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It's about time I copied the FAQ to Patreon, for those who don't have Discord.
This is just here so I can link it to people who ask common questions.


Q: When will the next public build be released?

A: I don't know.

Q: When will the next Patreon build be released?

A: When it's ready.

Q: Will you make an Android/iOS/Apple/Linux version?

A: Almost certainly not. And definitely not during Alpha or Beta. Please stop asking.

Q: How do I import my saves from the previous build?

A: Open an Explorer window and navigate to %localappdata%. Open the Haremon folder. Find the saves you want to import in the saves folder from the previous build, and copy them to the saves folder for the current build (from 0.20 onward, saves are located in "haremon saves", so importing manually will not be necessary from here on out.) Note that this functionality is not present in builds (such as 0.15) where the game has been restructured too much to preserve save compatibility.

Q: How many Haremon will be in the final game? How long will the final game be?

A: This depends largely on how long I (and the rest of the team) are able to work on this project. I'd place a rough estimate at 20 Haremon in the final game. I plan on including about 5 "chapters" in the final release, which would put the game at around the 30-40 hour mark.  

Q: Will you translate the game into [your language here]?

A: No. The game already has thousands of lines of text, and the final product will likely have well over 100,000 unique strings. Translating this game would be an immense undertaking, and would almost certainly not be worth the huge investment of time and money it would require.

Q: Where does the game currently end?

A: There are currently two Chapters to complete in the main story. When you get the "Thanks for playing!" message, the demo is over... for now. More chapters are still to come!

Q: I get a "Win32" error when starting the game. What do?

A: It seems this bug is caused by your system running out of VRAM while GMS compiles the game's textures. I'll continue to optimize the game as development goes on, but until then there's unfortunately nothing that can be done about it. (See below for more information about GMS and textures.)

Q: Why does the game run so slowly for me?

A: The engine (Game Maker Studio) is very limiting. GMS is an engine most commonly used for pixel art games, and as such, it's really not intended to handle lots of large textures. The massive character sprites and backdrops in a game like Haremon take up a lot more memory than GMS typically handles, and therefore makes it run slowly on low-performance PCs. There is a lot that I can do through optimizing my code and assets, but this will be a slow process, and the game will likely remain laggy on lower-end PCs until we reach the full release.

Q: My PS4 controller isn't working!

A: GMS doesn't recognize connected PS4 controllers natively. You can fix this by downloading a program called DS4Windows (google it), which allows Windows to recognize your PS4 controller as an XBOX controller. Then, you'll want to open the Settings menu in-game and change the "controller icons" setting to PlayStation.

Q: How do I tame the bunnygirl?

A: If you haven't picked up the "Trial and Error" quest, you can trigger it by visiting the Laboratory after taming the imp. During that quest, you'll obtain Test Serum from the Professor, which must be used to tame the bunnygirl. The bunnygirl will run away if you defeat her ally monsters before pacifying her, so use all three test serums before defeating the monsters.

Q: Why can you only have one Lover? Isn't this a harem game?

A: You can fuck any of your girls regardless of Lover status, so yeah, it's still a harem. Lover status implies a romantic connection which, for now, is exclusive for balance and story reasons. In the final game, I may include a "True Harem Mode" as a New Game + option.

Q: I'm stuck on [insert scene here].

A: It's probably a puzzle, and you probably skipped some important dialogue telling you how to solve it. If you can't figure it out, call the Professor for a hint. If you still can't figure it out, ask about it in #spoiler-chat on Discord. But please don't message me about it. Please.

Q: How do I access seasonal content?

A: Seasonal content is currently only available in patron builds, and will activate automatically during the correct time of year. However, patrons can also activate this content at any time of year. To do this, press ~ (shift + `) to open the debug console, type setdate x y and press enter to set the current month to x and day to y. For example, setdate 12 25 will make the game think it's Christmas. This works on all patron builds, not just the E-cup Debug builds.

Q: I'm a patron, but I didn't get my Discord role.

A: Sometimes the bot doesn't work. Tag a moderator and ask them to add your role.

Q: I'm playing a debug build but pressing ` does nothing.

A: The game checks for a press of keycode 192, which should correspond to ` on standard US keyboards. Try googling Javascript keycodes and figuring out which key on your keyboard corresponds to code 192. That button should open the console. (If you can't find it, ask people in #patrons-only. Many other patrons have had this issue and may be able to help you figure it out.)

Q: Will you add a choice to play as a female protagonist?

A: No. That would require rewriting almost all the game's dialogue, as well as completely redoing every CG to make it yuri. Additionally, certain aspects of the lore prevent the protag from being female (some of which are not revealed yet).

Q: Will [insert character here] have an H scene?

A: If they have an Affection meter, they will eventually have at least two H scenes and a selfie. 

Q: Why don't you hire another programmer? Can't you afford one?

A: I may have the funds to hire a programmer, but I don't intend to. There are several reasons for this, including (but not limited to):
- I'm a control freak. I don't like the idea of not being in control of every line of code.
- My development strategy involves a lot of improvisation. I don't plan features out well enough to relegate them to another programmer.
- I don't want my source code compromised by an unscrupulous partner.
- The project's source code is MASSIVE, almost entirely uncommented, and held together by duct tape and rubber bands. Trying to introduce another programmer to the inner workings of the code would be a nearly impossible undertaking, and would probably tame up so much of my time and effort that it would completely defeat the purpose of hiring another programmer in the first place.

Q: Where did the "wanna fuck?" option go?

A:  Most H scenes are now unlocked via story progress, so that option is only there for Haremon and NPCs whose scenes aren't integrated into the story yet. Check the Gallery app for hints on how to unlock each CG.

Q: Why is all the good stuff censored?!
A: You must have accidentally enabled Safe Mode. Go to the Settings menu and disable it.



"But please don't message me about it. Please." Sorry about that.


Last time i tried the game i was grinding hard to level up the haremons, and then i met a certain shadow.... and back then it was more or less impossible to win due to a certain (then crazy OP) skill she used xD At one point i even tried Cheat Engine, CoSMOS and Artmoney in an attempt to make some sort of GOD mode for myself :P


Hi. Interested in becoming a patron but would like to know more about the "PayPal Situation" as I primarily use Paypal.


I had some problems with my PayPal account being locked down a while back, but it's back to normal now.

Allen Lewis

Will the special edition bonus pass down to $5.00 patrons?


Sorry, I don't understand your question. The Special Edition bonus is a $10 perk


when i enter dungeon the game just stop runing.


Is there a way to disable the timer when you have to select a dialog option i am playing version 20.0.06 and i can't find anything in the settings about it.


I have problems with save files, I can't use the save files from the previous version (0.23) in version 0.24. I saw in this post but I can't get them to work, ideas on how to do it or simply can not?


Are they not appearing on the list of files when you click Load Game? Or are they appearing and it just won't let you load them?


They appear in the general folder in the local data but if i open the 0.24 version of the game and i click in load there is nothing


they are in that folder but for some reason the new version can’t read the old version save files. edit: to do a test I started a new game on the newer version and I changed the name of the player to differentiate the save files. If i go to AppData \ Local \ Haremon \ haremon saves I can't find the savefile with the different name, so for some reason it saves somewhere else and I don't know where


Sorry, I don't know what could be happening. The game only saves files in that exact location, so if they're not there it's likely something with your PC.


where could the location of meru the succubus be at?


She's not in the game. meru_nyaa disappeared from the internet last year so the deal fell through