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Hi Folks,

This post is a quick of update for you on something significant that has been happening behind the scenes:

Whilst carrying out the initial research for the Antikythera Mechanism reconstruction, I discovered something interesting about the device that I believe is an entirely new finding. Over the past 18 months, I've been engaged in the process of writing up this finding for formal publication in a scientific journal. It's an incredibly time consuming process, and I recognise that lately it's had an impact on my rate of video production.

So for this reason I am going to suspend charges for all existing Patrons for the month of July while I do my best to get the research paper over the line, and also catch up on future project prototyping and CAD work.

From your perspective, nothing much will change.

You will still have access to all of the Patron content, and I will still be contactable by email, direct message, and the post comments if you have any questions, or just want to say g'day. I have also started hosting a semi-regular live chat on Sunday evenings on the Clickspring discord server. These have been terrific fun, and I would love for you to join me this Sunday evening for the 2 hours if you can (see below for details.)

I cannot thank you enough for your support folks. Without you, none of this would be possible. As soon as I can reveal more information about the finding, you will be the first to know.



--- Next Clickspring Discord "Tick Talk" ---

"Tick Talk III: Project Planning - Setting up for large(ish) projects. What works, what doesn't, and what you've learned that's worth sharing with everyone else"

Time / Date / Duration: 6pm EDT (USA East Coast), Sunday June 16th, 2 hours

Where: "#tick-talks" on the Clickspring Discord Server. Follow this link to get set up for using Discord: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-#h_a3a13f16-01d6-4e71-8040-fc3b91183ed7 



Carry on good sir.

Maarten Daalder

Be sure to post a pre-print for us patrons. :D


Very cool! Looking forward to hearing what you’ve found.

Eike Dreesen

I am happy to support you independent of the rate you produce content as your videos are of a value they will still have in many years to come and if you need more time to produce your own timeless masterpieces to tell us of the ancient masterpieces, so be it.

Nick Cliffe

Where are you planning to publish the paper? Would love to read it.

Oliver Warlow

When you publish the paper I hope it'll be available to read for free online and not as part of a larger academic subscription? Free access to research is really important. Keep up all the great videos, they're worth waiting for!


I'm fine with being charged in July, even without videos. I'd consider it supporting valuable research, which I think is very important! I support other people doing valuable things who don't produce videos at all. I appreciate that you are letting us be a part of your research journey!


This is very exciting! Slower build progress for a while in exchange for actually advancing our understanding of history sounds like an excellent deal!


wow exciting! did you ever think that while building this you'd never discover something new?


Thank you mate - I very much agree, and will do my best to make sure it is freely available for all. Some journals are already open, and there is also the option of a pre-print.

Alex Rains

Chris, If I may speak on behalf of all the patrons when I say that is appreciated but unnecessary. We are happy to support you irrespective of the pace of videos, doubly so in fact if you're not able to take advantage of other finance streams right now. Good luck with your research!

Richard Thompson

I agree with Alex. Please continue to charge my account. You rock Chris!


No, it was completely unexpected - To be clear though at present its just a theory, I still have to get through peer review. Even then, the finding will continue to be contested as all interesting science tends to be to some degree :)


Thank you mate, I do very much appreciate that. It kinda feels like the right thing to do given that I can't yet bring you inside the detail, and the video output has been hit.


Patreon offers a very limited means of dealing with something like this, but I do very much appreciate the kind thought mate, thank you :)

Glenn Trewitt

You are more than welcome to keep charging my account. I think that your paper will be more interesting than my PhD thesis, but that's a pretty low bar.


Ha ha! Thank you Glenn :) The charging process in Patreon is basically a group on/off switch, but thank you very much for the thought :)


Mate. G'Day from the Nation's capital. I also agree with the above comments. I have learnt @#%t loads in the 5 mins I've been here and am happy to continue to support your endeavors; even your behind the scenes contributions. I will be setting up my own little workshop in the coming year and you have made that process a lot less daunting. I'd love to read about what you found by the way. Benny


I really enjoy supporting your effort, so please keep on accepting my small support.


