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Hi everyone! I hope your holiday season has been pleasant. I've got an update on Haremon's development that I'd like to share before the end of the year.

Progress on Chapter 4 has been steady, but slow. On top of typical holiday stuff, I've been sick a few different times over the last few months, including a case of Covid over the Christmas holiday. Needless to say, this hasn't been great for development. For those reasons and my expanding scope for the chapter, there is still a ton of work left to do on Chapter 4 before it's ready for a release.

HOWEVER, seeing that it's been a couple months since the last build, and seeing how many bugs and issues I've addressed in 0.33 that can't be simply patched into the current version, I've decided to turn this chapter into a two-part release.

The first part of Chapter 4 will include a scripted date + H scene, a new dungeon, and the first quest of the chapter, along with a new date location, many bugfixes, new items, moves, monsters, features, and more. It will be released in early January. (I was aiming for a NYE release, but couldn't quite make it without sacrificing some polish.)

The second half of the chapter should release later in Q1 2022, and will include the second dungeon, the new Haremon and Awakened Haremon, a few H scenes, and the conclusion to the chapter's story, among a bunch of other stuff.

Now, here's the thing... honestly, I would recommend waiting until the second half drops, and playing the chapter all in one go. The story will flow a lot better that way, and the first half will be more polished by that point. I'm really only releasing the first half like this because I want you guys to get something good for your last few months of support, and so I can get these bugfixes out there. In the end, it's up to you, but my personal recommendation is to hold off on the new content until the full chapter is released.

Thank you all so very much for your overwhelming support this year. I appreciate it more than I can tell you. I'll see you soon for Chapter 4, part 1!




I'm so glad you're okay!


Oh btw, if you can't access the Christmas H scene, use console command "receivetext 67". If you don't have console access, post your save on the Discord and I'll do it for you


As long as you're taking care of yourself that's all that matters to me. Honestly out of all the games I follow you're the most active in terms of both development and with your followers! Can't wait to see what you got in store for the next update!


Be well, take care of yourself. and have a happy new year. Remember we love your work or we would not be here. I am sure there are many like me that can wait.