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Hi Folks,

A quick invite for you all to join me on the next discord Tick Talk about all things home shop setup. Come and talk about all of the tips, tricks & hacks you've used to get the most out of your shop, and I will also share a few of mine. 2 hours of live chat, this Sunday August 11th at 6pm EDT/11pm UTC, on the Clickspring discord.

Look forward to catching you there.



Get info on accessing discord here: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-


John Creasey

I was completely confused by discord. The part that nobody seems explain is that you need to go to a website called "discordapp.com" and login to that.


Very cool! Didn't realize there was a patron-only discord server. Looking forward to it.


Will this be archived/stored for viewing afterwards?


Yes thats the plan John, in time all TT's will be archived over on the Clickspring reddit.


Hi, I'm familiar with Discord and very excited by the prospect of you creating a server. But I can't seem to find an invite link anywhere? Not sure if I've just missed it, or if it's been suspended, or limited to the higher tiers of supporters. I'm at the $1 tier currently.

Matthew Leigh

If you link your discord account to your patreon account, you'll be automatically joined. If you've already linked it, unlink and relink and you should get in. At least that's what worked for me.

Duncan Luddite

G'day Chris, Are we talking Australian EST? Cheers


I gave up trying to setup discord. Ludicrously complicated.


Glad I caught this! I'll be there.


John, I had some trouble too, but it's not as bad as you think. I'll do the step-by-step below.


Any update on when we can expect to see videos again? Been 3 months since the last one and going on 2 since the "publishing a paper" update.


Hi Chris, I live in the UK and just like to say you've got me hooked. I think your videos are brilliant keep up the great work, looking forward to seeing more in the future. 😁


Hey Chris, how goes the progress on your finding? Keep up the good work!

Kevin Reardon

Hey Chris, who's going to be your publisher? Hopefully its the Antikythera Project Team.


Hello mate - I will know more later this month, but I can say for certain that it will not be the AMRP, because they are researchers, not a journal - Cheers :)

Justus Dehegovit

Hey Chris, hope the research is going well. You know, I am really glad I was able to finally become a patreon of you just before your viedos went into official hiatus because if I was not a patreon, I would probably be worried sick about why there are no videos. I dont really follow social media, but have you announced your break fom content production anywhere else besides here and if not, do you think it would be a good idea to also let your non-patreon watchers know? I'm sure there are people off Patreon that would like to know, I mean I was one of those not too long ago.


Hello mate, terrific to have you on board :) Yes with hindsight I probably would have put out a general broadcast on YT announcing the research hiatus, but I didn't expect that it would take so long to complete. I have something in the works that will serve as a public update towards the end of this month, and should also be a lot of fun - Cheers :)