I see you're enjoying a brisk 1.2C this morning Benny - Brrrr! - Terrific to have your support mate, and best wishes setting up the shop. You will get the inside detail on the finding here first :)


Had noticed the slower rate on videos and am glad to hear there is an excellent reason for it. The whole series has been an excellent contribution to our understanding of our history.


Thank you mate - I feel a bit better about suspending payments until I can bring you inside on the detail, but thank you very much for the thought :)


I support you for your amazing content. It's well spent money, so I don't mind be charged for July. Have a nice day Mate!


Thank you Jochen - I feel more comfortable suspending payments until I can bring you inside on the detail, but thank you very much all the same :)


Could you clarify the time zone for talk as I assume you are talking about Australian eastern time not east coast of USA which Google converts EDT into?

Sean Kirby

Very pleased that you are starting to get your work into the formal literature. Always hoped you would be able to do this, for the personal satisfaction for you, but also because that is where the main game is for any science based knowledge. Look forward to reading it. :)


I disagree with you not charging July, so I'm just going to double my pledge and there is nothing you can do about it.


6pm est Sunday is 10 am Monday nzst and work will get in way. Will look at archived conversation


Ok, cool - feel free to add a topic or question in #tick-talk-suggestions and I will make sure that we cover it - Cheers :)

Mark Wilkes

Dude, I’m going to up my pledge. Delighted you’re making academic contributions on top of your already phenomenal antikythera work!


yooooooooooo, dude, that's sick as hell! I'm here for whatever. i'm all for funding a scientific discovery. but i get it if you're not comfortable with that like you replied to earlier comments. https://66.media.tumblr.com/39d019f075d8a1a841e81bdac013029d/tumblr_inline_n793a2mMAI1qjyt7z.png

Clifton Ballad

I must say that is a most compelling reason to not have been working on videos! Re-watching the clock series it is ;) Cheers and keep up the good work!

John S Dilsaver

This sounds like an excellent development. I'm looking forward to reading your paper. I hope we'll have access. If that's the way you want to handle the July Patreon payment, that's fine, --- it's just a pleasure to support you. Thanks!


Thank you John, yes you will certainly have access to the paper once it is published :)

David Few

Yes please keep charging my account, I feel honoured to be able to help contribute to scientific knowledge........


This is an amazing post today. I'm excited for you, and it's your attention to detail that interested me in your channel and why I support your work. I can't wait to read it.

Kai Bröking

I have always wondered: If you have no doctorate, yet, your work on the mechanism and the research done into the tooling should be sufficient to get you a well-deserved degree for your brilliant work.There must be a faculty of engineering somewhere close to you that would gladly accept this as a thesis!


Thanks David, the charge setting on Patreon is limited to all or none, but I do appreciate the offer and your continued support :)


Thank you mate, its a nice thought :) I think writing up the whole project for a doctorate might be a bit more work than I can put in. This research paper is much smaller, and that's already well into the many hundreds of hours. This is the first time I have ever had a crack at something like this, and I truly had no idea what I was getting into :)


Writing a paper, especially the first one, is a daunting process and a rabbit hole but oh god does it feel good when you get your approval for publishing. So keep on it and good luck!


The best way to make a paper useful (and a way to help the peer-review process) is to post a video summarizing the important findings and showing all the pictures and animations (or mechanical movements in this case) which help explain it. The first paper truly is daunting. The 2nd is easier - but you'll be pushing yourself to exceed the first one. Your presentation style ensures that you'll probably have the cleanest and clearest 1st paper that has ever been written.


Thank you mate, will do - I'm very much looking forward to getting it finished!


Thank you mate - Its definitely the hardest thing I've ever done. I will definitely be doing at least a few videos to support it :)


I have to echo what so many said. Please don't suspend my payment. I know it's not big on its own, but still... I don't support monthly expecting monthly content, I support monthly because that's the billing cycle.


