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EEEEEEEEEEEp new show HOW EXCITING. no but shes so casual? like wow i got kidnapped, ugh what a pain. guess ill just work and pay off my purchase price and go back home i guess? LIKE GIRL PLS.


Mikael Hultman

How I interpret Maomao not telling anyone she was kidnapped is that as she said, the lives of the serving girls are worth practically nothing in there. So even if she were to have any evidence which she seemingly doesn't (and in the time period/setting selling off family into servitude seems fairly common), speaking up would just risk them killing her to get rid of the troublesome servant who doesn't know her place.


according to Wikipedia (so you know it's true), this story is set in a fictional country that's based on Imperial China's Tang Dynasty (underrated beverage), around 600-900 CE, so yeah, things are gonna be a bit... uh... dicey and outdated when it comes to medical knowledge and casual human rights violations :P uwu side note I love when anime OPs pull out the insane metal/jazz fusion instrumentals for low-key shows that don't in ANY way need that much energy

Zero ChronoV

Maomao lives in a world where death comes very easily. For someone of Maomao's low birth, sticking your neck out for anyone often means literally losing your head and no one cares if the poor die. Kidnapping, rape, and murder are very common among the poor of that era and if you aren't someone important, nobody cares what happens to you. In Maomao's world view, her life is worth less than a crust of bread to anyone of higher social standing and she can be killed by them for even the smallest slight and no one would care because she is just a poor servant. So, keeping her head down and not standing out is the safest way for her to keep her head attached.

Mikael Hultman

From what I've gathered it picks and chooses bits here and there fairly loosely from across the almost thousand years of imperial china, creating a semi-historical amalgamation for the shows setting. Probably best to just not think too hard about it and just accept that what is shown is how it works ^^


Maomao is seriously one of the best characters from last year and for me my favourite female character last year for sure. I am looking forward to more of this series.


true true, it's not like i know ANYTHING about the Tang Dynasty in particular anyway LOL

Vik Persson

You called her a little girl but Maomao is actually 17, for that time, solidly an adult. She is just short.

Vik Persson

people that fell on hard times could "Sell" their kids into indentured servitude. Almost like being a slave but it was only for a certain time period. the servant would get paid and their family would get paid and for the most part the kid would get to work in a place that was often better than where they came from so it wasn't always a negative. In the case of being indentured to the palace she might be able to move up so often they would not want to leave. For a boy child he would likely be indentured/enlisted in the army. Same thing. you get paid but you do also have to follow orders or you could be executed. Not an easy life but not the worst outcome for a child of a poor starving peasant family.

Vik Persson

As for telling them that she is being trafficked, what happens to her? if she is not bought by the palace she stays with the kidnappers who claim to be her family but now she gets sold some place worse or they beat her up for ruining the sale. Not good options. So she keeps quiet.


After watching Tomo-Chan. I thought Tomo was my Best Girl from the shows that came out i 2023, Then zi watched Loving Yamada and Dangers. So a three way tie with Tomo, Yamada, and Akane....Then Frieren shows up and I put Frieren and Fern above the other 3. Tough call out of the 5 still , but still favoring Frieren. Well after watching just the first few episodes of this. I have found my Best Girl from 2023. Maomao is my clear winner. She may be my favorite character of all even. She is great

Vik Persson

It is a sin to BE ignorant, but it can be an advantage if people think your ignorant.


yeah thats very fair. its just the way she's so carefree about it is just so wild lol

farohreacts (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-21 01:55:49 no shes so lovely,but i still love frieren more i cant not
2024-03-21 01:55:49 no shes so lovely,but i still love frieren more i cant not
2024-02-28 20:49:28 no shes so lovely,but i still love frieren more i cant not

no shes so lovely,but i still love frieren more i cant not