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I've had some complaints from some of my female comic characters (Let's face it, they're all mostly female) about the constant state of undress that I have been inflicting on them.  Issues raised have included not being properly weather prepared, unable to meet dress code requirements of venues and in general being subjected to what they feel is an undue level of exposure.

Now me, personally, I think it's fine and they should just get over it.  What do I offer them?  FREEDOM!  Of movement!  Of expression!  Of...  being dressed.  And after all, they are MY characters...!!

However, they've formed a union.  And we all know how that goes.  They have some pull with the Russian Mafia (so they tell me) and are threatening to sign a series of edicts against me if I continue my behaviour.

So, I now have this lady (she won't tell me her name) who is fully clothed, replacing the image I was going to post here.  Look at that - I had a FULL PANEL ready to be filled with all sorts of stripping wonderment...  but she's blocked all that and now what we have is a lone figure just standing there with all that empty space that COULD HAVE BEEN USED.  Geez.

I'm informed she is an 'official observer' and is here to keep an eye on me.

Curiously enough, I've noted she's not wearing any shoes...
