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EDIT 5: Updated to, fixing yet more bugs and crashes. See my comment on the post linked below for a full changelog.

Chapter 2 is here! Please check the main post for some important notes (and a changelog) before downloading.

When you're ready, you can get the build here.

Thank you all so much for your patience these past few months, and as always, thanks so much for your support!



I seem to have a bug where the game has no audio. I tried restarting and nothing.


Did you remove the executable from the folder where the audiogroup files are?


Getting a fatal error when entering battle in the black mirror event in the archfiend's temple: ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Create Event for object obj_battlecontroller: Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [0,-1] out of range [1,10] - -5.girlName(100389,-1) at gml_Script_battle_set_enemy ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Script_battle_set_enemy (line -1) gml_Object_obj_battlecontroller_Create_0


Is there a good way to transfer kinks between girls?


Not yet. You can manipulate Haremon to learn their kink before you tame them, but that's about it right now


Thank you. I look forward to being able to teach the Haremon as many kinks as possible.

The Omni Degenerate

how do you unlock "love" scene's? I have maxed out vex affection and haven't gotten one, but not just her, so what am I missing?


Vex's Lover scene isn't implemented yet. For the others, you have to accept their confession and then just play until they send you a text message initiating the scene.

The Omni Degenerate

so does that mean if I send them to the ranch to just "hang out" that would speed things up? cuz it says it increases texts. also only 1 of vex scene's says its not in yet the other 2 say they are just not unlocked yet


Two of Vex's scenes are activated by progressing through the story. And no, the ranch only affects the "random" texts you get from them, including selfies, but that doesn't include confessions. Confessions just require you to raise their Affection to Crush level


Odd, link is not working today as well. interesting...