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nah the way roswaal just killed Ram like it was nothing is so fucking telling. Also, we don't know if his gospel is empty or not, I'm actually so curious. Also, also also betty's section of the episode hurt hard. i HATED having to see her suffer like that man. But truly I was correct in saying Roswaal is here to shape Subaru, not Emilia. He gives no fucks about her.


Adam Lawson

Since someone has already mentioned the Emilia thing I won’t. But clarification on the Roswal thing. He knows Subaru can redo things. But he isn’t aware of how he does it. Hence why he beats him up and tries to keep him alive throughout.


Now that I think about it that secret that he has to die to restart is his biggest trump card against Roswaal, otherwise he could just fucking kill him as he pleased until things worked out as he saw fit😭

Zero ChronoV

As others have said, it was Emilia, just very mind broken from being isolated by Roswaal, having Puck and Subaru gone, and failing the trial repeatedly. By repeatedly, I mean the whole time Subaru was at the mansion, she was just doing the trial over and over and over again. We've already seen how much of a toll one try takes on her, so doing it non-stop without a break? The snow is automatically associated with Emilia because one of the things she is known as is "The Glacial Witch" or "The Ice Witch" from her time in the frozen woods of Elior Forest. The glow in Emilia's eyes was supposed to represent the "light of madness". No idea why the staff chose the same effect as Satella's aura from the previous episode to animate that. It made a lot of anime onlies think she was Satella in that scene. Also, that was technically Subaru and Emilia's first kiss at the end of the episode. This will be notable later, so just keep this in mind for now. The episode was titled "The Taste of Death" because the kiss happened as Subaru died and Japan has a thing about first kisses tasting like lemon. As for Roswaal, he knows Subaru can loop, but doesn't understand how it works or what triggers it. He thinks Subaru can just loop when he wants to and that Subaru still dies like a normal person.