Chris. DO NOT suspend mine. 'Nuff said. Thanks, mate.


Ahhhh, one of my pet peeves. Stop making it hard for me to give you money!!! DO NOT SUSPEND MY PAYMENT!!!


Please don't suspend my payment. It is for you total amount of work not only for the videos.

Iain Deas

Hi guys, this is going to be the first time I’ve engaged with discourse, is this a video thing or just audio? It is it just a chat page? TIA.


Hi Iain, for the vast majority of it, in particular the Tick Talks, its just text based chat, much like the old IRC. Line by line text chat, responding in real time. (technically there is the capacity for audio/video but we won't be using it) Hope to see you on Sunday :)

Duncan Luddite

G'day Chris, I only found out that the 'Tick-Talks' was USA time by reading the comments; I assumed that it was Australian EST, us being Aussies and all :) Maybe put a comparative reference to the two time zones in the main description? Will try and tune in.


Like others said, please do not suspended the payments, I am always looking forward to your content no mater if is released on a schedule or not. Keep up the good work!


Joining others here to say, do not suspend my payment, if you can. This is a very worthy work, and I would be glad to pay for it, and to read the paper afterwards!


Please don't suspend my payment, Chris! I'll happily support you for writing a paper as well.


A bit off topic but i am curious as to what lathe you have in your home workshop?

Chris Muncy

Good morning Chris, as others have said, please do not suspend the charges to my account. Thanks.


Hi Jack there is a bit more detail on the lathes here: https://youtu.be/SOT9grqMDvY - Cheers :)

Graeme Brumfitt

Gday Chris, Take my money, G :)

Mike Michelizzi

I support only a few people on patreon but you are far and above the most deserving of what I pledge. You already provide much more than anyone else and it seems that you go out of your way to be available through this, even during this slower period. Thank you for all that you do and

Mike Michelizzi

I wish you the best in putting this paper together. I look forward to reading about your findings!


Haha was thinking about writing something about don't suspend payments but I'm apparently late.

Justus Dehegovit

Wow, those are some great news! As someone who works in reserach myself, the idea of you writing a reserch paper about your projects sounds so cool. Are you gonna get in contact with the people from the Antikythere Research Project, people like Tony Freeth and Michael Wright? Also, as other patreons have already said, please dont feel forced to suspend charges just because you cant produce content right now. If you have a good reason for it, then go ahead, but dont think we wont support you through these times. (Also Hi, I just became a patreon for not even a month and really wanted to say thank you for all you do!)


Please do not suspend my charges - I want to read the article!


No need to suspend charges Chris! More than happy to continue supporting regardless. 👍👊

Brian Ullmark

Agreed - no need to suspend for me either!

Russell Reckman

No need to suspend my charges. I’m very happy to continue supporting your work. No one else out there is making this quality of content!


Hello mate - Yes I have corresponded with both Tony and Michael over the past couple of years. Many thanks for your support :)


Thank you very much Marielle :) Unfortunately Patreon doesn't give me individual control over charging, its essentially all or nothing, and suspending charges feels like the right thing to do while the video output is low - but please be assured as a Patron you will definitely get to read the article, and get all of the detail here first :)


Called it! While I was watching your progress on the mechanism AND on the techniques and tools, I felt your approach being kinda scientific and I was joking in my mind: "he should write a paper about his hypotheses and findings". Can't wait to see what you've found.


If you need another fresh reader to proof, I'll volunteer. I've got a couple of publications, though I doubt my particular specialty applies.


As it so happens, this idea of trying to understand the technology available at the time by building the thing is something my mother happens to be involved in, except more in textile works. I meant to show her the series, but right now she's on her way to an archaeological dig in Jordan.

Jeff Armstrong

I'll add my offer to proof read and edit your paper too. I've worked in Academia for 30 years and my wife is an editor who worked in academic papers in a number of fields. Between us - we would bring a a great deal of experience to your project.


