abiding in the Discord, keeping watch over their lives in this drought of quality content. And, lo, the messenger of the highest came upon them and the light of the highest shone around them: and they were sore staggered. And the messenger said to them: G'day, Chris here and welcome back to Clickspring. Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all you people."

Justus Dehegovit

Jokes aside, I couldn't be more happy to see you making a triumphant return to this beloved series. Have a merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a good start into 2021, a year that undoubtly will be better than the current one.


Welcome back Chris. Had a read of the paper fascinating stuff

Matt Syme

Well done mate. That sounds like a lot of work, I bet it is worth it now though.

Spadge Fox

Top work as always Chris! Take as long as you need to acheive your usual level of perfection.

Peter W. Meek

Welcome back. Good to see that the magnificent production values are intact. A note after reading the article: Whenever I see a row (or circle) of even graduations considered along with the idea of adjustment, the word that springs to mind is "vernier". Could there have been a series of holes, slightly differently spaced, somewhere in the missing parts of the zodiac or calendar rings?


It's great to have you back Chris, at least 2020 won't be a total disaster, stay safe.

Derek McAllan

G'day Chris, great to see an update. Extremely interesting!

Brad Thayer

So good to have you back. 2020 isn’t a complete loss! Now I’m headed off to read your paper.

Noah Orr

Thanks Chris, I am so glad this project is back on, I was very happy to watch the build series but seeing published research come out of this project makes it so much better!

Thomas McGinnis

Great research Chris, you and your colleagues have done a fantastic job! Congratulations on your publication!


Amazing work Chris! Congrats on getting through the review process, it can be a right pain but usually makes the publication stronger. Can't wait to see where this project takes you next!


Awesome. And with my favourite update yet. I tell you spinning back into history about this device just opens up a whole new world of imagination. Really intelligence and skill can not be trapped in a single generation but it can last millennia.


Nice one. One of the few good things to come from 2020. You're an inspiration 👍

James Korman

Chris - Congratulations to you and the rest of the team. It is a great thing to see science in progress!


superb, glad to learn you are back in town. The paper is amazing, very nice job !

Richard Thompson

Awesome news! Congrats on the paper and really looking forward to the final version of the mechanism.

David Paterson

Just magic Chris. I read the paper with interest when you pre-released, and the supporting video is really good.


Congratulations! And very inspirational. Thanks, Chris, and looking forward to the future videos.

Iain Deas

Gday chris, firstly, glad you finally got your paper published so a big congratulations there, this is really more to do with your skeleton clock build. I’m really keen to have a go at something like the clock but that’s way above my skill level right now, what would you recommend project wise to get started in the right direction? Cheers


Well Done Chris. Its amazing how much of a game changer your research is, and all because you wanted an authentic model of the mechanism.


You are back, congratulations to your paper it was a good read. It is a wonderful project and a fascinating matter. And it’s inspiring what attention to detail you put into the build and the videos, both are pieces of art.


How did I miss this notification? Oh my, this is a sight for sore eyes. Glad to see you back.


I am SO stoked this is project is back on. I can't express enough how much I enjoy it!

Tristan Sobey

Seeing a video from you made my day, then hearing the final results from the paper and that the build would resume soon made it that much better! Looking forward to whatever comes next!


Feels like I've been waiting for this update for ages... You have my utmost respect for the incredible job you've done with you research. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.


We don't deserve you, Chris


Which title do you like best? A: Mechanical Anthropologist, B: Engineering Archaeologist or C: Chris


SO glad you are back to making videos!


Great to see you back.


Thank you Peter - I've not seen anything to suggest that, but its an interesting thought. Certainly there is still much to glean from the wreckage that we do have - Cheers :)


Thank you Iain - I'd suggest make a start on some of the tools that you will eventually need, for example the depthing tool. You might also find that simply diving into the deep end on a clock is not a bad way to start too. It all looks a bit overwhelming at the start, but you can make a start on the bits that are friendlier to begin with, and you'll be amazed at how quickly you start to feel confident about the rest - Cheers :)


Ha ha! Chris is probably safest, although I've answered to much worse! Cheers mate :)


O my gosh! I just put the video on our Watch Later list, thinking it was another short. Then I'm quietly scrolling down my Patreon feed and I read this wonderful news! I'm so excited! I think we'll rewatch episodes 1 through 9 first, do a recap. Looking forward to tomorrow! So good to have you back!

Jonathan Crider

Chris, it's good to see you (proverbially speaking)! It is also good to see/hear that you plan to continue on making videos. But it is absolutely fantastic to hear that all of your research and hard work IS actually bearing fruit! And thank you, genuinely, for taking us along for the ride, so to speak; I know I'm not the only one who enjoyed learning a bit about the peer-review process. (And this is where I hit 'Enter' on my keyboard by accident, which is why this post is edited) Anyway, sorry for the rambling. Final thoughts: welcome back, my good man, as the YouTube Makers community was noticeably incomplete without your contributions. That, and we expect sweat-shop-style video production after the New Year; gotta make up for lost videos! :-) (Yes, that last part was meant as a lighthearted joke; humor is subjective, so it likely gave SOMEONE a bit of a chuckle :P )


My heart skipped a beat when I saw this in my feed a few days ago, and now I finally had the time to watch this video in full. I've been following your finding and publication as closely as you've allowed and am continually shocked at both the quality of the information presented and the sophistication of the defense provided. Though not fully understanding the paper's content, everything I do understand strikes me as being of the same quality as both the videos you are infamous for producing and the work they showcase. Thank you for keeping us involved in this process and I'm proud to be a part of this community of support.


