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ahhh its been a little hard for me to understand where all the characters  are coming from at times, because we obviously as viewers have insight to things the characters dont... anyways, i can definitely see the greed in his actions when you don't know the background information. He should come into the negotiation with something for the other side otherwise its just charity on their part with their thought process, and theyre not the type of people to behave like that at the end of the day. idk, its just a weird situation to be in all around, one would think these people would have land lines to communicate at least smh



At this point Subaru is driven by desperation and barely holding things together, while this keeps him moving it really limits his ability to empathize with others or see other perspectives. This is also why he is continuing to lash out at everyone, Subaru is driven into a corner feeling the need to act regardless of if that action is sure to be useful like going to see Priscilla. From the outside it is easy to see the flaws because we are removed from the huge stress of the ticking clock Subaru has constantly on his mind. It is a skill to be able to keep calm and think through problems and not just act out of urgent desperation, people are super bad at thinking when stressed. Panicked people can literally rush into certain death because they physically can't stop acting before thinking. in Subaru's current state he probably would breakdown if he tried to stop and think, just because he isn't out of it like before doesn't mean he's in anyway stable, calm or able to think rationally. it is easy to forget how fast things are happening, its only been like one or two days since he was in that cave. Traumatic situations take a massive toll on the mind that can be put off but don't go away, Subaru is stacking up trauma like a frontline solider which keeps fighting and moving until the combat ends but it all comes back to hit them like a tonne of bricks when they get home.

Justin Navarrete

Exactly. Subaru is basically trying to stop a ticking time bomb without the ability to tell anybody that there’s a bomb in the first place

Adam Lawson

Honestly I think you hit the nail on the head with a lot points. Subaru is very sympathetic in how his abilities work and his desperation with how things work. But at this point. He has no ability to understand how others work and that they won’t understand any of what he’s saying. He’s very much someone who acts upon emotions rather than logic at this point. Which is what he did exactly during the fight with Julius. He saw Emilia looking and instinctively thought Emilia would be impressed if he won and used magic against her will. He can’t really think smart at this point at all.


yeah exactly! i feel so so bad for him because i can't even blame him for this behaviour