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Hey, Loves!

I'm bubbling this awesome technique up into your stratosphere today because we can ALL use this. Grab your foam roller and get ready for some sensation. This is the TFL muscle. 

The TFL (short for Tensor Fasciae Latae) is a lesser known but crucial piece of the pain puzzle in your hips. It’s a thick, tense, rope of muscle, essentially at the top of your IT band. It’s often a surprise how sensational this spot is—when you’re able to access it, it feels like you’ve found the button in your hips that will somehow magically release them. This muscle is underutilized and tight by those of us who sit a lot. In the sitting position, not only is this muscle in its shortened state, but it makes a habit out of that after prolonged periods of sitting. Also, when we sit, the majority of us slightly externally rotate our femur bones, putting our hips into external rotation. The TFL is in a stretch when your thigh bone internally rotates. This is just to say that if you’re a sitter, your TFLs are in the habit of being tight.

Let's test its mobility today and release it! Join me!




Maggie | Release Technique

Your body is getting good at this release thing, Nat! Also I don’t believe I’ve met your furry friend?!

Dave Jorgenson

"That's the TFL. Hope you enjoyed it." No, no, not at all. :D How often is too often to do this?