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Shin is literally terrifying me at this moment. I'm so worried about him and what Kiwi has in store for all of them. I wonder if Shin will be able to maintain sanity because of Lena, also interesting to note that because of Lena's rapport with the 86's they're willing to maybe come in through Grand Sur and save the republic... hmmmm


Tunnel Rat

Love your pickup of Karlstahl and Lena’s conversation. I know some people would’ve been frustrated or annoyed with what her uncle was doing but he’s always had her best interest in heart. Otherwise how else would she have gotten away with all her preaching back in cour 1? He just became too much of a broken idealist after seeing what his country had become. Stuck between duty and what he cared for.


Karlstahl and Annette are both really interesting to me. The fact that you've got 2 people who would both normally be upstanding, moral people get so beaten down by the country they live in that they just get sucked in to a kind of Nihilism about how their country has behaved, and start to resent it.