Subscribing to your patreon was the best thing happened in my 2020, btw who was that man at 6:34 😳


That is Mike Edmunds, one of the researchers leading the 2006 team that conducted the CT and PTM scans at the National Museum in Greece - Cheers :)


So pleased to hear that. That is Mike Edmunds, one of the researchers leading the 2006 team that conducted the CT and PTM scans at the National Museum in Greece - Cheers :)


Congratulations on having this paper published and thanks for making it available without a paywall!

Sean Kirby

Looks like my Christmas reading has arrived. All I can say is Patreon money well spent! :-) Seasons greetings to you Chris, and all your fine discerning Patreon supporters. Cheers

Justus Dehegovit

Hello Chris, I just returned from your video being publicly unlocked on YouTube (It warms my heart to read all the wholesome comments), when I once again noticed how the CAD model had changed from the version seen in previous videos. Now I am fairly certain that you simply hid some features from the images of the model to keep the focus on the new day pointer, but just to be sure, you still intend to include planetary pointers on the front dial of the mechanism, right? I'm just wondering because those pointers to my understanding are also speculative.


Terrific to hear that Sean - Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to you too :)

Adam Slagle

Excellent read, Chris! I've been looking forward to reading this paper for a long time! Congratulations.

Matthew Thomas

Chris! Absolutely fantastic to hear you again! Your newest video induced the Engineering hype in me again and the binge bug had bitten. Have been rewatching a lot of your tooling videos and fragment videos again and all I can say is, absolutely stoked you're back and congratulations on your significant research progress!


Thank you for crediting the Clickspring Patreons in the research paper!


I have a feeling that the Antikythera mechanism (or one of it's siblings) was at least in part a showpiece for the workshop that made it. Like a fully kitted-out all-extras-included car in a showroom these days. Which leads me to think that (at least on some versions of the machine) the sidepanels could be removed very quickly to show off the complex mechanisms inside.


There is one other thing i'm curious about practical use of the device: If i understand correctly, currently the input handle rotates the mechanisms many days for each turn - i can think of many applications (like for day-to-day use when observing planets and/or using the device similar to a modern wall calendar) where each turn of the handle would advance the display one day, preferebly with the handle resting in the bottom position so it doesn't get accidently bumped. Something like "every morning turn the handle once to see todays sky alignment". Is there any possibility that such a gearing was included in the final mechanism?


That seems possible and there are several ideas about the actual use of the mechanism. Based on no evidence at all, I favor the scientific/educational use. And, for sure, this isn’t the only or first one made.

Jonathan Crider

Also, WOOT! Congratulations on crossing the 6,000 Patrons mark! Fair evidence that quality > quantity, IMO. I must admit, while re-watching the videos for the Byzantine Sundial Calendar series, I have to chuckle a bit when you mention getting the project wrapped up before the, "big one" (eclipse) of 2017. In my opinion, one can never fault someone for setting high expectations of themselves, even when those expectations aren't met. I mean, hell, you've probably helped to advance human understanding of how time was kept by ancient civilizations! God only knows what other possibilities or lines of thinking you'll unlock. And, to be as clear as possible, none of this comment is meant to be facetious, in any way. Anyway, apologies for rambling like that. I am genuinely thrilled that all of the hard work you put in to researching to ensure that your Youtube videos are as accurate as possible has revealed a hidden gem. Truely, I hope you have the best of luck navigating peer review, getting published, etc. Best wishes to you and yours, - Jonathan


At present it is quite easy to advance the mechansim by a single day at a time - Cheers :)


Thank you mate! Yes, my reach often exceeds grasp! All the best to you and family also for Christmas and the New Year, here's to a top notch 2021 :)


Hey Chris! What do you use to make the digital 3d models of your parts? Like what you see at the 6:46 point in your Antikythera update. I was thinking about getting into 3d modeling to make parts too.


Anyone else checking here hourly to see if Santa Chris has something for our stockings this year?

Andrew N Dowden

I can't map the Calendar ring (holes) to 254, using my own .SVG render and overlaying both images (holes b/w, 3 months green). Is it possible there is NO 'later calendar' and the ring is "Civil calendar, with NO intercalary days" - so with 360 holes?


Hi Andrew, we determined the most likely division candidates to be 354, and then possibly 360. However the key finding of the paper is that the data do not support the previous long-held assumption of it being 365 divisions. If the calendar has 360 divisions without any intercalary days, then by definition it is not an Egyptian 'civil' calendar, since the 5 epagomenal days are a well established feature of that calendar - Cheers :)

Jacob Rus

What do you think about this new paper from the "Antikythera Research Team" https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-84310-w