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BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I TOLD YOU HE WAS RELATED TO THE THRONE I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT. I just want to know how the poor little girl is related to this... is she being threatened to transport messages?!!?!?! OMG WAIT IS SHE


Bruno Dion

To explain the baby part in a non-spoiler way: Mao is talking about 2 babies. The current emperor (let's call him Jim), had a kid 17 years ago with Ah-Duo when he was a wee prince. That baby is gone. Around the same time Jim's dad, the now dead ex-emperor, also had a kid, Jim's little brother (he is mentioned during the tea party when Mao mentions no one ever sees him). That baby got delivered by Luomen, Mao's dad(?), who got expelled afterward. Also Jim and Ah-Duo are close since they basically grew up together (foster siblings).

Zero ChronoV

Many of your current questions will be answered in the next episode.


Exactly, Jim - Current emperor, Gary - Jim's father/last emperor. Jim x Ah-Duo = Baby boy (deceased) Gary x Empress dowager = Jim's little brother Jinshi and Ah-Duo = Seems like there is a relation?


I swear whenever those brats show up and be all "teehee she's being a picky eater again" my pulse climbs to heights hereunto only told in legends Also I'm glad i'm not the only one who was COMPLETELY confused by the current emperor/previous emperor internal dialogue at the end, i only finally put it together just now because Faroh replayed it three times LOL


good name choices, he looks like a Jim tbh