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Hi Folks,

Just a quick heads up that I will be suspending charges for all existing Patrons for the month of November.

I've been having some persistent headaches over the last 6 weeks or so, and it has rather nuked my video making productivity. I'm fairly sure that it's just a bad case of eye strain, but I'm in the process of having it checked out.

Again, from your perspective nothing will change. You will still have access to all of the Patron content, and I will still be contactable by email, Discord, direct message, and the post comments if you have any questions, or just want to say G'day and see what I'm up to.

And of course my expectation is that things will return to normal from December.

Thank you again for your continued support folks, and I will catch you all again soon :)





Take care and we'll hope to see you back in December :-)


Get well soon!

Chris Ivison

Hope it gets sorted fast and is nothing serious. Looking forward to hearing your cheerful voiceovers and to once more watch your beautiful work take shape.

Jonathan Numer

What if we want to continue paying... Did you ever stop to think of that ;)


Feel better soon!


Feel better Chris, keep mine if you need for any kind of medical anything


Feel better Chris ! Thanks for all your great work

Michael Lloyd

Best wishes for feeling better soon Chris.


You know, Patreon doesn't offer "sick days." Is there a way we can all contribute anyway? Everyone deserves a break.

Luke Pettit

Don't forget the obvious one of making sure you're drinking enough water. Being dehydrated causes this in me.

Paul Devey

Take care my friend. Your health is of great importance to us.


Your videos does not have best before date.. keep charging. You deserve sick pay like everyone else. Hope its nothing serious. Hope you get well soon

Russell Reckman

I hope you fell better quickly Chris. Love your content!


Hope you feel better soon, Chris! Don't push yourself too hard to make videos. I know it takes a long time to create content with a quality like yours.


Get well soon, and wishing you the best of luck.


Wishing you well, hoping it's nothing much, and you recover quickly❣️


Feel better soon. I hope to hear the sound "Good day! Chris here." soon. But for now don't worry about the videos. Once you feel better, we all will feel better too.


was trying to think of some way of stating this. Ulf nailed it, even if we have to wait a while for it Chris's content is worth it

William Stark

Don't worry about the patreon or vids, take care of you.

Jay Holmes

Get well soon!

Leonard Solomon

G'day, Chris. A speedy recovery to you, much love, and gratitude for all the incredible content and inspiration you give us all. I have a bunch of shop-made tools, and new techniques, as a direct result of watching your videos. Cheers, mate, and thank you.


Get well soon! I’m sure there’s no easy way to opt out of this, so I’ll just up my membership for a bit to contradict you. ❤️

Peter R

As someone who gets headaches a lot, I suggest you also check to make sure it's not your neck or upper back/shoulders. Tightness there can refer around the head to the muscles around the eyes, which feels a lot like eye strain. I'm just adding this because I thought I had eye strain for a while but it turned out to be bad posture.


Feel better, but charge us anyway!!!


hope it's nothing too serious 😞 take care of yourself old chap!

Matt Syme

I'm sure its nothing serious mate. Hope its all sorted out soon.


I too hope it's nothing serious - doesn't seem any of us are worried about getting charged while you're on the mend :-)

Spadge Fox

Hope you feel better soon Chris, take all the time you need!


Glad to hear you're taking care of yourself and hope you're feeling better soon!


Sorry to see this Chris. I hope you are feeling much better soon!

Koos Jorritsma

Hello Chris, sorry to hear about your troubles, best wishes and a bit of peace and silence to relax!


Take care and hope you get well soon!

Sondre Ninive Andersen

Headaches suck, but hopefully you'll get it sorted out. Take care, and feel better!


Take care and get well soon

Phil Sydor

I hope the medics find the cause swiftly with a solution. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.


Take care of yourself buddy, we'll be there when you feel better. Wish you a quick recovery.


Take care and look forward to your great work in the future


Get well soon!


Get Well soon !


Cheers Chris. Take it easy please and get yourself checked out. Repeated headaches are not to be ignored and can be stress or something else. Take care ok?


