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Hi everybody, just posting a quick impromptu poll. Feel free to take a second to vote, or ignore this post if you don't care.

A few people have mentioned Haremon's difficulty recently, saying that the newer builds are significantly harder (especially early game) than the public (0.20) version. This confused me, because I actually tried to make the game significantly easier in the 0.29 overhaul.

So here's my question: Are the recent Patreon builds of Haremon harder or easier than the old version that's currently available on itch?

Feel free to leave a comment with specific feedback if you feel the game is too hard/too easy.

P.S. I uploaded another hotfix to 0.32 today, fixing a bug where post-battle Bonding values were incredibly low, along with a few other fixes. Grab it if you haven't yet.


Kicks Yerdoya

It feels a bit harder. I remember post chapter 2 release i’d been have difficulties only with the bosses, but when i came back to play from the start for chapter 3, base enemies were steam rolling me.


I'm waiting for the full release, but would prefer it to be difficult


There's a lot more complexity, but I'd say it's easier overall. Seduction and Clara being massively buffed made a lot of difficult fights much easier if you have the numbers advantage. If you outnumber the enemy, seduction makes the fight way easier. Bosses are also made easier through Clara's insane healing power, especially when coupled with Daisy's Baton Pass. However, enemies being able to take advantage of seduction makes regular encounters harder. Without a good way to counter seduction, most generic encounters are kind of a race against the clock. I think the game is overall easier, but there are strange pings in difficulty (specifically with seduction) that might want to be smoothed out. Until you can consistently 1-round enemies, those enemies using seduction moves makes the early game a bit more difficult than usual.

Scott Wulf

I think it is still well balanced, my only comment has more to do with updating your Itch.io page to keep people in the loop their who may not use Patreon or certain other sites....just a thought...


I feel the only time i was struggling was very early game when you simply don't have the girls and resources for constant battle. After the early game, the guild provides so much money and items that you won't find many issues later on. Not to say there aren't hard areas, but that is mostly do to poor planning issues, such as not having strong enough buffs or de-buffs to handle menacing or spammy enemies.


Harder, but with a stipulation. I repeated the start a couple of times and on occasion you'll get terrible luck with the A.I. where they spam the poison move. If you're prepared its not so bad but 1 run I got poisoned every time I cured it, this stops being noticeable after Clarabelle joins.


Old public build went from one mushroom to fighting three with a single haremon. New build eases you into it and only has you fight as many monsters as you unlock haremon. It’s much easier


definitely increased in difficulty, i went from an old .20 version to .32. before it was a pretty easy and now I'm getting my ass handed to me 3v2 xD as someone who's very bad with time based games, I'm in for a world. Time to be persistence and memorizing the block combos!