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I seem to have a focus on this robot lately!  I did him in that story of Stripped #3 and never thought about him again.  However, since posting the comic online he's come right back!

Anyway, while he and Zara were onboard a passenger cruiser rather than their regular ship, Zeeb took the opportunity to sneak into the female cabin.  Being a service robot, he had no problem adjusting the environmental controls to ensure the inhabitants would be extra sleepy while he collected a few trophies...




Zeeb's cover story is that if the security personnel don't have panties, they won't chase them. The truth is that Zeeb just wants the panties XD


Well if that's not a vote then I don't know what is!

Lee Forrester

When will we see colors on this one


Do you know what that one's ended up on the backburner, so to speak! I've got a few things I'm bringing to colour to post on here, but I'll make sure this is one of them soon.