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(Update June 11th, 6:00pm AEST)

 (Short Movie)  - Registering the 4 feet to the sculpted platform. 


(Update June 8th, 6:00pm AEST)

Some more parts for a fun collab project in progress - still a fair way off from completion, but I'm happy with this base idea.


(Update May 31st, 6:30am AEST)

The new Clickspring discord server is up and running, and is an excellent place to exchange info and talk about all things making. With that in mind, I will be hosting a 2 hour discussion on surface finish, polishing, and abrasives - Sunday night (June 2nd) at 6pm EDT, and I would love to see you there.

If you're new to discord, click on the following link to get set up:  https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-#h_a3a13f16-01d6-4e71-8040-fc3b91183ed7  

Also, it would be nice to give these talks a name so that when I advertise them you know what to expect - If you have any suggestions, let me know in the "discussion-contest" area on discord and I'll pick one. (there is a Fire Piston in it for the winning name :))


(Update May 27th, 10:30am AEST)

The fasteners are complete, now on to shaping a nice chunk of brass :)

btw I have set up a Clickspring Discord server. All Patrons are automatically invited, and you can learn more about how to connect via your patreon account here:   https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-#h_a3a13f16-01d6-4e71-8040-fc3b91183ed7   Its still in the early stage of the setup, with the general idea that it be a place where you can easily share project pics, tool ideas, questions, answers etc. Channel suggestions and other ideas are welcome.


(Update May 22nd, 7:00am AEST)

(Short Movie) - Prototyping of a new project continues. Either an acorn or a dragons egg, depending on how much TV you've been watching.


(Short Movie) - Prototype in progress, love the ribbon chips coming off the form tool. 




Two views, one like... :) keep the good work going!

Samuel Irons

The second form tool sounds good.

Thijs Moring

Get that stuff over to Peter Brown so he can make a bowl out of it. That would look really cool.


Shavings look a lot like wood!

Ralph McCoy

Chris, your form tools are made from tool steel ?? When making a FT do you do it in steps meaning do you have just the final form tool or do you make a series to ease into the final form. That would make a interesting tool video.

Boguslaw Smalec

Hmmm.. its from brass so it would not be a 3d vice swivel.. maybe a handle ? But for what? Let start guessing people :)

Marco Vujevic

Even your 25 second videos are polished and have soundtrack and outro. Are your trying to make all other youtubers look bad? :)

Ralph McCoy

Chris, sorry went to you tube and asked the same ? and one of your videos came up 3 years ago, plus others But the relief angle how is that number figured out ?? 10 , 8, degrees ?? Ralph


Hi Ralph, anywhere between 5 and 15 degrees will do the job - providing its giving clearance to the cut, you're good to go - Cheers :)

robert dawson

Hmmmm, what would be cool, challenging, have lots of wheels and pinions, and handle looking thingies? Perhaps balance beam weights for Harrison's H1?

Clifton Ballad

The acorn/egg is magnificent


Wow chris. Love these short videos, they keep me motivated to always improve my skills. So I have to ask, how do you get intricate shapes like that acorn to such a high finish?


Lots of very careful polishing :) This was a tricky one to keep from rolling the many facets and edges

Boguslaw Smalec

Yes! The discord server! That will be an ultimate university of ancient technology :)

Philip Bouchon

i hope your going to show us how to cut the lovely pattern into the top of the acorn!?


Yes defintely Philip - I'm still prototyping the overall design of the device, but the acorn has made the cut for the eventual video :)


Hey Chris, I have been giving the tool turning technology of the ancient Greeks a fair bit of thought and I was wondering if a treadle lathe would have existed in that era? If so, would you consider doing a video or two on a treadle lathe build?


Hello mate - I have a video in the works on the turning tech that I think was likely used for the mechanism - Cheers :)


Any chance the polishing discussion is recorded somewhere ? I didn't read the discord server link until too late. I want to learn more about brass polishing as I'm finding it difficult to source new brass and am using plate from a scrap yard.


Hi Andrew, you can drop into the discord server and read the recorded chat at any time, and do please feel free to ask any questions either here, on discord or the reddit - Cheers :)

Kevin Reardon

I realize the effort now is to engrave the Antikythera Greek, but what is the status?


Actually its become a little more complex than that - Yes the engraving is a big part of the next few videos, but I have something rather interesting in the pipeline that is holding up the rest of the build. There is a process around discussing it that I have to follow before I can fully give you all of the detail, and I am well into that process at the moment - but it means that I have to hold off on the next few Antikythera videos for now - all of this will make perfect sense when you get the info, and I assure you it will be worth the wait :) In the meantime I'm prototyping the next Patron series project, and also knocking over a cool collab project.

Bill Yester

Kevin doesn’t speak for all Americans, I for one am most patient when it comes to your magnificent craftsmanship. 😊 Having followed you for several years, I know the wait will be worthwhile!

Graeme Brumfitt

Gday Chris, With you all the way. But get a move on... I jest Dude it takes as long as it takes and I know we will all be thankful, all the best G :)

Sean Kirby

Add my vote to those saying take whatever time is needed to do whatever it is you are doing, Chris. :-)