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Well, the poll to design the angel ran for a week, and now it's over.

Let me tell ya... it was close.

Without further ado, here are the results:

Based on these results, the angel will have long white hair, blue eyes, two wings, a halo, a two-piece outfit, valkyrie armor for her alt outfit, a negligee, a bikini with sarong, and a bow as a weapon.

Finally, we get to body type and personality, which were by far the closest votes. Here's where we ended up:

It's unbelievable how tight this vote ended up being. I know some people will be disappointed that their choice lost so narrowly, but I hope you all take it in stride and trust that we'll end up designing a wonderful character anyway.

One note on the personality type: since kuudere and serious/noble fit together so nicely, I think we'll end up doing a combination of the two. The angel will be calm and seemingly emotionless, but very noble and serious.

Unfortunately, I don't think there's any such compromise to be made with body type... we can't really make her body both mature and petite, so we'll just stick to mature since it narrowly won the vote. We don't have any mature Haremon yet, after all, so it will be a good opportunity to get some variety in the lineup. (Come to think of it, maybe we should call this species Seraph or something, since cherubs are traditionally children...)

Well, that's it for now! With that, we're done with this round of voting. Next up will be sketching the angel and letting you guys vote on which sketch you like best. Unfortunately, our character artist still has a few more characters to draw for Chapter 2 before we can start on that. Realistically, I'd say we'll be able to start the sketching process sometime in July. (The only other option would be to delay Chapter 2, so I appreciate your patience!)

Let me know what you think about these results, and as always, thanks for your support!



Democracy was a mistake... Oh well, I am looking forward to seeing how things will turn out in the end


Well, so much for team orange-hair, it didn't even make it to the results screen, hahaha. On the bright side, though, looks like this mature, noble angel is gonna be the valkyrie I was rooting for after all! Take THAT, democracy!


Far be it from me to shill my ideas in this democratic process, but seeing the results does give me a strong idea for a particular kind of character. A lot of people wanted an innocent angel, and a lot wanted a strong, forceful character, which I think makes for an interesting combination. What if this angel was noble and upright to a fault, adopting an overprotective, big-sister attitude towards the player? Determined to preserve his not-so-innocence from this strange world that seems to be filled with nothing but sexual innuendo, she would have a really interesting place within the group dynamic. Just an idea to bounce off the crowd.


To leave some positive notes: I am happy with the outcome and look forward to the angel haremon! Yay Valk armor and mature appearance :)


Damn I was looking forward to my petit kuudere Maybe next time