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dude does this stupid whale make people forget about the ones it eats or kills or something? also the dragon carriage person pushing subaru? omg. wtf.

Also, another thing, why cant subaru just use the whole thing of someone dying if he tells them against his enemies, something tells me it only works on people the witch wants dead or something


Zero ChronoV

To clarify the penalties of talking about Return by Death since this is an often asked, often misunderstood part of it. Attempting to speak of, hint at, or elude to Return by Death, future knowledge that could hint at RbD, or it's connection to Satella, the Witch of Envy, causes a punishment. The first tier of punishment is squeezing Subaru's heart. This is more of a very painful warning to Subaru. If he ignores that or actually speaks of RbD, the next tier is to kill one of Subaru's loved ones. Emilia died because Subaru loved her, not because she was the one he attempted to tell about RbD. If Subaru told one of his enemies, Emilia, Rem, or someone else he cared about will be the ones to pay the price, not his enemy. As for the White Whale, yes, the mist that it specifically spews from it's mouth or if it eats and digests you, has the magical effect of erasing the memory and evidence of that person's existence from the world. For reasons, Subaru is immune to this effect and can remember the people that everyone else forgets.

Zero ChronoV

I should also clarify, Subaru's intent when attempting to speak about RbD does seem to matter in regards to what punishment he receives. The Witch is more gentle when he is using it to do things like increase his Witch's miasma like in the forest with Ram when he started to tell her with the specific purpose of drawing in the mabeasts and Oni Rem in the previous arc and had no intention of actually telling Ram about RbD.


Re:Zero and Subaru's experiences particularly are a great empathy test (shows how good the viewer is at empathizing). People confuse sympathy and empathy, most humans are more or less able to sympathize with a suffering character but much fewer are actually able to empathize. Empathy is a skill and is subjective to the situation, to empathize with a person/character its entirely about being non judgemental and taking on their perspective. Having common life experiences can help, having a vast general knowledge to work from and practicing removing yourself, your opinions and values from the equation so you can try taking on their own opinions and values. Most people that say they are empathetic or good at empathizing are often not removing themselves from the equation, its hard to do and not something the human mind is inherently good at doing. We all only actually ever live through one singular perspective, empathizing is attempting to see the world through the perspective of another, it is impossible to fully achieve, we will never truly be able to experience another pain, thoughts and beliefs as they do. In some ways empathy is very arrogant for attempting to be something you are not especially if used as a tool to claim you fully understand/know what someone else is experiencing. --- "I know how you feel, but you are over reacting" This is not an empathetic statement it is a judgemental accusation. --- "I don't know how you are feeling right now, if you are able to tell me maybe i can understand better how you are feeling" This is the only real way we can empathize with our limited perspective, no judgement just word and a desire to understand a little better. If judgement/ problem solving is needed it takes place after their perspective has been explained not before or during, even better if it is worded as your own perspective and not an objective statement. "From how i see this situation i feel uncomfortable trying to solve this for you, i can suggest how i might handle things if i was in that situation." How many people actually talk this way, not many as unfortunately we tend to be unaware that we push our perspective of things on others because we don't know anything else. I am doing that right now in explaining how i see empathy and how i empathize, I'm not infallible nor do i have any claim to objective truth, i only have my perspective and a little bit of other peoples 2nd hand experiences to work from. Being human is being limited, so its best to be humble and assume you don't know everything ^^ I can be a little arrogant about my decent general knowledge and so need to be self aware about that sometime, its a WIP 😅😋