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So, this has been on my mind for a long time now.

The #1 thing holding this project back is the lack of contracted artists. All of our artists work on commission, on a piece-by-piece basis. As they are all freelancers, they have tons of other projects they're working on, and therefore each new CG takes a couple months to draw. It's incredibly frustrating having the game's progress determined by the speed at which artists work, but at the same time I have to respect their schedules.

As I see it, there are two options for how this project can move forward.

1) We can keep doing what we've been doing, with a small number of artists. This way, we average about 1 new CG a month, and the art styles are relatively consistent. For example, all of the selfies are drawn by Ninii, so they are consistent. The sex scenes, meanwhile, are drawn by 2 different artists, so there's some variation but nothing too jarring.

2) We can hire more artists. This way, progress will be significantly quicker. However, we'll end up with a wide variety of styles. This will probably make the game feel less cohesive, but it will be finished much sooner, and we will be able to increase the number of CGs in the final product. I've been avoiding this option, because I don't want to turn the game into a clusterfuck. However, I've been really frustrated with this issue lately, and looking at other games with multiple artists, I don't really think it would end up being that huge of a problem in the longrun.

I'm really interested to know what you guys think about this dilemma. Please vote for which option you would prefer to see, and feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments. Note: this is not a decision I would leave in the hands of the players. I simply want to know how you all would feel about this kind of change. The actual decision will still be mine to make.



How much would it be to hire one of them? I'm talking about him/her working more on it than you.


I think aslong as you keep the characters assigned to the artist that drew them it would be alright.


I would say for the best option would be to find a designer you like and hire just one person to do the cgs instead of relying on too many people and spreading your team too thin and inconsistent. Nothing wrong with having different art style for characters but with one person who’s only dedication is to this game or at least their top priority then you’ll find cgs being done much quicker that are possibly of a higher quality, and you won’t have to pay so many too many other people besides your core team which can drain a budget.


i would say hire more or 2 or 1 full timers that could speed it up mainly so that you can finish the project and not burn yourself out on it. but its up to you plus i dont mind if it takes longer.


You could always go with more artists during this early development time, when programming and writing is naturally going to go much faster than art, and then have some of the less-cohesive art redone as you enter slower, late-game development cycles. While you might be outpacing your artists right now, that eventually won't be the case as you focus less on core story and gameplay elements and more on polishing.


The way I see it, as long as all elements that are on one screen at the same time (e.g. characters in their non-CG state, or the various enemies in battle) are done by the same artist, it looks cohesive enough. CG consistency tends to matter less in that regard, in my opinion.


Same. All of the character sprites (monsters, haremon, and NPCs) are done by the same artist, and he's probably the fastest artist on the team so that's not going to change.


I had this thought too. I could potentially release the "complete" game as Beta, then use the revenue from that release to create a polished "complete" version that has every CG redrawn in the same style. Same for backgrounds.


I don't know how I forgot to mention backgrounds, but the same problem applies there too. In fact, the disparity in the quality of backgrounds is currently a much bigger issue than CGs. I'm less concerned about those, though, because it's far easier to have those redrawn (because they're not porn, so it's much easier to find artists willing to work on the project).


I've actually been talking with an accomplished CG artist who could potentially dedicate most of their attention to this project for a while. They're finishing up a different game right now, but this could potentially happen.

Allen Lewis

There is a game developer out there who makes a lot more money but new content is slower than in your game. I believe that he is milking his patrons. I like your game and I am perfectly happy with your pace of development. Another full time artist would be great, but don't sacrifice quality for quantity.

Dion Starfire

I WOULD like to see more and different art styles. I've often found just the nude character models nude sexier than most of the CG's.


I might be a new patron but i've been following your game for quite a while and one of the reasons i decided to join up is in the polish and consistency of it. While im not fully against new artists being introduced in general, it would be a shame to start seeing the usual patchwerk of crowdsourced games


Part of the reason I want to speed up development is for this exact reason. I want to make sure I'm providing adequate content each month for the amount of money I'm receiving, unlike some devs. However, it looks like most people are okay with the current pace, which is pleasantly surprising to me.


TBH I like world characters models so much much more than CG's from sex scenes. The style just doesn't sit well with me, and as you say, they just do not feel as the same characters because of different drawing style. If you are at a point, where artists are holding you back, I think many people had some good suggestions. The best would be probably to get someone full time. The second best would be to get more artists, with very similar drawing styles, but the same character should be always drawn by the same artist. Always. This way game overall looks cohesive, and there are no wtfs with characters looking different in different scenes, while having good progress.


Seems like there's a pretty large consensus that your sprite artist is by far the fan favorite and most reliable of those currently in your employ. I don't suppose he's looking to get into CG work, or at least assisting with the character models therein...?

David King

So i dont want to vote yet because i do have a suggestion if you'd like to hear it, why not to some applications for the positions so they have a somewhat similar art style? just a thought.


Thanks for your input, everyone. We'll keep doing what we've been doing, unless things start to slow down.