I'm so happy knowing that the past slowdown is actually (behind the scenes) an evolution to a spectacular result! Great work! And Thanks so much for sharing this information - Good luck with the paper and come back soon! I love to follow that project and to learn from your craftsmanship! Cheers!


I was wondering whether you had got bogged down by the project, or if it had got to be too much for you - I'm glad that the delay was due to a revelation about the original design! I look forward to seeing your description of the 'unexpected features'!


thanks for the update. im really enjoying this and the more i watch it, the more i wonder about the mystery behind it, how something so advanced at the time came to be and what or where did it evolve/advance to. If this was there equivalent of the original Pentium computer what would the core i9 equivalent? be?


Another person with some academic experience who is more than happy to fund article writing. I can't wait to read it!


I'm with the crowd on this one. Happy to pay for the betterment of mankind............

Gordon Burns

The very best of luck with your paper, Chris... I'm sure that it will be accepted, and another notch in your Doctorate.


Hey Chris, I’m a huge fan! I’m a scientist at a large university, let me know if you would like a set of eyes to read through the paper and offer some edits. It can be a slog, but I’m excited to see it hit the arXiv some time soon!


Good Luck with the project Chris - looking fwd to seeing the final product.

Marty Jones

I think I can speak for many on here, but what we actually pledge is only a little so I would be more than happy to continue paying my tiny pledge each and every month even if you do not produce a video for several months. Knowing the time and effort you are putting into this, just the updates alone are worth the pledge...

Clayton Firth

What time is the talk in Australian eastern time?


It was 8am last Monday for us, the transcript is still up on the discord if you would like to read it. I will be scheduling another one soon - Cheers :)

Kevin Reardon

I understand your want to stop taking our money while you improve your academic standing, but I'd rather put the $3 to get a hold of a preview of that paper . All I know is it was going to eventually happen. I've been following the Antikythera Mechanism for decades and watching the direction you were taking, you were eventually going to stumble on something new . The way you figured out how to create the back dials was enough for a PhD Thesis (compared to some other thesis I've read). Michael Wright was too advanced of an engineer (which you have become) to get to the first thought process. He had too much experience to see the obvious that the rest of us idiots would say "I can do it this way". So, how much is it going to cost me to get a copy of your paper?


Good luck in publication Chris. Which journal are you going for? This is way outside my field, but I would still be interested in checking it out.

Aaron Caviness

Meh still take my money! I need my click fix!


yeah I am sure the next videos will make up for any quiet periods whilst the focus shifts


I also would not mind if you take my July contribution anyway. Good luck, and I'd be interested to see the technical article (when it's published) as well.


Hi Chris, thank you very much for all of your amazing works and videos. I restore antique pre-1920s typewriters and you've inspired me to start contemplating making my own screws. Most of the machines I work on were made long before thread standardization, so if a screw is lost, it can be agonizing to find a new one. I hope to get myself for Christmas a Sherline, probably a 440, but I'm curious your thoughts on if making small screws is something I need to work up to, or it's something I can start learning and producing right away. Thank you again.


Its definitely something you can get into right away Jonathan, I have several videos with sections covering the topic in detail. One thing to consider: If you're doing small standardised threads (eg BA, Metric, Inch) then the commercial button dies will cover the thread forming aspect of the job (I use them all the time for the small threads, rather than spend the time to set up for single point thread cutting). However if you need to do custom thread pitches you will require the thread cutting attachment for the Sherline in addition to the basic machine, (or alternatively perhaps look at purchasing one of the larger benchtop machines that will give you control over the thread pitch when single point threading) - Cheers :)


Keep my money. What you are building and recording is worth it. I just bought a few books on The Mechanism and they were well worth it. The latest was just published and the information on how the origin of the device could be traced based on calendars, astronomy, etc., was amazing. It got a bit dry towards the end, comparisons of Greek and Egyptian calendars not really being my thing, but still worth the read to see all of the data beyond just x-rays of gears, etc. I hope you don't go on the path towards adding planet movements. Although the latest science strongly suggests that the mechanism would have had those components, the lack of any significant physical evidence of it makes it hard to know how any of that would have been built. But if you do add all of that, it will surely be amazing. Anyhow, I to have no problem spending a few dollars while waiting for some content. It's well worth it considering what you are trying to accomplish right now.


