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Hi everyone! I just got back from my family's Thanksgiving, and I'm ready to get back into work on Chapter 4. Between this and Christmas, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish this update by the end of 2021, but I'm working my hardest to get it out to you all as soon as possible!

Here's some general updates on what we've been working on:

New Background Art

First off, all of the main Longwood backgrounds (town, bedroom, lab, ranch, shop, and guild) have been completely redrawn from scratch by our new environment artist. These backgrounds will be added in 0.33, and each includes 3 time-of-day variants: day, evening, and night. They all look incredible, and really give the game a fresh new feel!

Kira even has her own little underwear stand now!

Next up will be a new date location with 4 unique backgrounds, which is also coming in 0.33! After that, expect redrawn backgrounds for all the other downtown areas as well (restaurant, beach, chapel, etc.)

Voice acting

The actresses for the new Chapter 4 Haremon and the new Awakening have been cast and have already submitted their first sets of lines! By the time 0.33 drops, it should contain over half of the total voice acting for each of those characters. I'm super impressed with how both of these actresses captured their characters, and I can't wait for you to hear them in-game.

Additionally, with the addition of some other missing lines, we've now completed voice acting for all Haremon up through the end of chapter 2, with the exception of Jet. I'm still actively scouting for voices for the remaining un-cast characters, and will let you know when I find suitable ones. (Side note: it's really hard to find voice actresses who can do a natural-sounding tomboy voice...)


When chapter 4 launches, it will contain (at least) 5 new CGs! These include:
- The chapter 4 Haremon's first H-scene
- The chapter 4 Haremon's selfie
- The chapter 4 Awakened Haremon's H-scene
- The chapter 4 Awakened Haremon's Awakening CG
- Kira's first H-scene
Professor Laurel's Lover H-scene is also in the works, but time will tell if that makes it into 0.33.

Unfortunately I can't share any previews of these CGs due to spoiler reasons, but I can assure you that they're some of the most unique CGs so far!

Chapter 4

With nearly all the art assets needed for Chapter 4, I'm hard at work on the story, code, and music for the new chapter. There's a ton of work left to do, but I'm dedicating all of my work time on the new chapter. There's not a whole lot I can say without spoilers, so I'll just say this: I think you all are really going to enjoy the story developments and the new Haremon you'll be meeting in Chapter 4, and I can't wait to share this new chapter with you when the time comes!

Okay... maybe just one teaser image. Since this is somewhat spoilery, I'll just attach a link, and you can view it at your own risk.


And that's about it for now! Sorry that I can't share many specifics because of spoilers, but I hope you understand. Expect some small teasers in the coming weeks, as I decide what bits and pieces I can share without spoiling anything. At this point in development, I'm really focused on completing the game's story so we can enter Beta and then work on hammering out all the remaining bugs and polish issues. I hope you understand that because of this, builds will be less frequent until the final Chapter is released.

As always, thanks so much for your support! I'll keep you updated as development on Chapter 4 proceeds.




I'm really curious to see how things will continue in the new chapter ^^ not to forget the rest of the innovations


Your doing great love the game