Hi Chris,


Best wishes from here in the UK, hope it's nothing serious. Look after yourself and get well soon


Ahh geeze man that sounds rough. I can only speak for myself, but my Patreon contribution isn't dependant on you sticking to a schedule, if you need a month or several off I'm happy to continue contributing. Take your time, get well, we'll all be OK and ready when you are my man!

Chris Muncy

Take care Chris. I think I speak for all of the followers here that suspending payments really isn't necessary.


Take care of yourself, that's the most important thing.


Hi Chris, I’m hoping your persistent headaches are not migraines. However, if they are, take a good look at what’s changed in the surrounding environment. Things like lightning that uses non-energy star power supplies and video rendering can trigger bad headaches and Migraines. You’ll be able to tell very quickly what items are causing you issues because the headache pain will be noticeable within minutes of exposure.

Andrew Webster

Get well quick Chris, and keep the payments on for now by all means.


Wish you the best


Hope you get well soon! And no need to suspend the charges!


Hope you can get your headaches soon I know how badly they can hurt. Get well soon.


Just echoing the above: I hope you're back to 100% soon, and my support is not dependent on your output.


Same as above with the well wishes to feel better. I actually had the 'persistent headache' thing happen to me last month and it turned out to be lack of sleep and stress coupled with the constant smell of Pot drying from my neighbor... Maybe if I smoked pot I could have gotten rid of the headache. A mystery to be sure...


Get well soon! I would continue to pay anyway.

Mike Michelizzi

I hope you find a diagnosis with an easy solution quickly! Take care and try not to worry about the videos - your work is worth waiting for.


Take care of number one, Chris. Hope you feel better soon, we'll still be here, paying's not a problem. All the best.

Jonathan Numer

Let us know if you are going to continue on with the suspension, At least give us an option to make individual contributions.


Get well soon buddy


Wishing you the very best and hope you feel better soon.


all the best from Norway, hope you recuperate and eat well and healthy and do whatever it takes to regain health. Drink silica rich water is one health recommendation often given to people detoxing.


Chris just look after yourself hope you feel better soon best wishes mark in the uk


Feel better Chris! Persistent headaches are just terrible


dude no need to suspend seriously! take care of yourself!


Hope you feel better soon Chris!

bruce linde

likewise.... take care.


Please do not suspend. We are here to support you and take care of yourself is part of it.


Best wishes for a speedy recovery.


Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well - all the best

Graeme Brumfitt

G'day Chris hope you feeling better soon, all the best G :)


Does Chris have photos or vids of his shop????----If so, I cant find them.........? Arizona


Take care. I hope you are feeling better soon


Hi Chris, I remember someone close to me suffered cluster headaches. She was prescribed a beta blocker as a prophylactic. She still has occasional headaches but no longer clusters of them as you appear to be suffering.

Kevin Reardon

Better to be better then not. Can't wait to see a video with your voice...


Take care of yourself, Chris, and I hope you feel better soon.

Jonathan Shaw

I hope you get back to your old self quickly. For the record even if you're not putting out videos, I still find my $1 per month ridiculously good value for money because I haven't watched all the patreaon videos yet and i've nowhere near paid enough to cover the value of your older youtube videos. All the best.

George Harris

Hope you're feeling better and its not too serious. Hopefully you know whats causing them now, although results can take time. Only just saw your post. Look after yourself.


I'm another who is happy to continue paying - for me it covers the hours of enjoyment I've got from watching everything to date. However, I appreciate the painstaking effort that goes into producing video, and... it's been a bloody long mongrel of a year. Take it easy.


I concur with the ones who are happy to continue paying. Take care of yourself and come back to us when you are better - All the best, greetings from Belgium


Yes I'm another one. Honestly I've just been waiting for the Antikythera series to continue and don't mind supporting it, that's how I view it. And the research paper was amazing.

George Speake

A quick question about your health. Are you recovering and/or have you already posted results on another site? Get well and God bless!

Paul Smith

Hope you are better bloke, cheers

Jeff Evarts

So it's been a few months... any news?