I agree. Keep the money. I'm not actually "paying for the videos", but for your work in the general sense of the term.


Hey Chris I'm conflicted, I hope you get this paper published with a minimum of journal hassle, but I also really like the videos. I don't suppose you can put up some teasers to tide us over, like you did with the acorn bluing and the stand?


Having a casual interest in such things as archeology, I would very much like to have a read of this paper you're writing. Please be sure to notify us when it's done as I'm sure other's here would feel the same.


Just super glad it wasn't a family/medical cause !! (and good choice to concentrate on the paper - and also to suspend payments - I agree with others that I would not have objected, but it does seem like the honorable thing to do, so good for you!)


While I hope you're able to maintain you're anonymity, I also hope we get to see the finished paper.


Waiting for your content has always been worth it, no need to suspend as far as I’m concerned but do as you like. Can’t wait to see what new thing you found, amazing!


No need to suspend. I had been hoping you we actually doing this project for a PhD. Best of luck on your discovery.


I’ll echo many comments here... I would be thrilled to continue supporting your work even if you’re not producing videos. Please un-suspend if able :-)


Chris you get us excited with this talk of fascinating new Antikythera discoveries, and then leave us hanging for weeks. You're such a clocktease.

Andy Pugh

I think that XKCD might have already leaked your discovery: https://xkcd.com/2172/ (See the mouseover text)


well, i coment in this video for first time. About two weeks ago, i used your videos for my clases. I`m profesor of mechanicals machinery in the Mechatronics career, from Buenos Aires University. My estudients are young, and they doing theres first steps in this dicipline. You don`t have an idea what motivaiting this videos can be. It`s so much useful. So, i become a patreon. I can`t collaborate with more, for the unfavorable monetary change of argentina, but vey thanks for this videos.


Chris, if you ever have any spare brass shavings have you thought about selling them as part of a bluing pack? I don't do any machining so don't have access to a ready supply, but desperately want to do your bluing on my next set of guitar hardware.


Hello mate, see if you can track down a local maker space with a lathe. Alternatively, clean silica sand is a reasonable substitute until you can get hold of some quality brass chips - Cheers :)

Kevin Reardon

Hey Chris, how's the world treating you? Need help?


Hello mate, thanks for checking in. All good so far, the paper is progressing well albeit slowly, learning a few new tricks along the way - Cheers :)


Hey Chris, I know you're quite busy but would you mind telling me where you find your hand tools and what types you use most frequently? Also feel free to keep charging money, I'm almost certain nobody minds!


Hello mate, I have sourced stuff from all over, so it depends a bit on what particular hand tools you mean - let me know what you specifically are after and I'll pass on where I got it - Cheers :)


You don't have to suspend my donation. Come on Chris, I know your shit takes time, that's why it's so good. I didn't sign up for this to get content quicker, I signed up to contribute to what you do. Please take my five bucks. Redid this comment cos for a sec I thought your name was Jeff and I have no idea why. It's late I guess.


Thank you Patrick - the payment thing is an all of nothing thing unfortunately, so I'm not able to process individual payments, but I do very much appreciate your support mate :)

Thomas McGinnis

Hope we get to see a copy of your research!

William Evan Barnes

Fuck yeah! Dude that's amazing! It's been so fun getting to peer into your mind, that's why I'm a patron. Keep it up!

Congratulations and great job! I am really excited to see your research when that time comes. Good luck!

Joshua Clark

Chris, did you know that Swiss watchmaker Hublot, built a watch with the mechanism in it.